[2] Another Strike!

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I was walking to the kitchen, my hands fidgeting with my bag. I wanted to go grab a quick snack than leave, expecting the usual 2 to be there. I hummed to myself as I cheerfully went into the kitchen to find Roboty, Firey Jr, and Gelatin hanging out. Firey Jr and Roboty both seemed to be real interested in conversation, laughing and mocking eachother playfully as they didn't seem to notice me come in.

Gelatin was leaning against the fridge when he noticed me come in, with a grin. "Oh, hey Leafster! Nice to see you come in, you need a snack?" He shot me playful fingerguns as he turned over to me. "...Y-Yeah! That'd be great.." I smiled, as he opened the fridge and looked through it to find a can of soda, throwing it over to me as I catched. I nearly missed, but I was thankful I did end up grabbing it in time. I held it in my hands, giving Gelatin a big cheerful smile as I popped open the can.

"Thanks." I sipped the soda, tasting it and enjoying it as Gelatin playfully walked over and gently punched my arm. "..No prob!" He looked at me for a few seconds before glancing over to the two on the counter. Something felt off about the scene...

Could it be the missing knife from the knife rack? Or maybe it's because they weren't this close back than. Gelatin seemed a little hurt from the sight of the two speaking. I felt.. kinda bad, actually.

Firey Jr gave me a look when he noticed me, before looking back at the taller figure and whispering something to him before snickering. He probably was trying to insult me.. But I didn't pay much attention to his comments.
I gave Gelatin a final nod before walking off to try to find where Taco went...

Well, I quickly noticed Taco hanging in one of the hallways and was reading a book. She didn't seem very interested to talk, but despite that, I began to approach her with a smile. "..Hey, Taco!" I waved as I came over. "How's it been?"

Taco looked at me, adjusting her glasses before putting her hands on her hips with a confident grin, still holding the book to her side. "I've been great! Most of the people here are actually really nice, and I appreciate that!" She sighed. "Well, there's always those exceptions..."


What did she mean by that.
I decided to speak what was on my mind, tilting my head in curiousity as I brought it up. "...What do you mean?" Taco laughed awkwardly, realizing that I had been listening to what she was saying. "Y-Yeah-! Well... Most of the people from my school don't really like me... I got bullied because I was mostly seen to be erm, too fat because I eat too much food.. According to them." She explained, nervously looking at me. I gasped.

Wait, Seriously??

Who would bully such an amazing, talented, and cool person like her?!

"W-Wow that seems te-" . . .

Before I can finish my sentence, my PDA suddenly started to beep and glow up, as I quickly grabbed it out of my bag to see what was going on. Oh nonon- Please don't say....

I'm hoping...


Surely not!

It must be late...

It's only 4 PM.
I stared as Monoroku began to glitch in, showing a smug grin... "A body has been discovered!" He openly announced, once again putting his arms up in joy, as if it was a good thing.... Here we go again.. He began to present what we did last time.. Taco was leaning on my shoulder, listening in as he spoke.

"Now, after some time passes.. Which, you may use for anything! A class trial will be held. You all must report into the trial room ASAP as soon as you hear my announcement, if not.. You'll be... Let's say, PUNISHED!" He laughed, before the PDAs booted off.... There's another body.

I couldn't believe it.... But.. where..?
Taco gulped, as I began to grab her arm and run around to try to find where it was.. I noticed a few people in the hallways, confused, clearly unsure of where this body was... Murmurs were going around the halls, when a loud yelp was heard..

From upstairs.
I took this as a sign, running upstairs in attempt to find this body with her... I still dragged Taco around, desperate to try to find the crime scene.... I ran, looking around as I passed the hall and turned the corner to find the small group.

Bracelety, Dora, 8-Ball, Pencil, and Ruby stood there.... Dora was on the floor, tears streaming down her cheeks as she stared into the... student council room.. W-Why is she so upset..? Did..

Don't tell me.....

I let go of Taco, as I approached the group nervously. I didn't know what to say, as I pushed past the small group to enter.. What I saw made me want.. to gag..

The sight..

David's body laid on the table, spread out as the sleeves of his jacket and pants were up.. Cuts were everywhere, as a pentagram of what seems to be of an satanic ritual was drawn underneath him with candles and everything.. His stomach was clearly stabbed in, as it was clear that he had fought a battle in attempt to survive..

I turned away, wiping my eyes as I walked out... No wonder Dora felt horrible.. She must've found the body first..... I felt horrible for her, not understanding on what to say. She definitely did.

....The second murder.

First Spongy...

Now David.
Who was next...? Who would be the next victim of this horrible killing game... But the biggest question would have to be..

Who killed David.

Whoops slipped my hand

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