[2] Who's the Culprit!?

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I woke up. Another morning... I was shaking a bit, but I decided to brush it, instantly getting out of bed and heading for the kitchen to grab a snack. It was 10 AM, and I woke up pretty late due to me waking up at the middle of the night dreaming about... My childhood. I don't want to talk about it. Anyhow, I walked out of my room and straight to the kitchen to go grab something from the fridge. This is the first time I've done it, so I was praying that someone like Firey Jr or Gelatin would be there. 

Unsurprisingly, both of them were there. Firey Jr was looking in the fridge again with a frustrated look, burying his head in his hands. "IT'S GONE AGAIN!!" He shouted, as Gelatin looked at him with a chill expression. "Relax, Jr! There's always other drinks!" He seemed a tad bit worried though, giving me a glance as he saw me walk in. "I CAN'T WORRY! THOSE DRINKS ACTUALLY HELPED ME COPE IN THIS FUCKING HELLHOLE!" He seemed as if he was turning insane, and he didn't know what to do. I worriedly looked at him. "Don't worry! I'm sure we'll figure out who's taking your drinks." 

Jr moved his hand through his hair, hyperventilating. He didn't seem alright with this sort of news. "Grr.." I fidgeted with my fingers, when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. 

Red hair.

It was just a single strand, but it was noticable out of the white countertops. I picked it up, examining it. What the hell..? "Hey, uh.. Guys? Look what I found." I showed it to the duo as Firey Jr had a pissed expression. "JEE! HOW DOES THAT H-" Before he could finish what he was saying, Gelatin quickly put his finger on his mouth. "Hmm.. So that makes our suspects.. Let's see.. Roboty and Match!" He exclaimed with excitement. "Oooooo, Drama! I wonder who Jr will kill first!" He giggled to himself. I stared at Gelatin with a confused expression. Excuse me? 

Gelatin looked at Jr, than at me. "Woah! Calm down." He tried to reassure me. "It was only some attempt at dark humor! Not my best subject, y'know?" He awkwardly shot finger guns, only for it to turn out weird.. He didn't want to say anymore. "Anyways.. I think Monoroku's gonna stock up the drinks in like 5 minutes.. So, you can probably try to grab the soda by than!" He pointed out.

Jr was still furious. "But WHO out of those 2 would steal my precious soda?!" He shouted back. I decided to interrupt, giving my input. I knew Match pretty well, Roboty on the other hand? Not so much. "..Well.. I know Match isn't the type to drink soda so-" 

"ROBOTY!!" Jr suddenly shouted, storming out of the kitchen with his hands balled into fists. He just interrupted my sentence! Well.. I didn't know what to do now so.. I followed Jr to wherever he planned on going. Gelatin noticed me leaving, and with a goofy grin he walked beside of me. "Wait for me! I gotta see Firey Jr confront Roboty!! The drama.. Oh! It'd be so good on a TV show!" He smiled, skipping ahead as I began to hear loud noises coming from the classroom Gelatin entered. I got nervous.. This was going to be one intense shouting match. 

As I entered the classroom, I noticed Gelatin sitting on one of the desks eating a chocolate bar he must've gotten from the kitchen. I looked at where he was staring, and saw the two. Somehow, Jr knew where Roboty was.. Now they're yelling at eachother with insults I can't say. Yeah... Maybe I should leave... I backed up from the classroom, leaving. WAIT! I forgot to get my snack I was originally there for. I better get it and head back to the garden. 

I began to head back to the kitchen, as I saw Monoroku begin to walk out of it. He must've restocked it like Gelatin had said! He noticed me coming, quickly disappearing. But unlike the other 2 times I've seen him leave.. There was no note. I didn't really mind, it was a waste of paper and trees! I walked over to the kitchen, but as I went near... I heard some weird noises. What the..? So, the culprit isn't Roboty? Wait.. That's not Match either!

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