[4] Fourth Case.

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Ruby, Dora, and I began to make our way to the trial room. Not many words were exchanged because we were all nervous. Just trying to take in the fact that Balloony had died and one of the others had snapped just like the past three and murdered... It was a little terrifying. I was shaking a little, glancing over to the other two as we had entered the courtroom.

Everyone was there. We were the last to arrive as everyone was skeptical and looking away from each other. We knew it was time. We knew it was time, once again. I didn't want to do this again. I didn't want to have to take in that another person had died because of one of us. I went to my podium, looking around a bit and uncomfortably avoiding looking at Taco as she stood by me. I knew I had to just face forward... I didn't want to acknowledge it. I didn't want to acknowledge her death. Even if I tried.. The person who was across from me was where Match's podium would've been. A stand with a frame containing her photo smeared in blood took the place of where she belonged to never see any of us again. I teared up a bit, trying to not break down in front of everyone as I waited for the cue. Monoroku was grinning sadistically, observing all of our expressions as he was sitting at the judge's bench. "Welcome back, students! Getting used to this?" He chuckled a bit. 

"Now, let me explain the rules in case anyone had forgotten! One of you murdered dear Balloony, with a snap to the neck! They are the blackened... Now the rest of their classmates need to find out who it is. If you do~ The blackened will be punished! But.. If you fail.. Let's just say.. Everyone but the blackened will be punished, and the blackened will go on to graduate and to go back out free in the world alongside the wish! Now.. Have fun, and may the trial begin!"

He hit the gavel down, announcing to all of us it was time to begin the trial. I was nervous, as I stared up at everyone else.



Everyone was giving each other nervous glances, trying to figure out who should speak up first to begin. 

Firey Jr rolled his eyes, scowling a bit.

"Are we going to begin this or what?" He spat.

Gelatin giggled. "Of course, stupid!" He went to cover his mouth, putting his hands behind his back. "So! Let's talk about the scene of the crime." He started.

"Well, yeah..." Taco rubbed the back of her head, biting her lip. "Where even was it done?"

"W-Well... It appears as if it was done in his room. With that dumbbell on the floor, correct?" He looked over to me, knowing that we were the ones who investigated the crime. 

I was about to speak until...

"Wait." Liy quickly interrupted. "That's not right."

"Huh?" 8-Ball looked over. "And why is that?" He raised an eyebrow, putting his hands in his pocket as he was suspicious of Liy.

"Monoroku said something. Something very important." 

He did?


"And what may THAT be?" Jr asked.

Liy gave everyone a look. "Are you all really that stupid... He just said it!" She spat.

I hesitated, trying to recall what had Monoroku just said seconds before realizing what Liy was referring to. "Balloony wasn't killed by the dumbbell." I announced.

"W-What? What killed him..?" Loser glanced away, a little embarrassed.

Dora looked over to Liy, seemingly a little relieved. "Somebody snapped his neck. While Pencil, Ruby, and I went to investigate, we decided to see what happened to the body. His neck was mangled."

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