[2] Another Floor?

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I walked up the staircase with Taco, holding her hand tightly incase there was some sort of threat. It seemed to be alright as we reached the top of the stairs... It looked just like downstairs, but apparently there's new rooms.. I glanced at Taco, who was biting her lip. I assumed it was because she was nervous. I wouldn't blame her to be truthfully honest! Things were real scary...

I took lead as I brought Taco further in the hallway, our footsteps echoing lightly through the empty halls.. It just looked like nobody else had found out there's a new floor. I looked at the right, noticing the small door with a fish taco labeled on it. I tilted my head, assuming this was hers. "..Hey. I think we found your room!" I exclaimed, pushing open the door. It had no lock, so it was easy.. I let go of her hand, as I stared in amazement of the new room arrangements.. Everything looked so new and fresh... Untouched.. "Woah! Even if this is some killing game.. This is really neat!" She beamed, hugging me suddenly. "Thanks so much.. I'm so glad I met you out of everyone! I would be terrified if someone else.. Erm, found me.." She adjusted her glasses after parting, putting her hands on her hips and giving me a confident grin.

What? What did she- I won't question it. "Yeah! No problem. Anyways.. Enjoy your new room! I'm going to go check out the rest of the floor if that's okay?" I gave finger-guns before backing out of the room. Taco waved, as I closed the door. I turned over to the rest of the hallway.. It seemed pretty empty, and the hallway seemed a bit more smaller than usual, but I didn't really mind. I kept on walking.. It was mostly unlabelled classroms.. Until.. I stopped, with one having a small wood block sign hung on the door. On it was labeled in a fancy cursive:
Sewing Room

I was curious, wow.. Just from the name, it seemed like a place that Match would love! But well... She'll probably find it herself. I mean, I would tell everyone that there's a new floor! But I don't know if it's a good idea telling about the rooms.. It would ruin the surprise! I kept on walking down the halls, making a turn to notice that there's only a few hallways on this floor. How odd. I decided to not think much of it and keep on walking.

At the end of the hallway with more classrooms had a pretty large space, as I walked up to the door to read it. To my amazement, it read
The Student Council Room

There was a student council here? That seemed really weird to me.... I slowly went really close to the door.. Hesitant to open it. I don't know what could be behind! I bit my lip... I slowly pushed my hand on the door handle, turning and twisting it until it would unlock. It felt like I was going to discover a dead body right behind this door... Well.. I wouldn't be surprised but-

Oh. It was empty. Nobody was inside, just a oval table right in the middle of the room with chairs surrounding it, alongside of a podium on the opposite side of the room in place of a chair. It was an interesting setup, and hey, who am I to judge? I wiped the sweat off of my forehead as I sighed in relief to know that it wasn't going to be another horrifying sight that I'd see.

The second floor seemed nice, and I didn't plan on going anywhere near the first floor's garden after what happened with Stapy. I will never forget it... Well, I headed back downstairs, passing Taco's room and coming down. As I walked, I wondered... What school did everyone else go to? Did everyone else know eachother while I knew none of them?? The question wandered in my mind until I bumped into someone.

I fell back a bit, trying to keep my balance. After a few seconds, I managed to not fall over again! That's an achievement. I looked at who bumped into me, begging that it wouldn't be one of those people. Well, luckily, it wasn't!

Ruby stood there, a bit dizzy as she wobbled a bit. "Woaah-" She shook her head confusingly. "Huh? Oh! Hi Leafy!" She waved with excitement. "Happy to see you!" She smiled, as I recongized her. "Oh, hey! It's nice to see you too, erm, I have a few questions for you.. If that's alright! Of course." I wanted to know more about if Ruby possibly knew Match and Pencil beforehand. I mean, I did see them talking before... Well, all the times I did see Ruby that is. Until now, obviously. "Huh? Oh yeah sureee! What's up??" She was humming a weird tune as she bounced up and down using her feet. I put my hands in my pockets as I glanced to the side. "Yeahhhhh... What school did you go to? I mean, before going here... And did anyone else here go there??" I think that's a good question... It'd answer all of my wandering questions about her!

"...Oh! Hmm...." She put her hand on her chin, rubbing it gently.. After a few minutes of thinking, she nodded. "Yeah! I went to FreedSmart Prep! I recongize some of the girls here going there.. It was a girls only school after all!" She paused, to think. "..Uhh... Pencil, Match, Dora, and Taco went there! But Dora transferred like a year before I came, so Pencil told me about her!" She grinned. "Does that answer your question???" Wow.. So many Ultimates in a single school? That was really interesting.. Well, it was a prep school for only girls so.. I should've known they would've had really high standards. I nodded with joy. "Yep! Well... I guess I better tell you about my school than, haha-"

"Oh?" Ruby was completely interested now, fidgeting with her fake plastic red gem necklace as I took a deep breath. "Y-Yeah! Well... I went to a really nice school named Goiky High. Everyone was super nice there and I've met so many wonderful people..." I eagerly stated, rememebering all of the good memories... And bad ones. Well... I was lucky to go to such a school to meet such supportive people! I put my hands behind my back as Ruby took in all of the information, and nodded.

"That sounds really cool- Oh! I forgot. I gotta go get some snacks and bring it back to the girls, sorrygottago!" She quickly jumped up and sped past me, gently shoving me to the side as she ran off. I was surprised at her sudden urgency, blinking as she walked off. I mumbled to myself as I kept on walking...

I could never keep my mind off of him. Why did I have to do that to him...?
Well.. I probably could never see him again now.

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