[5] Final Notes.

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Ruby looked around warily, "P-Pencil?" She was wandering around the halls, looking for any sign of her. She hadn't seen her in a good while, knowing she had left to investigate... But she knew by then she would've come back or given her some sort of sign she was okay. She was on her own as she was walking towards the cafeteria to look for if she went there to eat when she had noticed something... particular.

At one of the hallways that had split off into it's own branch, a pool of blood was spilling out. She had noticed it almost instantly, tilting her head and staring at where it was. She was confused and hesitant... She didn't know if she wanted to see what was there, scared. "..I-" She took a deep breath as she began to approach the entrance of the hallway, not able to see anything due to the walls blocking what was hidden inside unless looking closer...

What she saw, terrified her.

Ruby covered her mouth, nearly shrieking at the sight of two dead bodies.

Pencil's body laid lifelessly in the small pool of blood that Ruby had noticed earlier. On her forehead was where a gun had shot through, her eyes open lifelessly. Gelatin was by her, his eyes closed and he had a small frown on his face. By both of the bodies was a gun, which was being soaked with the blood that came from Pencil's wound.

Ruby looked away, tearing up. She knew nobody else had seen it when the body discovery announcement had never came out, just from looking at the blood spilling out she knew this was decently recent. She tried to wipe her tears using her sleeves, running to try to get the others. She knew the others were in the classroom where Loser's body was, since she had told them to stay there as she searched for Pencil. The thought of one of her closest friends being dead hurt her inside, though, she knew she had to focus on the current situation at hand.

8-Ball was still weeping quietly, as he was right by Loser's deceased body. He was examining him, trying to find any clues on him. He was trying to stay strong, but tears kept streaming down his face. He couldn't hold it in any longer. Taco was beside him, trying to help him find any clues on what could've happened from just looking closely at the body. "Huh... Do you usually bleed from the head and mouth?" She pointed out, raising an eyebrow. 8-Ball wasn't sure how to respond, keeping quiet. Dora was looking around the classroom a bit, trying to find anything that could lead to any murders. Liy was leaning against the wall, her arms crossed. "It's clear that he killed himself." She muttered. "This'll be easy to go through..."

"Maybe? I-I don't really know." Dora looked back at her. "8-Ball clearly wasn't told anything about this and Loser and he were... really close." She acknowledged.

"Right.... Well, look, we can talk about this at the trial. I think we investigated the body enough." Taco patted 8-Ball's back, before parting from him. "Do you think the other 3's fine?"

"P-Pencil has kinda been gone for awhile-"

"Well, Ruby was looking for her. Was she not?" Liy raised an eyebrow, before turning o Taver at the door. "Speak of the devil, look who's here." She frowned, noticing that Pencil wasn't with her and she was crying. Dora had noticed it instantly. "H-Huh? What's up? Did you not find Pencil...?" She went to go over to Ruby as she was sniffling a little.

"J-Just follow me... Please." She seemed desperate to show them something, looking away. "It's important." Taco glanced back at 8-Ball. "I don't know if he'll budge but... I'll try to get him. Come on, it'll be alright." She spoke quietly to him, going to slowly get up and try to take out her hand. 8-Ball looked over tiredly, sighing. "...Ffine.." He murmured as he went to get up by taking her hand. "Let's go see what you mean..." He quietly said to himself. Ruby went to turn away, beginning to lead the others where she just was before. Where the bodies were. Everyone else seemed uncertain of what they'd find, but clearly from Ruby's expression, it didn't mean good news at all.

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