[1] Who did it?

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The next thing I knew, Pencil and Match were running over. "Like huh?! We like, heard you scream, what like happened?!" Match said, looking at me nervously. I turned around to face them. Getting up before pointing inside. They quickly saw the body, and reacted.. Pencil looked away with slight embarassment while Match tunred around to nearly puke. "Oh no.." She bit her lip, before looking at me. Suddenly.. Our PDA's began to ring, and I took mine out.. It soon booted up, and Monoroku soon flashed on it, with a unnerving announcement to I assume everyone. "A body has been discovered!" He openly announced with a sinister grin.

"Now, after some time passes.. Which, you may use for anything! A class trial will be held. You all must report into the trial room ASAP as soon as you hear my announcement, if not.. You'll be... Let's say, PUNISHED!" He laughed insanely, before the PDAs turned off. Match and Pencil stared at their PDAs, before looking up. "Oh nononoono- How are we going to tell everyone?!" Match was panicking, jumping with fear. Or.. Was it excitement. I couldn't tell.. Well, as soon as she said that, another group of students approached us. Those 3 were Loser, 8-Ball, and Balloony with worried faces. "We saw the announcement and noticed the blood trail from Match's room. Did you guys find the bodies?" 8-Ball started, trying to look past us at the janitor's closet with worry. Pencil nodded. "Yeah.... Look for yourself." She pushed me and Match gently to the side to let the three see. Loser flinched, biting his lip and looking away with tears. 8-Ball grimaced, and Balloony decided it was better off running and telling everyone else.

A few minutes later, all of the other students gathered at the body. "Ew.. What the hell?!" Firey Jr started, biting his lip. "I-I s-should've guessed someone would've killed.." Dora nervously said, fidgeting with her fingers. I looked at everyone else, they all had mixed reactions.. But they all were upset. Seeing a fellow classmate dead... It hurt.

It hurt so much.. Even if... We didn't have the best friendship while he was still alive.. I felt pity, and grief for his death. "Right... Well, knowing how detectives work.. We need to get evidence and explore the crime scene to figure out who's behind the murder." Loser said. "Everyone should split up, and we can meet back in the class trial room.. Wherever that is.. To discuss what we got. Okay?" He seemed to experienced.. It put me on edge, but I decided to not question it and nod. I looked at Pencil and Match. "I know the perfect place we can start." I pointed at the secondary blood trail. The more fresh one..

"S-Sounds good-!" Match chirped, trying to make the mood atleast somewhat more positive. And wow, did she fail. "Right." Pencil took lead, following the trail as the both of us followed. We were quiet for the walk, but I had a feeling we were all wondering.. Who killed Spongy? I looked up ahead. Realizing where the trail came from.

The Garden.

"It ends there!" Pencil said, as she walked into the garden. In it had a huge spot right in the middle of the room, a blood pool.. I wanted to faint at the sight, but stayed strong. I looked around.. All of the buttercups were planted, each of them neatly aligned. But... Within the flowers was one thing that terrified me. What the hell??

I stared at the dirt patch near the neatly placed up shovel. It was a hand. A bloodied hand.. Just chopped fresh stuck into the dirt. I was shaking, pointing my finger at it as the other two began to notice. Match winced at the sight. "..Eww.. Do you think that's.. S-Spongy's??" Pencil shrugged, walking up to the hand. She went down on one knee to pull it out of the dirt, quickly dropping it. "..It's severed. It looks like Spongy's. We need to check the body." She immediately stated. I wanted to puke.. WHO WOULD CHOP OFF A HAND?! I glanced at the shovel again. Something's wrong. At the end of the shovel...

Was blood.

...Oh. So... Someone severed Spongy's hand using a shovel. Alright.. I looked at Pencil and Match with worry, Match was clearly panicking, while Pencil grabbed my hand. "We gotta check the janitor's closet again. Come on." Pencil began to walk off, and I was forced to follow her. We left Match behind, as she clearly didn't feel good about this whole investigation thing.... I knew I should probably check her room next. She might be the murderer... I mean.. There was a blood trail coming from her room. We kept on walking. Everyone was a suspect. Even me.. Well, I knew I didn't kill Spongy. I only saw him once! I assumed that Spongy was killed during the timeframe that I was searching for Pencil. Which is about 3 hours.. But I saw Spongy about 1 hour in. So 2 hours to kill him.

Pencil went up to the janitor's closet again. Nearby was a distressed Stapy. Firey Jr was comforting him, glaring at the body. And me.. He must think I killed him! I was concerned, but we walked up to Spongy's body. I winced, as I began to move my hand down his sleeves. I felt one hand.. But the other.. I didn't feel any sign of a hand. I looked at Pencil as I did. She must've noticed my change of expression, because she grabbed his left hand and began to unroll the sleeves.. To find it all bloodied. The hand was gone, though. And fresh blood was still leaking out.

"Ech... Yeah.. That's Spongy's hand alright." She muttered, as she looked at me. "Yeah... Atleast it isn't someone else's hand!" I was trying to cheer up the mood, atleast think somewhat positively. It was REALLY hard though.. "Though, we should search Match's room because the trail I followed came from her room." I said, pointing at the other path. Pencil nodded, as we walked down the hallway. Everyone else seemed to be doing their own seperate things, likely looking. Once we arrived in the room hallways, we noticed Match's door was already opened.

Some people must've gotten the same idea.. Inside we found Liy, Loser, David, and Match. Match was on the bed as Loser comforted her, while Liy and David were searching the rooms. The place was full of clothes, and it was glittery and stuff. "No.. There seems to be nothing incriminating besides the bloody trail coming from her room.." Liy mumbled as she lifted up one of the dresses, that I assumed Match designed. Pencil quickly went to help Loser comfort Match, while I decided to speak to David and Liy.

"I don't think it's her. It seems too obvious.." He muttered, crossing his arms and glancing to the side. "Yeah.. The last I saw Spongy was when he was going down one of the hallways, coming from HIS room. He never came to eat breakfast this morning.. Actually, not many of us.. Like you!" Liy pointed at me. "Where were you during breakfast?!" I sweated. "I-I just overslept! I went to quickly eat breakfast, tend the garden a bit, than go and find Pencil.. I found the body while searching for her!" I claimed, well.. It was true! "Right. Well.. The people who didn't go to breakfast is.. Pencil, Stapy, Match, Ruby, Leafy, Spongy, Roboty, and Firey Jr." She said. "Those 7 are likely our suspects, as Spongy is one of the few who missed breakfast, and died." David nodded. "Yeah.. We need some alibis from them."

"Well, you got mine! Anyways.. I'm gonna go, and let you do your thing!" I smiled, quickly backing up to keep investigating the hallways and talk to others.

This is really scary.. I just really hope Pencil or Match isn't the one behind this.
I wish nobody died.
I really did.

Author Zapz here!
I just wanted to say.. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K+ READS!! It feels like such a big honor and the amount of reads each chapter gets amaze me! I really hope you all enjoy the chapters to come, because making this seem interesting sure is hard! Haha.

Also! Who do you think killed Spongy? <3

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