[3] My Friends.

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I miss them. I miss them all.. But they're gone. For good now.. All I can do now is avenge them by moving on... Which I will. I stared at the two as I slowly rose up from the bed. "..We need to find out who did this.. That fucking monster will pay." I growled. Nobody hurts my friends. NOBODY. I walked past the two, feeling myself kick a small object on the ground as I moved my head to face the floor. Huh..? I moved myself down to my knees, curiously looking at the object that I had just kicked. I picked it up, examining it to be some sort of bottle of sorts.. A dangerous one, that's for sure.. The chemicals in here is lethal... To the point of death.. Just telling from the side effects.

....Like for killing my childhood best friend. I rose myself up as I looked at the two, handing the bottle to Liy as I continued my investigation. I wasn't quite the type to do this sorta thing, but this was urgent... Both victims were so close to me.. Just seeing them die fucking hurts.

"Wait.. So if this was the chemical used, how was it injected?" Liy asked, looking at me. I shrugged, not sure.. I knew the medicine shelf was open, so I looked over there to find Dora already checking it out.. After a few seconds of me spending the time to walk over, Dora showed me exactly what I expected to find. A used syringe, in the hands of Dora. "..T-The weapon must've been this... Whoever did it must've injected it in her arm and placed the syringe back here!" She exclaimed, as if it wasn't obvious already... Well, atleast she tried. The shelf looked fine.. Besides one other thing. There was another bottle of some sort of medicine laying on the shelf, clearly misplaced. It stood out from the rest of hte objects, as I grabbed it to give to Liy... I mean, I might as well let the others check it out aswell..

"..Cyanide? What the fuck.." Liy stared at the bottle for a bit longer. "It doesn't appear used, but.. It was clearly intended to." She stated, a little confused.. "..Interesting." She shoved it in her skirt pocket before turning over to Dora. "Find anything else?" Dora shook her head in response, making me sigh... There's not much evidence for how Match died... But... There's something that upsets me.

Match's blood is on my hands. Not.. directly.. But, I told her to go the Nurse's Office to go grab me a band-aid so I can repair my scrapped knee I gained while tripping on something. It was a really rough fall and just... Knowing that would be my last time to speak to her now was painful. I wish I could say I wasn't apart of this at all but.. I'm most likely wrong. "We should check out Leafy's body." Liy suddenly spoke up after the moments of silence I took to think about my actions. Me and Dora looked at eachother, before giving her a nod... It's going to be hard jsut trying to stare at her body for any longer but.. If it gets to the bottom of this case I will.

I know it wasn't me.. That crosses myself off, and 8-Ball was with me before I left to check on what Match was doing..

And saw Leafy's body just.. I wish she told me who killed her.... It would've made it so much easier to avenge her.. Now I need to find out who the hell did this.. I'm pretty sure it isn't Dora.. She wouldn't kill like this...

She isn't that desperate to join him....

I think this case would have to depend on alibis... But just by process of elimination I really don't think it would be Taco, Liy, or Ruby... They simply don't seem likely to commit such a crime, especially without a motive.. The fact there was none this time around is terrifying. I mean... Who would do such a thing by pure choice??

Additionally, why did Monoroku seem so pissed about it? It just.. confused me. This whole entire fucking mess of a place confused me. But.. Hmngh.. I guess it's whatever. I needed to snap out of this mindset and get back in the game. I went back into reality, as we walked to Leafy's body, a small group still staying there and speaking to eachother.. I decided to talk to Ruby first, just to check out what she was doing in the arcade and if she had seen any suspicious activity..

"Me? Well!! I was at the arcade playing some super cool games, I was hooked!! Those games were super super amazing and- Oh sorry, getting off topic aha-" She laughed nervously, seemingly breaking out of her odd rambles again.. I didn't mind, really. I got used to the consistent rambles, where she always spoke about this girl and how she always loved singing this silly song to her..

"..Well, it's fine.. Was it just you, Roboty, and Firey Jr there the entire time?" I asked, hoping to get some info out of this. "Hm? Well, mostly, yeah!" She smiled, seemingly happy to help.


"Well.. Roboty did leave for quite a bit before coming back.. About.. 5 minutes before you came!" Ruby stated, making me freeze up in terror.


Oh, I KNEW WHO DID IT. I growled a bit, kinda losing my shit rn brb man

I took a deep breath, facing her. "..Thank you, Roo-bee! That helps, alot actually." I smiled, knowing that I basically solved the case.. It was.. really easy. Just.. He seemed really suspicious from the start, and I knew he hated Leafy..

I'm not sure why he killed her..

It.. made no sense. It really didn't. I'd have to ask once it's time. My question is if he was the killer of the two of them or just Leafy...

....ill have 2 talk 2 him if he killed fucking both of them.

...Whatever. Atleast I have somewhat of a good idea on who's fault it was behind this mess. I mean, now I have to convince everyone else... Now that might seem easier said then done.. Perhaps. I know Liy and Dora would..

I want to be nice though, and simply let everyone else speak before I make my final claim against him. It'd be nice getting some sweet revenge after all.

..that's assuming it is him..


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