[1] Garden of Hope..?

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I got up and out of bed, looking around... I was safe and alive, like a regular everyday morning. I went to braekfast, ate, than left. It was time for me to explore the place and get to know my surroundings. I never really checked that many rooms, besides the one I woke up in.. That day was scary, and I wish it was never there. Well.. There's two more days until Pin's dead. My best friend. There's the risk of someone being dead today. A high one. I just hope it isn't me... I decided to go down a hall I hadn't quite entered yet, with curiousity.. It used to be blocked off, I just didn't mention it because it didn't seem that important until now. Most of them were simple things, like office desks in each room and such. It seemed like the hallway where the staff would be, except... There were no staff. The only 2 staff members we have seen is Monoroku, and Four... Four's dead... And Monoroku went insane.

I'm terrified to know the fates of the other teachers.

I continued to walk down the halls, to soon find a door with a interesting label on it. Unlike the other rooms, that were labelled with your sterotypical names of the teachers... This had a leaf printed on it. I tilted my head in curiousity.. Was this for me? I moved my hand slowly onto the doorknob, twisting it slowly and unlocking it. I was shaking, as I pushed forward to see what it was. The whole time, I was confused, asking multiple questions and terrified to see what was behind the door. It could've been anything.. A trap.. Monoroku... Anything. But.. Instead...

What I saw was much more different than I expected.

Stapy and Spongy were there, seeming to have already found the hallway and room before me. What was it..? I looked around in confusion, seeing what looked to be light shining in..? Huh..? After my vision got used to all of the sudden light, I soon realized what it was.

A garden.

What? Why is there a garden here..? It seemed to be growing various flowers.. It was really so beautiful, and my eyes widened with joy. I mean, after all, I am the Ultimate Botanist! "..Wow...." Was all I could let out, as the two turned over to me. They seemed to had finally noticed me. "Hey, thought you'd be amazed at this." Stapy grinned. "The flowers look nice, don't they? They look like the perfect ones to be added to a grave.." He muttered, as he ran his hand through the soil of the plants. I wasn't sure, about that... But, he's the expert in that sorta stuff! Spongy rolled his eyes. "I'm just visiting." He decided to walk back, shoving me to the side as he did. I didn't really like that, but I didn't judge. "So, you're interested in flowers too??" I looked at Stapy as I asked, wondering why he was so interested... Besides the whole grave thing. "Mm.. Yeah, my friend Foldy loved to use them to create flowercrowns for herself." He explained, before getting up. "Hey, maybe when I get out I could give some of these to her... But they need to be tended properly, because she only likes specific ones." I jumped up and down excitedly.

"Which ones does she like? I could possibly help tend them!" I REALLY loved tending and helping others with their garden! I mostly love growing flowers, so this seemed like the perfect chance of doing what I love! "..Well, she likes buttercups, bluebells, and pansys the most... And we have some buttercups here to grow." Stapy responded, as he got up and began to move over to a small area where the buttercups were being grown.

"So, we could possibly grow these until we're finally let out of this stupid place. Assuming that none of us go insane and tries to kill another person that is." He left out a little laugh before getting up. "I'm sure that'd never happen.." He bit his lip nervously.. He seemed to doubt what he just said, which... I hope so too. But that's that slim chance someone might.

Well... It depends on who everyone else got. I should probably ask.... I looked back at Stapy, smiling and waving. "I gotta go." I said, before running off... I didn't know what Stapy responded with, but I didn't care right now.

I ran with full speed, trying to find Pencil again... We're best friends, if you can't tell! Well... As I ran, I accidentally bumped into someone, falling back suddenly with a small oof. Everything was dizzy.. I looked forward, to see who it was.. Firey Jr. He groaned in pain, looking down at the floor before getting up and seeing me. "W-Wait.. It's YOU-" He growled angrily. He wasn't happy to see me again... And to be truthfully honest, I wasn't very happy to see him either.. "I knew I recongized you as soon as I damn saw you.." He walked up to me, with a death glare. "You're the girl who won't stop bothering my brother!"

well... crap.

"W-What-!? N-No..? We're just friends.." I tried to defend myself, getting up. "'Friends?' My bro told me all about your annoying ass. And honestly, I might as well kill you now because my brother is going to die in 2 FUCKING DAYS if I don't do anything about it!" Wait. What-

I was suddenly pushed back down, staring up at the small guy with shock. What was going on?! I felt myself freeze up, out of fear. He had his hand balled into a fist as he was about to give me a huge punch.. But.. He hesitated, his body shaking a bit as he looked down at me with an angry expression. "L-Look, if you FUCK with me A-AGAIN- I will KILL you, YOU HEAR ME?!" He shouted, tears falling down his face as he did. He seemed really nervous... For someone giving a death threat, that is. "..Fuck off." He muttered, kicking me in the legs before walking off in the opposite direction.. He left me there, in short confusion as I tried to piece together what happened.

I was quiet as I got up, deciding to leave the area out of being nervous.. I don't know why he did that... I really didn't. I was terrified. Just the thought of dying scared me, even if it was for just saving someone close to the murderer.. I rubbed my eyes, trying to force myself to stop crying. It seemed like Firey honestly didn't like me. Mostly because of how his brother treats me. I hope I could just see him and talk to him for one last time...

I wished we didn't have to go through with this game of life and death.

I just hope nobody dies....

I really do.

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