[4] Tension.

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I woke up. It seemed like the afternoon as I slipped out of the bed, fixing up my clothing as it got wrinkled from my nap. I was so tired... I knew that this would be exactly the point on why we're in this game. For that sadistic asshole to make us feel pain. That's obviously what it was... I groaned, rubbing the back of my head as I went to go and leave my room silently. 

I was afraid. I was scared of what awaited me once I left the room. Nothing seemed too off and it seemed like nobody had died in the first few hours. That was a relief. I was quite afraid, knowing that death could come at any second to myself or anyone else in the school. I went to go walk the halls, mostly keeping to myself. Everyone else seemed to be doing their own thing, as I went to head to the kitchen to see if anyone was there. To my expectation, Gelatin and Firey Jr were there. Gelatin was grinning and joking around about dark humor or whatever types of jokes he does for a living. Fj still seemed pretty tired and even ill. There were clear bags under his eyes, and he noticed me about instantly as I had silently walked in. He was watching me... Almost observing me for something. I wasn't quite sure what, as I quietly backed out from the nervewracking feeling. I smiled softly as I saw Loser and 8-Ball in the cafeteria talking, a little happy to see that things were okay for them... I kept on walking around, mostly to check on everyone and what sorta things were ongoing. 

Ruby had ran up to me, annoying me about that stupid song she wouldn't stop singing and how I should go and listen to the other songs this guy made once we got out of here. That is if we even did. I wondered who this guy even was, and why she was so addicted to his songs. I might go listen to one or two someday, but I couldn't right now in the current situation at hand. I was so afraid for everyone. Even people like stupid Gelatin. I didn't want to see anyone hurt but knowing how everyone is... The tension will make sure someone snaps and murders. I noticed Balloony trying to inflate some balloons in one of the hallways, sitting to himself. It seems like he didn't have anyone to talk to. Which was a shame, in a way. He seemed like a nice guy, but not my type of friend. 

I kept on walking around, going to the second floor to see if either Dora or Liy was there. To my surprise... Both of them were. I thought Dora would be on edge to go on this floor due to the past events that had occurred. Although, my questions were soon answered as I had found them both in the Student Council meeting room. Mourning his death. She definitely hadn't gotten over it, as I watched her pitifully as she sobbed quietly with Liy comforting her. I was glad Liy was being such a nice friend. I knew that we would have to get over our friend's deaths and move on, but it's so hard when you knew them for who knows how long. It seemed a little worse for Dora. Her brother out of all people died, and they have known eachother for basically all of their lives. I went to go and sit down by her, patting her on the back as well. Liy noticed me come in, looking over and raising an eyebrow. I didn't respond as I wanted to comfort her. I just wanted her to be okay... I wanted everyone to be.

I would do anything to end this stupid game and keep them safe. Once and for all.

We stayed there for quite a while. Dora's eyes were all puffed up and red from the crying. She looked up at us, mumbling something under her breath and dragging us into a hug. "I-I miss him so much-" She sobbed, hiding into us. Liy sighed. "...I know you do.. It's hard to deal with loss." She softly said. I nodded in agreement. I knew things were going to be painful. Especially with this motive. "Dora... I don't know if you considered it before- fuck, I had.. But, please don't give in to the motive... We need to slowly get over his death.. I know it'll be hard. I know it's hard. We'll get through this together. Okay..?" I tried to reassure her, as she nodded and went to go hug me. "O-Okay." She whimpered from into me. I looked over to Liy, softly stroking her back. 

The moment was heartbreaking... I knew I had to get over it. I just couldn't though. It's so hard to deal with losing the ones closest to us but that was what happened. I hated this game so much. I wanted out. I knew everyone did. The amount of despair and suffering we had to experience from this stupid game... I don't know if I could even bear it. After a bit of hugging, I stood. I still held Dora closely.
"Do you want me to take you to your room.." I asked, feeling her nod as she still buried her head into me. I wanted her to be okay. Sorta like... How Ruby wanted me to be okay.
I guess I haven't been caring for myself that much. Liy went to go and help me take Dora back to her room, as we entered and plopped her down on the bed.
"Will you be okay without us?" Liy held her arms. I knew Dora was probably the closest friend she made while being here.
"I-I will." She smiled a little. Liy went to go and take my hand, nodding.
"Alright, we're gonna head off. See ya." She waved as we left.

Liy was shaking a bit. I could feel it in her hand as she held it. "It's getting late." She mumbled. "I'll take you to your room and see you tomorrow, okay?" She seemed to be telling herself this more than I... I wouldn't be surprised if so. She seemed really upset. She seemed really sad and upset to just have to take everything in. "..Alright." I mumbled as she went to go bring me to my room. She let go, the removal of contact made me a little sad as I waved as she waved back. There was a lot I wanted to do tomorrow... I wanted to maybe talk to some of the people I haven't done so much, maybe even consider remaking amends with Taco. Probably not, though. Well... I went to go take off my clothing and change into sleepwear as I comfortably washed my face and brushed my teeth. I'll see everyone alive tomorrow. That's what I hoped, at least.

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