[1] ....Already..?

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I slowly woke up, raising up from the bed... I checked the supposed clock beside of me, it said 6:30 AM. I yawned, rubbing my eyes... I moved my hand through my hair, as I began to move out of my bed and make my bed... I had a few more minutes until it was offically morning according to school regulations, so I began to walk over to the bathroom. I washed my face, smiling as I put my leaf hairclip in my hair and grabbed my bag that was on the floor beside my bed. I didn't really have any new clothes so I kept the ones I had when I first woke up. I was really excited to go meet everyone else.. By the time I was ready, the screen in my room began to change channels.

"Good Morning Students! It is offically 7 AM, and Night Time is offically over! The doors will be unlocked, and you are all free to leave your dorms." After hearing the announcement, I quickly spedwalk out to see everyone else. Some of them stayed out, but I noticed Pencil as one of the ones who had left her room. I ran up to her and hugged her. "Woah- Calm down Leafy! How long have you been awake?" She laughed a little, pushing me away from her. I jumped excitedly. "Not for awhile! I had a great rest, you?" Pencil smiled, patting my hair. I was a little shorter than her, but that didn't matter. "I've been fine.." She mumbled, before looking over to the side. Next to her room was Match's, and out she had come. She looked really tired, but instantly had a big smile as she went to go hug Pencil... Pencil smiled, patting Match's shoulder. "Hey Pence Pence! Hey Leafy.." She didn't appear so enthustatic about greeting me, and I smiled, waving.. Before I walked off.

I looked around, exploring the halls of the school. I was so excited to make new friends and to get to know everyone here! I was so excited to just.. Enjoy school life, I nearly forgot we were in a killing game.. But.... Nobody will kill! Surely not! No way! I hummed happily as I walked down the halls, checking each room.. Most of the rooms were plain classrooms, with weird things written on the whiteboard. I went to go chat to some of the other classmates, trying to avoid people like Spongy, Roboty, and Match.
I was thrilled to see a lotta familiar faces in the halls, walking up to one. Whom was Liy. "Hey Liy!" I smiled, waving at her. Liy had her hands in her pockets, giving me a smile. "Oh, hey Leafy." I fidgeted with my fingers, trying to think of good discussion points. She must've noticed me being nervous, and went to speak. "...Have you ever wondered how people react to pain?" She quietly put her hand up to her chin, in a thinking expression..


"Well... It's interesting how much psychological damage you can get just from one event.. Like.. Just from losing a loved one.. A lot could happen."

"..Yeah! That.. Thats sounds scary."

"Mhm.. I wonder if Monoroku plans on ever using such techniques.."

"...I hope not..."

"We'll have to see." Liy was looking away, before facing me. "Could you perhaps meet me in my room later on today? I want to discuss a few things with you and some of the other girls in the group." She had a small smirk. "..I hope to see you there." Before I could say anything, she began to walk off. That's oddly suspicious.. But if others are there... Than that should be good, right? I didn't want to really question it.

As Liy left, I went to go find and talk to Loser.. He's a nice guy, and he seems trustworthy enough to be hanging out with. Loser was writing in what looks like a diary of sorts. I curiously sat down beside him, scooting next to him and watched him write.. He wrote in a really neat and readable font. "Ooo.. Nice writing..." I pointed out, before Loser closed it and looked at me. He was surprised to see me, trying to keep a patient smile on his face.. I could see he was struggling a bit, but didn't really see it as a bad thing.

"S-Sorry... I really didn't expect you there.." He put the book to the side, "What do you need?" He asked, before I laughed awkwardly... Welll.. "..I just.. Really wanted to see you, and to get to know more about you! That's all." Loser smiled, "Ah, of course... Well.. I've been always writing since I was young.. Always interested in books, and well, I wanted to make my own.." He looked at his book that was placed beside of him. "Oooh! That sounds really neat! I bet that even your first books were amazing."


"Yeah! I mean, you sure have to be talented to be known as the Ultimate Author, right?"

