[1] Meet your Host!

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Who just said that? I looked around, confused

-.. Apparently, there was a stage behind all of the crowd and there stood a man behind the pedestal onstage. Everyone turned over to it, they wore an eyepatch with a suit and a fedora. "Greetings, students! I'm glad you could all come!" Huh? All? Just 16? Something seems off.. I swore this.. Whoever this is, isn't Four. I remembered that our headmaster is Four, but.. Who is this creep? "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" The young boy screamed again, he was furious of being interrupted.. But thank god they saved my life. "Nice you asked, heheh... I'm Monoroku! And YOU, yes YOU! Are in my killing game!" 

Did.. Did I hear that right? Oh my god.. I.. Killing game..? "W-What..?" They all gasped, talking within themselves before looking back up to Monoroku. "Yes yes, you all may be shocked.. But don't worry! I have a little explaination on how this.. Game will go down." 

"Now, you'll all be living the rest of your lives in this very school! Well

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"Now, you'll all be living the rest of your lives in this very school! Well.. That is unless..." Unless what?? I wanted freedom so bad... Surely it isn't a b- "You reach the requirements of our special little graduation! Let me explain. You'll all be living in the walls of this academy, in peace.. Well, that is unless, somebody.. Let's say... Breaks that peace. They could leave!" Breaks that peace? Wah..? "What do you exactly mean by.. Breaking that peace?" Pencil nervously spoke up, not liking the direction of this conversation. I could just.. Tell. Her voice was shaky, and nobody would like what was about to say next. "Easy! A student must kill another student!! Any method, any way.. Brutal or not! You should have fun with this!" They clapped their hands eagerly, looking at the shocked expressions of all of us.. We were.. Terrified. They.. They want US to hurt eachother? We just met! No way.. Even if it means me staying here.. I can't just... Go out and kill someone just to see the real world again! Oh my.. I'm going to miss my friends.. "Now, whoever successfully kills.. And gets away with their crime may go off free! If not... They will face consequences if caught.." ...Consequences? Oh god.. That doesn't sound good. "B-But surely nobody will.. K-Kill eachother..?" A boy spoke, with a weak and fragile voice. He wore a oversized brown leather jacket with curly blonde hair and sunglasses. "Well, we'll have to see about that. Anyhow, I've snuck a PDA in all of your pockets, I advise checking out our school regulations before leaving the gym! Cheers~" Suddenly, he disappeared... It was like he was never there. All that was left was a small slip of paper that landed infront of the stage with the number 6 written on it in cursive. I stared at the slip.

Death.. Oh my god.. Everyone else seemed to be terrified, even the boy beside me. I gulped, before pulling out my PDA. It fitted in both of my hands, and had a small pointer to go with it. I put back the pointer back into the PDA before booting it up to be presented with text. The thing looked old school and odd, weird and it stands out compared to the rest of the academy.. As it turned on, it presented the rules.. The regulations I would have to follow in the school. It terrified me. Just the fact I'm staying here.. For the rest of my life.. With these 15.. What if... What if one of us snaps.. Kills another... It's a horrifying thought, and I didn't want to think about it. I really didn't. The PDA began to show text on the screen, as it read as this:

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