[4] Distasteful Reintroduction.

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My line of thought had just been broken by someone calling my name, closeby apparently... I looked around, confusingly before I had my eyes focused on the girl calling me... Someone I am not.. So fond of.


"..Hey." I bit my lip, putting my hands behind my back as I leaned against the wall of the cafeteria, wondering why she would come up to me out of everyone. "What do you need?" I was trying to stay calm. I've heard a lot of very bitter and terrible stuff about her, and hell, I don't like her. I had to work with her on a school project once and she hardly did her work... It was annoying.

"W-Well-!" She laughed nervously. "I just wanted to say hi and... Maybe make up for.. All that's happened over the last few years, yknow?" She smiled, clearly having good intentions... Which I will pass on. "..Hm. Not interested." I went to go move away, walking out of the cafeteria and hoping she didn't follow. Unfortunately, she decided to follow me and try to annoy me more. "W-Wait! Was the stuff I did that bad??" I scoffed, turning around. Was she really asking me this? Of course, the stuff she's done was bad! "Taco. Listen to me right now... Two of my closest friends in this shithole of a place are fucking dead and I do not need any more people to fucking ruin my life. Okay?!" I snapped, before turning around and walking off... I felt a little bad, but I hoped she wouldn't try to talk to me after that... I didn't need memories of what... Book did. The thought made me shiver. Hell, I think I changed after all of this death stuff. I never thought how bad stuff could get until recently. I always took my life for granted...

I looked down to the ground as I went to head for the fourth floor once again to go hang out in one of the classrooms... Maybe find Ruby and chat with her. She's the last remaining sunshine in this place. Her smiles made me happy and I would honestly break if I lost her.

Hopefully, I don't...

I went to begin to climb the flight of stairs, humming to myself as I did. I mumbled to myself quietly, kinda missing my audience... Even if I hated them, at least I didn't feel completely lonely like I do right now. I mumbled to myself, trying to strike up some sort of conversation but it was lacking... I could use talking to someone like Ruby or someone that I didn't completely despise. I was on the third floor by now, a twinge of guilt hitting me as I hesitated before going past it and taking my next few steps up the stairs. I was finally on the fourth floor. I knew there was another, telling from the police tape covering the next stairs... I didn't want to risk death quite yet. I bit my lip as I went to begin looking around, going to open a few doors.

Most of them were empty, but I found 8-Ball writing something in what seems to be a journal in one of the rooms. I tilted my head but decided to close it and leave him be before he noticed me. I kept on walking.. I noticed the weightlifting room, hesitant.. I knew who was going to be there, and I didn't like them at all.

I growled a little before going to head to another floor, knowing there wasn't anyone to speak to. Stupid Taco... Stupid fucking game... What the hell was anyone thinking of hosting a goddamn killing game in a school??? I huffed angrily, going to go fish out my phone from my pocket. I gazed at it, the screen being a bit broken because it was old. I went to go swipe up, scrolling through my pictures again. It was nice to see it... Comforting in this place, at least. I was glued to looking at my memories, smiling a little until I had bumped into someone. I stumbled back, looking up confusingly to see who was there. "H-Huh-?" I quickly put my phone away as I focused my eyes on the person I had bumped to.

I had completely forgotten he was here jeez... "Balloony?" I looked at him as he seemed to be gathering a few items. "H-Huh? Oh! Hi Pencil." He gave an awkward smile, waving a little as he had a few things in his hands. I didn't know what to say. I hardly knew Balloony and I have never really talked to him until now, so it was kinda off to me. I should probably actually talk to him and get to know him... "Hey. Uhh.. What are you up to?" I gave a small smile, watching him. "Nothing much... Just heading for the gym to go and get the air pump for these empty balloons." He showed off the multiple bags of deflated balloons, making me surprised he was even able to find something so on point with his talent here... "Cool. I'm just heading to my room." I stretched a bit, rubbing my eyes as I looked at him. He nodded, clearly a little uncomfortable with the sudden conversation we were having. "Right... Well, gottagocya!" He quickly said, hurrying up the stairs and leaving.

I raised an eyebrow as I went to go head downstairs for my room... I was tired and planned on taking a nap. It was noon right now, and I decided to skip lunch served at 1 for a good old sleep. I slowly went down the stairs, observing my surroundings. It was a boring old school... Despite that, the events taken here were.. Quite brutal. I didn't like the thought.

I went to head inside of my room, smiling to myself as I went to go into bed and straight to bed. I was tired of this.

hehe minor chapter~ i have a lot to do like plan the sequel to this book- (thats assuming there will be!~)

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