[5] Thin Ice.

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I groaned a little, feeling my senses come back to me as I had woken up from my slumber. Everything felt blurry as I tiredly looked around. I couldn't quite remember what had happened last night, my memory being faded and dark... 



I rubbed my eyes as I went to get out of bed, stretching my arms out a little before heading into my private bathroom. I moved my hand over to the faucet, moving my hand back as it twisted to slowly make the water turn on. I observed tiredly as the water began flowing down, going to move my hands to grab a handful of water before leaning in and slamming it into my face. I wanted to quickly wash myself up, groaning as I felt the cold water hit my face and drip down into the sink. 

I waited for a few moments before turning around, grabbing the towel hanging up nearby and covering my face with it. I moved it around, drying it before putting it back on the rack now my face was dry. I frowned a little to myself, trying to keep optimistic thoughts in mind as I knew today was a new day.

I looked around a little, pondering. I sorta don't want to go outside of my room today. Something filled me with dread, just telling me to stay. On the other hand though... I knew I wanted to stumble off and see my classmates. I knew it may just be the last time I do every moment I spend with just one of them. I don't want the last moments they see of... me. To be something bad or unpleasant.

I held my arm as I slowly opened the door to my room, going to leave and close it. I headed for the stairs. I didn't feel hungry... In fact, I felt sick to the stomach. I really didn't want anyone else to die. People don't deserve to.

"I miss her..."

I murmured quietly, leaving it out there in the thick silence. I suddenly had a change of heart as I figured right now probably wasn't the time to see the others. I knew everything was tense. There was only a ticking bomb, just waiting to explode as soon as a murder occurred.

I headed for the 4th floor of the school, hands in pockets. I wanted to check out the office before heading to go and hang out with my classmates. The plan for the day didn't sound too bad... After a bit of climbing up the stairs, I had headed down the hallway and soon reached my destination.

Four's Office.

I had only briefly visited here before to investigate and see what I could find. I wanted to mostly try to think to myself here... I still wasn't able to tell much about Monoroku and I wanted answers.

The stench of disgusting dry blood had filled my nostrils as I felt dread and terror hanging over me. I pushed past it, knowing I hadn't quite looked everywhere here... Everything about this place meant bad news, from how fucked up the office was to the photograph I remembered to had picked up with all of their faces... Gone. I didn't know where any of them were anymore, especially where the kind Six that was a part of the staff were anymore. The feeling of kindness suddenly came to me, though I knew I wanted to give him none of it.

I was filled with anger and sorrow. I lost everything because of this. My friends... My life... So much more. I had a life to live out there but I was restrained by the chains of this killing game. I held back the tears as I walked towards the desk, making small steps. I was clearly hesitant, knowing that I hadn't ever looked there. I knew the photos I had seen before were still on the display shelves at the corners of my eyes. I ignored it.

I wanted to ignore all of it.

My main focus was this.

I just needed to know what had happened. Why we were here... Who really was behind this. I pulled out the slip of paper I was given during the motive yesterday, reading the text once again. The term Mastermind had been rubbing me the wrong way as soon as I had seen it.

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