[3] Girl's Gamenight!

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After we ate our apples, we got up and went to throw it away together. "..So, what's up?" I asked, with a smile as we walked back over to the hallways, Liy messing with her goggles as she looked at me. "Well... After the whole.." She went quiet, seemingly trying to find the words to form what she was about to say. "...Incident." She finally said, putting her hands behind her back with a bit of disappoint and hatred in her expresion. She was biting her lip, avoiding eye contact.. I knew exactly what she meant.

"I decided to hold another meeting, to erm, completely exile her from our group." She explained, looking for me for any sign of approval of her plan. I nodded. "..Sure, where we are we meeting?" I had a few questions, but that was my main one.. "Ah, right! We're heading for Pencil's room right now. She told me that she wanted to have it in her room today, and we talked before I ran into you." She walked over to her room as she looked over to her, putting her hand on the door. I walked up by her, as she began to push against the door and open it slowly using the pressure of her hand.

As the door opened, behind I saw was ..... Match and Pencil, both sitting on the floor on the carpet. I frowned at the sight of Match, but pushed it to the side as we began to sit down after Liy closed the door behind us. "Hey! I'm glad you all came by. You all already know her, this is Match and I believe she could just come for this meeting.. Maybe future ones if you'd like." no. I would NOT like that. Thank you very much! "Interesting surprise.. Anyhow, I'm sure you planned the activity today right?" Liy didn't seem to mind having Match for this one time.. "Mhm! We're going to play monopoly. I found hanging around in the new room of the third floor." She smiled as she placed it down. "Now, just to take a bit longer.. How about we pair up into 2 teams of 2 just to take a bit longer?" She suggested with a grin, as I nodded. Oh! I'd love to be working with Pencil...

"Hey! Pencil, can we pair up?" I shot my hand up with a eager smile, looking at her with pride. Match suddenly stood up, putting her hands on her hips. "And, like, who says you can pair with Pence pence?! She's mine!" She spat, looking at me as I turned my head over to her.. Oh, I forgot.. "...Match, you're always hanging out with her! Why can't I have my chance??" I whined.

"Girls! How abou-" Pencil was quickly interrupted.

"Like, we're BFFs! You can't take that away!"

"So?! You're not her only friend!"

"..Yeah, she has like, Ruby! She like doesn't need anymore!"

"She does!"

"No! Let me pair up with her for once!"

"Leafy, like, nobody cares if you wanna be all needy and pair up with the person I've known all of my life!" Match stomped her foot on the ground, crossing her arms as I got up and glared at her. Pencil was visibly getting nervous, which I really didn't want but.. I needed to tell her to fuck off! "You're being so clingy!" I complained, huffing as Liy stood up and pushed both of us to the side. "Both of you need to calm down! I'm going to partner up with Pencil, just so you both can get along for once!" She hissed, clearly not happy with our agrument. Match rolled her eyes and looked away. I crossed my arms, staring at her. Damnit.

For the next few hours, we went to play Monopoly. It was difficult getting along with her, just because of how frustrating and picky she was. We kept on arguring on what to buy and stuff, and I got really upset. In the end, Liy and Pencil managed to easily beat us. I huffed, crossing my arms angrily as I looked away from her. I wasn't happy... I couldn't see what Pencil and Liy were doing, but I knew that Match was equally upset at me. I decided to get up, checking the time to be around 8PM. "Alright. I'm leaving! Thanks for having me. I guess." I was still upset at Pencil for inviting her over, than again, she probably bugged her over it or something.. I left, going to the kitchen to grab some food before leaving. As I walked into the kitchen, nobody seemed to be there this time.. Huh, odd.. I quietly went to go grab something from the fridge to heat it up before leaving and heading for my room.

As I walked with the food in my hand, I was heading back to the hallway.. I looked over to my room, pushing my hand on it and was about to step onto it before my food was quickly snatched by someone. I quickly turned around to see who did it. "Nuh uh uh! Don't forget the new rule! No food in the rooms." He presented the PDA, showing the original rules and one new one..

"#11 - Any food or drinks of any types with the exception of water are prohibited in the bedrooms."

I tilted my head, taking out my PDA and looking down to see the same thing. Interesting... How long has it been since I've checked the rules anyways? I put away my PDA, sighing. "Right. Uhh... I'll just eat in the hallways than." I quietly said as I grabbed back my meal and sat down right infront of the door of my room. "Is that allowed?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Gelatin went silent, putting his arms on his hips and sticking his tongue out. "Sure it is honey!~ Just don't do it again." He grinned, before walking off. I was kinda confused why he called me that.. Additionally, why is he correcting people over the rules? Sorta confused me, but I decided not think much of it as I finished my food and threw it away inside of my room. It was late by this time, so I decided to go to sleep. Unlike the other night, I was able to sleep soundly.

It was morning now, or.. It should be. I lost track of time.. I'm going off of the clocks in this damned place, but thinking about it, it might as well just be midnight in the real world.. Where I should be. I decided to go talk to my other classmates, since it's kinda been awhile... I've always kept to myself, and I sorta made enemies with quite a few. Well, I was opening my eyes when I suddenly saw Firey Jr staring at me. I screamed. WHEN THE FUCK DID HE GET HERE

"Hah! Did I scare you??" He snickered, getting up. "Morning, shithead! Thought to wake your sleepy ass up, it's 11 PM you bitch!" He stretched a bit, clearly being playful as I sat up and stared at him in confusion. "H-How did you get in my room..?" I tiredly asked as he confidently put his hands on his sides and looked at me. "Jee, you're quite forgetful! I wouldn't be surprised, you also forgot to lock your room." He pointed out, doing a single fingergun using his hand. "Anyways, I gotta get goin'. I gotta wake up the other sleepy asses who forgot to lock their doors! Cya, dickhead!" He began to leave, running out from the door. Huh. I guess he's really starting to act like his age.. He didn't even try to wake me up, he just... Waited there. The thought creeped me out, as I got up from bed to go change. I kinda stopped hanging out in my room, as I went to step out of my room. I went to walk away from Firey Jr, who was trying to open the other rooms. Most of them were locked, but he managed to barge into someone else's, for what I assume to try to practice the same deed as he did for me. I decided to go check out the third floor today, with a bit of curiousity of what could be there this time.. It might be better than the 2nd floor.. I began to go towards the flight of stairs, noticing Balloony coming down the stairs and passing by me. It looked like he didn't want any eye contact whatsoever. I decided to not think too much of it.. He did accuse me of commiting murder after all. I climbed up the second flight of stairs shortly after, reaching the top and new third floor..

I looked down the hallway, it seems to be like your average school hallway. Which, isn't that bad... I began to walk down the halls, looking around with curiousity. I didn't exactly know what I should do, maybe check out the rooms or something. No idea.


I wonder what the new rooms are.. And which rooms would most likely have a body..

a dead one, more specifically.

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