"Well, that's true.."

"You know, you're really experienced in every field if you write books.. Like.. You've written so many that I really do look up to you.. I mean, you might even know a bit more about plants than even I do!"


"Sure, I might be the Ultimate Botanist, but... You're just.. So great! I don't know how to express it." I expressed my feelings, but as I looked over back at Loser.. He seemed a little uncomfortable, and I trailed off.. I felt bad for interrupting him but.. I just really wanted to express how much I liked him and his work! "...I'll... Just go.." I mumbled, nervously getting up and leaving. I shot one last look at Loser, as he looked up to me and waved... He went back to writing in his diary.

Well.. I really goofed up..

I continued to walk down the halls, my footsteps echoing as I did. I met up with a few more, exchanging greetings... I passed that weird room with the sign, that's yet to be removed... I continued to explore the place, before I heard a scream. A loud one too..

Oh no.

I began to run towards the direction, it sounded like it was coming from the gym. I was trying to move as fast as I could, my stamina quickly draining as I reached the gym doors. Some others seemed to already be in the gym, beside me was Loser and Ruby.. They both were clearly nervous as the 3 of us entered the gym with the other students. The scream had came from Dora. And infront of her was a dead body....

A body.

"Already-? Oh my g- Oh." Monoroku had appeared at the stage, staring at the corpse. "...Ah, right. That's Four. Your supposed... Headmaster." My eyes widened... That's Four? His body was mangled, with a massive pool of blood on the floor. Cuts and scars were all over his legs and arms, and his face was crushed.. His yellow bow was ripped, and blood dripped down from his face and chest.. What did.. What did HE DO TO HIM?! I gasped, as I felt myself fall back....

I think I fainted. I couldn't tell... But the next thing I know I woke up with Bracelety, Liy, and Pencil looking down at me. "...You okay? You suffered a pretty hard fall.." Liy asked, lifting me up. I rubbed my head. "Y-Yeah.. I'm alright.." I realized we weren't in the gym. We were... In someone's room? The walls were a light sky blue, and the floor were carpeted with a deep blood red color. Around the room were mostly plain... "Yay! Can we start our meeting now??" Bracelety grinned, as Pencil nodded. "Of course, of course..." Pencil went to sit up on the bed as the other two gathered around her.. I followed Bracelety and Liy, as Pencil looked down at us.

"Welcome girls! We're going to start a new club.. For us.. Girls!" She smiled. "Every week, or 7 days.. We'll meet in my room, or Liy's room for a gathering. We'll talk about what we know about ourselves and our interests. It's a way to strengthen a bond, and trust. Sound good?" I mean.. I already knew I could trust Pencil, but getting to know Liy and Bracelety sounded nice.. "Mhm~!" Liy nodded slowly, while Bracelety loudly cheered. I covered my ears, giving a thumbsup. Pencil smiled. "Alright.. I think Liy had some boardgames.. We could play some games to get to know a bit more about eachother!" So we did.

We basically played one of those introduction games, and we got to know more about eachother's talents and stuff... Liy's still a mystery.. I feel like she's hiding something but.... She doesn't rememeber her talent.. She has a unsettling vibe, but I don't know if that'd be considered a red flag in these difficult times. I decided to brush it off, and at 9 PM, we left Liy's room and went to our own individual rooms.. I stayed up all night, reading the nature-related books offered to us, and watered the plants in my room. I'm glad I got to know more about some people.. And the fate of our former headmaster. But where are the rest of the facility members? Like.. According to the journalist report I read before entering the school.... The numbers were facility members, same as a few other people.. Where's Two? Three? Five? Six... What happened to Six?? Why did they become so evil?

Slowly, I moved over to my bed, laying on it as I questioned what had happened to this school... Why was Six.. Or whom we now call Monoroku, done this... Is there a motive to this..? I drifted off.... The questions flooding my mind. The biggest one was....

Where is X.

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