That Butterfly in the Rain

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A/N: "Hey, Hey, Hey!! Did ya hear that this is part two of the previous chapter!? I hope so...' Looks at you in a serious way' " You don't skip chapters do you!?!"

T: " If you skipped go back You-" 

A: " Don't insult my readers Tomoe..-_-"

Are You A Human?

'Thats all I have left of my Mother..'


The little kitsune woke up shivering. It was so cold and the storm outside was raging hard against the walls of the hut he was in. The hut was small with a fire pit in the middle of it. Tomoe bit his quivering lip as rain leaked from the roof onto his soft white hair. He wrapped his tail around him and pulled the blanket in the hut close.

The kit missed his warm futon; and how his mother would tell him stories of the samuari in the kingdoms far away. He couldn't even pick up a katana. How would he ever be like on eof them? He whimpered out into the dark hut and let unshed tears stain his rain damaged Yukata. He pulled his mother's old flamed kimono close to his face and sighed at the womans scent. His Mama's scent..

An image of her lifeless body flashed through his mind and he choked on all the emotion building up in his chest. It was his fault..HIS! He started to wail as the darkness surrounded him. He would never see her face again; He would never hear her soft voice and he would never feel her warm hugs again. He was alone... All alone.

Tomoe bit his lip as his eyes started to droop. He was tired and his little body couldn't take to much more. The little kit fell asleep with his mothers Yukata wrapped around his head; hugging it like it was his mother herself. That piece of cloth was his only protection right now. For a little boy with nothing....


Tomoe opened his eyes as the sun shone into the hut. He felt horrible and his leg was still hurting from the lash he had received. He sat up and looked around. It was quiet; there was no good mornings, There was no hug. The litte kitsune stumbled to his feet and nearly rechted at the pain. He felt sick.

Tomoe walked out the huts door and shivered. He was so cold! The little fox ran through the mud and started to look for sticks. His mother always had him collect wood for a fire. His little ears twitched as he shivered in his little Yukata. He had left his mothers at the hut so that it wouldn't be ruined further. He knelt down in the mud and whimpered at the sharp pain in his leg. His little fingers ran through the mud; searching for the wood.

"Well Dear; What are you doing there?"

Tomoe froze and looked up with wide eyes. There was a lady with pretty hair. It was blond with a hairstick stuck through it. She didn't look like a regular human..But still. She was one right?

"INSECT!!!" Tomoe screamed and jumped out from his poistion. Then he started to run away quickly. His arm was grabbed by the womans and he yelped in fear.

"L-Listen Human!! I have fire and its hot..and..and.." He started wail right there in front of the woman. The tall woman chuckled and knelt down to his eye level.

"Your a kitsune. Boy; Dry your face!" She wiped his kid face with a cloth and smiled, " There you go child."

The fox bit his lip and whimpered, " Y-Your a human...I...HATE Humans."

The woman smiled and sat there, " I'm a human; I'm not a human...What does that matter?" She tucked a piece of the childs hair out of his eye sight, " What are you doing out here all alone?"

Kamisama Kiss ( Tomoes First Adventures..) ( Being Rewritten )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora