[4] Secrets Untold.

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I was baffled to hear that, "...Huh? You finally remembered?" I was really confused and puzzled. "Well, it's perhaps just a theory but. There is a chance this is my actual talent! It was while I was trying to fix this goddamn hunk of junk." She grinned, uncovering her desk to reveal a working computer. Wait how the fuck did she get a computer??


"I found this in the library, and after inspecting and trying to figure out what was wrong, I managed to fix this. I believe that I was only able to fix this because it's connected to my true talent!" She grinned, putting her hands on her hips as she waited for my thoughts on her theory. I paused, trying to process this... She... She actually fixed a broken computer? "..What exactly do you think your title is?" I nervously asked, watching as she unzipped her jacket to reveal a light purple t-shirt underneath. She put her hands behind her back, taking a minute to close her eyes.

"Well... My name is Liy Sewch. I believe that I am the Ultimate Mechanic." She firmly said. "Though this might be wrong, I truly do believe this is the case." She appeared pretty confident with her words, and the thought of her possibly finally finding out her true talent is amazing. Mechanic huh? That would be useful in the real world...

 Mechanic huh? That would be useful in the real world

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"W-Wow... I-" I gazed at her. "..It would make sense, in a way. You did repair the computer, and mechanics do repair stuff." I don't know how to feel. She seemed so happy to finally find out what her talent is... I don't want to take it away in case it isn't true in the end. I smiled, clapping a bit. "Now that I have solved the mystery about myself... I have another mystery to solve." She moved some of her hair out of her face. "But that's for later..." 

I tilted my head but decided to not question her. "So wait, does this count as the girls meeting because of erm... The others are.." I didn't want to finish my statement, gulping and tearing up a bit at the thought. The memory... I just want it to go away. "Hm. I don't see why not... How about we meet up every day? I could bring Dora with us for some." She offered, myself nodding. "That doesn't sound too bad." I grinned playfully, getting up from her bed and nudging her as I walked past. "Anyways... It's getting a little late, and I don't want to be punished. See you tomorrow?" I suggested, noticing a small nod. "See you tomorrow." She waved as I walked out, taking a deep breath. I was still trying to process the trial and the execution and everything, and this wasn't helping.

It was nice to know who she truly was, though.

I walked to my room, throwing myself on the bed. I knew my phone wouldn't work in this fucking place, but I decided to pull it out. Tears fell from my cheek as I noticed the wallpaper being myself and Match. Both of us... So happy.

Why did she have to go?

Why was it her?

Why wasn't it me...

I huffed, putting my phone to the side as I turned off the lights and closed my eyes to go to bed... It was dark, as I slowly drifted off to sleep after a few minutes. I felt calm, and at peace. I wanted to go to the school purely just so I can get the hell away from my fans, but with the information of what happened here... I'd prefer to be tormented by my fans. I hated them at times. They were honestly really creepy, and honestly shipped me with other people..?? Even with Match. We weren't comfortable. None of us were. I don't like those.... people. I don't like them. at all. I woke up, jerking up from my bed as I looked around. It felt like I was in a nightmare, but I couldn't remember if I was in one or not. I rubbed my head, looking over to the clock as I squinted to see it as merely 5 AM. 3 hours. Good enough, I got up from my bed. Preparing to go to the bathroom to begin styling my hair... I took care in my beauty.

After an hour or so of making sure my outfit looked good enough, I went to go back to sit on my bed, not wanting to ruin my clothing. I looked down at my phone I had put to the side the other night, going to grab it and squinting as I tried to adjust to the sudden artificial light. I yawned tiredly, stretching a bit. My body felt so numb. I knew there would be no signal, but I still had access to my gallery and photographs, which I went to instantly. My old life... Before this fucking mess. Before everyone died. 

Most of the photographs consisted of me posting, and a few videos of me vlogging my many adventures. I smiled weakly, noticing one with my friends. Book, Ruby, Match, Bubble... All of them... We were all so happy, with big smiles. I remembered that day when we all left for this stupid academy...

"Congrats you guys! I'm so glad you became so well-known that you were accepted to this school. I heard they had things for every single student, so I'm sure you'll enjoy it." Book eagerly said, clapping happily as she had one of her arms wrapped around her smaller best friend, Ice Cube. "Woill you goiys miss us??? Ploise don't foirget about us!" Bubble exclaimed, hugging Match and sobbing a bit. I watched as Match gently pushed her off, comforting her. "Like, don't worry!! None of us will forget the friends that made us who we are today, right guys?" I noticed her hand began to brush over mine, making me blush a tiny bit as I went to grab it and rub it gently. "Yeah, don't worry." I insisted. "We'll always talk about you to our new friends." I smiled, feeling so happy back then. "Y-Yeah... T-Try to call us once you have the time to... Please.." Icy nervously said, burying her head into her. "We'll miss you.." She softly said, looking away from us. I nodded. "Will do!" Ruby was jumping up and down excitedly. "Come on! We shouldn't be late on our first day!" She began to take my other hand, running as I chased after her. Due to me holding onto Match's earlier, she tagged along. I turned back, smiling as I watched them slowly drift off into the distance.

If only I knew that would be the very last time I'd ever speak to them.

I went to stand, noticing it become 8. Holy shit have I... I dropped my phone on the bed at the realization, tearing up a bit. I've been thinking about them too much. I tried to forget about them as I went to walk out, heading over to Liy's room to wait for her to leave. She was my only friend at this point. I and Ruby kinda distanced, but we still hang out often. "Ready to go?" Liy suddenly spoke, breaking my train of thought as she opened her door. I nodded as I grabbed her hand, not speaking a word as I headed for the cafeteria with her for breakfast.

I noticed everyone else still alive come, watching as everyone quietly grabbed their food and went to sit. There were a few changes that I could notice instantly... Firey Jr was sitting all by himself at the end of the table, hissing at anyone who even tried to sit near him. I squinted as I noticed a few new friendships form. Dora and Balloony seemed to be talking and being friends, 8-Ball and Loser were both striking up a conversation, lastly, Gelatin and Taco seemed to both be friends. I don't understand how girls like... Taco. Could possibly befriend someone as idiotic and stupid as him. I never really liked Gelatin.

He was a joke. Everything to him seemed funny... Even the concept of death. It made me quite suspicious of him, but I didn't say anything as I began to bite into my pancake, feeling the warm maple syrup I had poured onto it earlier sink into my tastebuds. I loved the taste, savoring it before swallowing and going to eat more. Even with this shitty place, at least the food here was better than Freedsmart's shitty cafeteria food.

I went to enjoy the food, finishing the pancakes and leaving it there as I finished the remains of the milk and got up. I didn't see Liy anywhere... She must've finished earlier and left. I went to go lay by the door of the cafeteria, waiting for Ruby to pass by and finish, noticing her still eating. I wanted to just talk to someone at this point...

I went to doze off with my thoughts, thinking about how Icy, Bubble, and Book were all doing back at home. 

I refuse to call this place fucking home.

I refuse.

All this place is for me is somewhere where kids like me get tortured for thinking they were fucking special enough to be accepted in some super fancy school. 

I fucking hate th-

"Pencil?" My train of thought broke as I looked over to the person speaking to me.

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