[4] Heartbroken Feelings...

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I woke up, another morning in this fucking hellhole of a "school." Right after I had left the execution place with Gelatin and Firey Jr, everyone decided it was better off just getting some sleep and waking back up into the morning. I hated it here. So many lives were lost... When the hell am I going to get out of here. I just wanted out. Everything here was tramutizing, and even if I did manage to get out I might as well fucking kill myself for losing my closest friends. I miss them so much, and seeing one of them just gone because of some fucking idiot and his little shitty friend decided to cause some harm BEFORE A MOTIVE WAS EVEN SAID... It was sickening.

I decided the first thing to do was to check out the new floor. Because every single time right after the trial, the doors are opened to a completely new floor ready for death coming in any direction. To be honest... I'm not going to be surprised if I don't survive. I fucking hate so many people here, and they probably overheard some of the conversations I had about them. Mere gossip, nothing tooo bad. I felt a tear go down my cheek, quickly wiping my eye with my sleeve as I walked upstairs to the next floor. I passed the third floor, a shiver going down my spine as I remembered all of the events that had unfolded yesterday.

I never felt that close to any of the other victims, and now the two closest people I can call my family were dead. I only really had Ruby at this point... I'm really surprised she got accepted in a place like this, honestly. She never seemed the type to really like jewlery, and she always had more of an interest in love and matchmaking. Don't even get me started on that song she always hummed at the lunch tables while me and the other girls spoke.

To be truthfully honest, I thought for that one motive it would be Match... She's my childhood best friend and all! We've known eachother since we were first born, and we worked together so well.. I knew so much about her. Even if she's... clingy, to say the least, at times.. I still cared for her. But, when I pulled the photograph with my name from that box. What unsettled me happened to be that it was my friend, Book instead. I was so confused...

I don't know what he was plotting, but he probably believed that someone like me was going to die. I wasn't quite surprised on Match or Ruby's photographs at all. I knew that they were close to them. Match had Bubble, while Ruby had a girl not from our school. I've met her a few times, and I heard she went to a school called Goiky High.. Thinking about it, I think I remembered someone here went to that school...

I don't remember who.

Her name was Flower, and I heard that she was well-known in her school for being good in hair styling and fashion marketing. Maybe her and Match would've worked so well.. But now, erm, she's dead. Gone from this world. For good. She isn't coming back... I just need my body to just finally realize that so I can move on. Even if it hurts... Even if it stings. So much.

I looked up, feeling myself nearly falling as I held onto the railing of the stairs. I guess I was daydreaming or something.. I coughed a bit in pain, feeling a terrible gut feeling as I walked the last step I had originally tripped onto to the next floor. I looked around... The fourth floor. I didn't know what was around here, curiously starting to walk deeper into the main hallway of the floor, looking over to the rooms.. Unlike the other rooms, there was a short hallway with a open framed door, with two splitting hallways from there.

I went to go through the said door, looking around to see what it was... It appeared to be a gym of sorts, more of a weightlifting room.... This seemed to be a room purely to appeal for Jr, as I looked around the place. It seemed pretty massive for a singular room, running my fingers by the metal machinery as I gazed over to a few items that had caught my attention. I tilted my head as I went closer to it, and went to pick it up.. It was a light blue bracelet, with the words 'ICE CUBE' written on it by what appeared to be a dark blue gel pen... As soon as I picked it up, I knew instantly who this belonged to. My gaze softened, as I looked around for a few seconds before slipping it on and hiding it under my sleeves.

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