- Part 3

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"I didn't deserve to be voted out first!" Yukimura exclaimed.

"Next time you get it in one go, hold it in until a proper meeting starts. It's really annoying when someone calls meeting at the beginning of the game." Matsushita said.

"I ain't listening to the guy who fucked a stack kill."

"Yeah, I messed up, but I had fun being impostor."

"We were doing so good until I killed Rinbayashi..." Akihiro groaned.

That reminded me... earlier in the game, Matsushita entered admin and circled around us before leaving. He had the chance to kill us as he was impostor, but he didn't. Does that mean he recognised we were stacked on top of each other?

"Matsushita-san. Why didn't you fall for Rinbayashi-san's trap earlier?" I asked.

"Oh, I thought something was off as black was named Takanori. Your colour is yellow after all."

As expected of the ikemen of E Class, he remembered the fine details of even the most insignificant of students.

"To be honest, I don't pay attention to names, ha ha." Akihiro laughed.

"Speaking of names... why's your name "ladiesman123", Aki-kun?" Mitsuba asked.

"Oh, it was my old Ybox username. I thought it'd be funny."

"How many girlfriends have you had then?" Sakigamiya said.

"Zilch. Zero. Nada."

"Pfffft, virgin."

Sakigamiya wheezed as Akihiro replied to her suavely. The amount of confidence he had admitting he's never had a girlfriend was scarily impressive.

"Ya know it. I'm a good Christian boi." Akihiro clicked his fingers with a laugh.

"Nah, nah, Ishima's got a girlfriend: his right fucking hand!"

Yukimura started to bellow at his own joke. Mitsuba and Tanaka laughed, while Matsushita started to snigger. I guess even pretty boys like him could enjoy crude humour.

"Hey man, it's better than being making love with a blow-up doll, eh?"

Akihiro snapped back with a burn so deep even I felt it.

"Yikes." Yukina said.

"OOOOOOOOOOOF!" Sakigamiya screamed. "HE GOT YOU HARD!"

"Last time I checked, Mitsuba's the only one horny enough to own one of those fucking things." Yukimura said, sliding the heat from him to Mitsuba.

"Bro, I wish I had a blow-up doll, but I wasted all my points on the Gucci belt before I could get one!!"

While Mitsuba whined about his bankruptcy, I wondered how the school would treat controversial objects like those.

"I'm pretty sure the school wouldn't allow that..." Nora pointed out.

We were still technically minors, but the rules at school state we can buy anything with points, as long as it's within reason. Would they confiscate the blow-up doll, or would Mitsuba not be allowed to purchase it altogether?

"Screw the rules! Let me have my self-gratification!"

When Mitsuba said "screw the rules", my mind immediately jumped to Kaido, because he had money. I wondered if someone of his status would play a casual game like Among Us too.

"Let's play again!" Sakigamiya exclaimed.

"Last game though, I've got plans after 10pm. Tamaki's dragging my ass to some party." Akihiro said.

Cardfight!! Vanguard: Generations Volume 1.5 [Dr Yukimura]Where stories live. Discover now