[3] The Third Floor.

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As I stepped onto the third floor, I felt a new feeling go over me. A feeling of dread, telling me to go. Despite this, I began to walk ahead.. Looking around.. Most of them seemed to be classrooms, nothing too important. I hummed to myself as I began to enter one of the rooms, as it had a special label that I couldn't quite read on it. Inside was a small library, with bookshelves covering the entire wallspace.. In the middle of the room were a few desks, and something I'd thought I would never see.


There was a computer, right on one of the desks... It seemed broken and very outdated though, which wasn't that unexpected... The two people in the library were Liy and Loser, which wasn't really surpising... Liy was gazing at the computer, seemingly trying to do something with it. I didn't really know what she was doing, but I didn't want to mess with it. I looked over to Loser, who were at one of the bookshelves looking through the books. I smiled a bit, going over to talk to Loser. "..Hey." I waved nervously, as he looked over to me. "Oh, hello Leafy... It's been a while since we last spoke, huh?" I nodded, smiling a bit at the sight of him. "..Y-Yep-! A lot of things happened from when we last talked.." I watched him take out a book from the shelf, as he faced his entire body towards me. "Yeah.. Erm, sorry.. I haven't exactly talked to that many people lately... I've been working on a new book, actually." He smiled. "I'll explain it to you." He began to walk over to one of the study desks, as I followed him. i wonder if its a smut fanfic ;) ;)

I always loved his works, I mean, he's a child prodigy in writing! I've always read his books when I was younger, and it shocks me that we're about the same age... "Well.. I've thought about our current situtation, and maybe I could write my own murder mystery!" He smiled weakly. "...I have all of the deaths planned too and stuff.. It's going to be about 18 people in a murder mystery game, and one of those 18 is a murderer intending on killing everyone else." He explained, as I listened in with interest. I mean, murder is sorta a sensitive topic to me after what happened and all but it was really interesting to see him explain stuff!

"..I intend for the really silent girl to be the murderer in the book, where she doesn't really talk so nobody would suspect her. There would be about 4 survivors in the book, and I might write a sequel including them in another one." He smiled at me, seemingly waiting for me to give feedback. "Oooh! I really love the idea, Loser! I'm sure it's going to be your best work yet!" I exclaimed, smiling as he put some hair out of his eyes.. "I'm glad you enjoy it.. I'll be sure to try to mail you a copy of the book once we get out of here and I publish it." He said, still clearly having some hope of all of us surviving somehow.. I liked that hope.

I wish I had it...

"..Yeah! That sounds nice! Thank you so much, Loser.. I'd love to read it." I eagerly said, glancing over to Liy.. She was still at work on that computer, making me wonder some things.. I decided to not say much adn get up. "..Anyways. I should get going now, have fun writing the book!" I smiled, hope glimmering in my eyes as I ran out of the room. There were still a lot of rooms to check, but there was one room that quickly caught my eye as soon as I left the library. It was a doorframe with neon flashing lights coming from it. My eyes were immediately drawn towards it, beginning to walk over it to check it out. In big bold letters, right beside the frame had a sign that said 'ARCADE.' I was surprised to see this out of all things in the school, but okay. I walked into the arcade to be amazed by the sight.. The room was surpisingly large, with a lot of games and such to do.. I noticed a few people in the room, mostly people like Ruby, Firey Jr, and Roboty hanging around here. Huh.. I hardly see those two split up.

I decided to step out and revisit it later, mostly to play some more fun games! I went to go walk, turning some corners as I kept on passing multiple classrooms.. When I came across a new room. The nurse's office. With curiousity, I went to go enter into the room to check it out.. Something felt off. I noticed a used syringe on the floor, and the medicine cabinet open... What the.. I went to go explore, noticing the medical beds.. All of them seemed empty, but one.. One was occupied. But who was it..?

As I walked over to the bed with curiousity.. I noticed it to be Match. ...Why is she asleep here..? Wait.. Is she asleep.. or.. I went to go in and check the pulse on her neck.. After a few minutes of attempting to check her body, I felt nothing. I stumbled back, staring at her.. No. This is wasn't what I wanted. She's dead.. Oh my tree. I need to get someone else. Someone from the arcade might work.. I began to run, trying to head for the arcade when I felt something grab my hand from behind and pull me back. I screamed in surprise, trying to turn around but my head forced to stare forward. NONONONO I DONT WANT TO END LIKE THIS! NOT TODAY- I was trying to struggle, seeing a scalpel being waved around on the side of me. I screamed, trying to get someone to hear. Before I could escape out of their grasp, I felt the sharp object go right by my neck, cutting my throat. I screamed out, seeing red.. I don't know if it was their clothing or my blood, but I gagged. I fell to the floor, feeling an additional stab right to my chest. I weakly tried to get up, only hearing footsteps as the culprit seemed to had ran away. I sobbed to myself.

These were my last moments. I would die. Forever...

Only if...

Firey... Pin.. Coiny............................

I wish I can see you one more time before I go..

for one last time.


I smiled, weakly. It was game over. The end... I had hope... One last hope I would see someone and speak to them one more time.. There it was. Pencil was walking down the halls, turning the corner and seeing me. "L-LEAFY?! oh my lead no.." She covered her mouth in shock, staring down at me. She was visibly shaking, falling to the floor on her knees as she just.. Saw me. I felt bad... Her 2 closest friends, dying like this.. I hope she can live. I want her to stay alive.. For me.... Well..

I looked up to her, my vision blurring as I gave one last smile..

And my last words.

"i-i love you. ..please check the n-nurse's offi-"

I blacked out. I'm gone. I'm dead.... I can't see anything. I can't feel my body. Is this what it feels like to die? Forever?

......i'm sorry match.

i really am sorry.

whoops slipped my finger x2

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