[5] Paper Cut.

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I froze up, speechless. Everything was going so well... I frowned, putting my hands in my pockets as he stood up on stage. He loomed over us, laughing from our faded expressions. "Awh, sorry about that little play you were having going on... Impressive, I must say." He clapped a little, keeping an upright position as he moved his hands behind his back and gazed down at all of us. "Now, you all know the deal by now with the motive and all." He sneered, going to take out slips of paper from his pocket. He presented it to all of us.

"What the hell is our new motive now... Better be good, I don't want to waste our goddamn time with someone as goddamn stupid as you." I heard someone say, looking over. I figured the voice was from Liy, clearly ticked. 

Gelatin giggled. "Oh, I bet it'll be really interesting!!" He grinned. "I do wonder though.."


He went to move it out, in a card formation. "Walk up and take one each, then I'll explain what's the motive~" He grinned at us, amused from our current states. I glanced around at my fellow classmates, wondering how they were all taking this. I felt the tension... I knew everyone was nervous, hearing all of their soft breaths. I shakingly went to walk up first, taking lead as I went to grab a card from the deck and move back. This gave the signal to everyone else as they collectively got a card. "Feel free to look at it... Do not show anyone else what information is presented on the card~" He grinned sadistically.

I hesitated.

What was even on the goddamn things that could be so important???

I slowly looked down at what was written in the paper slip that I had taken out.

What was written on it surprised me.

"Loser is the mastermind and the one behind the killing game."

I stayed quiet, glancing up a bit as I noticed panicked and uncomfortable glances at everyone else. Something was wrong... I knew there was distrust. 

Monoroku smiled. "Oh right, let me explain what this time's motive is! Just for anyone who hadn't quite pieced it together..." He stood up straight, hands behind his back as he looked down at us with a piercing gaze. "The things written on your cards are statements. We don't know if it's true or not... That is something you may find out if you manage to kill someone in a few days."


"S-So wait... If we don't kill then we don't get to know if our card's true-?" Loser anxiously asked. He seemed pretty shaky and startled, which isn't that surprising knowing the situation. Monoroku nodded, giving him a sharp grin. "Indeed! With that, I'm sure one of you will snap sooner or later... What's on those cards is quite valuable." 

I frowned a little, gazing down at the card and reading the information once again. It can't be... Did one of them really set up the game? For the rest of them??? That makes no sense. Not at all. I didn't want to believe that Loser had to be the one to set this up. He seemed absolutely terrified over the whole thing but...

Was it an act?

I had a lot of doubt, glancing to the side as I moved the card into my pocket. I looked back up, waiting. There was silence among everyone. You could hear everyone's sharp breathing. This went on for a few moments before the seemingly everlasting quiet had been sharply pierced by the voice of one of us. "Are we dismissed now." 8-Ball spoke up, tampering with his collar as he seemed uncomfortable. 

"Oh, correct! You are all dismissed... If you'd like~" He smirked, before laughing maniacally and disappearing in a puff of smoke. We were all left to ourselves. I knew everything was tense. I knew nobody trusted each other... Whatever the fuck was on those slips clearly made an impact. Despite our playful times where we all could unite and just spend some time knowing we worked hard on something and had fun...

It was all shattered.

All of the trust and care we had built for each other had been shattered as the events of the killing game cycled again and again... One after another, falling and snapping from the pressure and their own peers harming each other. The thought made me feel weak... Helpless. I couldn't do anything to help anyone and I knew it was that bastard's fucking fault. 

Maybe even Loser's too. I don't know anymore.

"So uh-" Ruby spoke up, still holding the slip in her hands. She had her hands down, with a worried expression. "Should we just--" She was interrupted as I noticed Liy passing by her. She seemed clearly upset from my brief glance, seeing her face...

I hope she was alright.

She was one of my few closer friends from this place and having to know that she's been separating and staying away had always haunted me. I held my arms. "I-I'm gonna go." I quickly said, dismissing myself as I left the doors of the drama room and left in my own direction. Everything felt faded. I couldn't properly process and understand what my thoughts were as I could feel my heart beating and my body turning numb and shaky. Something felt wrong. So wrong...

I feel so disgusted.

I couldn't figure out who'd strike next.

Everyone seemed so distrusting...

Hell, it could be me. I don't want to think so, though. I knew I had to restrain myself. I knew I had to...

I would never stoop that low.

Not after what had happened to both of my closest friends.

I gripped my hands into fists as I quickly ran downstairs for the first floor. I couldn't think. I speed walked for my room, heading into the hallway where all of the dorms were before making a swift turn for where my room was located. I opened it, slamming the door after, and went to jump myself on the bed and hold in all of the pent-up emotions.

I felt really upset... So angry... I just wanted to go home. I really did. I hated being stuck here and I just hope I can live through this living nightmare. I laid on my bed, grabbing a pillow and hiding into it as I tried to calm myself down. I was trying to distract myself. I was trying to think of all of the fun things I could do once I left... I don't know if anything would be the same after this...

Probably not.


Definitely not.

Nothing will ever be the same...

Not for me.

Not for anybody who survives.

I sulked quietly, trying to not spill any tears as I drifted off to a peaceful rest... 

Where I'd stay safe for another day.

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