[1] The Photographs.

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I was walking away from the hallway where Firey Jr confronted me. I was afraid. What would've happened if nobody did kill?? Would it be my fault that my... ex-boyfriend.. Would it be my fault that he's dead? I don't know.. He really did make it sound like my fault. I looked up at the clock nearby, reading it as 8PM. I bit my lip, as I had 2 more hours before I had to go to bed. Enough time to interact with the others. I smiled, as I saw Dora and David down at the hall. They both were nice the last time we interacted, even if David wasn't the most friendly towards me.

I walked up to them. "Hey guys!" I exclaimed with an eager smile, as Dora faced me and waved. "Oh, hello Leafy." She said, looking at me as she nudged David a bit. All he did was give me a glare and look away out of anger. Rude... "How have you been?" I asked, with a smile. "..I've been alright." Dora responded, shuffling her purple backpack a bit. She looked at David, before looking back at me with a sigh. "David's been alright too. He's just.. really upset over this whole murder for someone else to live idea." Huh..? Oh..

"Oh! If I could ask.. Who did you two have as your.. person?" I awkwardly said, it probably came out wrong... I felt bad, really bad. "I-I mean-! If you're comfortable." I quickly added, hoping to reassure them. "Oh. Me? Uhm.." She shuffled through her bag before taking out a small photograph of a girl with a pink scarf wrapped around her neck. Her hair was grey, tied up in a ponytail with a jagged look to it. She wore a long sleeve grey shirt, with a pink skirt and knee-long white socks. I gazed at her for a few more seconds before looking back up to Dora. "This is Saw. She's the person Monoroku intends on killing if one of us don't kill in a day, now." She firmly stated, gripping the photograph tightly before putting it away. Saw? What a nice name... "O-Oh- You two must be close than.. Huh..?" Dora nodded slowly, while David made a low growl at that statement. "What about you, David?" I looked at him.

"It's none of your business." He hissed, as he held his wrist angrily. Looking at me. Dora glanced at David with worry. "He hadn't told me who he had either.." She mumbled, before I walked up to David. "Well, why not find out?" I quickly snatched the photograph from David, pushing him back as he tried to fight back. "H-HEY- THAT'S MINE-!" He screamed out of anger. I stuck my tongue out, before looking at it. Who it was... Surprised me.

It was Dora.

But... It wasn't what she looked like now. It was a much younger dora, her hair short and down.. Like a football shaped hair. I don't know how to explain it, but it looked like a photograph of her when she was about... 8? 9? Sitting in a small open patch in the forest, admiring the natural surroundings around her. It hurt me inside.. Just to know her brother cared for her so much that she was the one that would've been harmed if we didn't... kill someone else.
Either way... One of us would die. Dora or not.

Before I could say anything, David quickly took it out of my hands. He was embarassed, quickly stuffing it in his jacket pocket and staring at me. He was on the verge of tears, rubbing his eyes. He looked away, turning around and walking off out of anger. Dora looked at me. 'Who was it?' She mouthed worriedly. I didn't want to say, shrugging. Dora didn't question, soon turning in the opposite direction to catch up with David. I admired how much David cared for her.. But why would he hide that from her? Is it to protect her?

It worried me.. But I decided to not think much of it and continue wandering the halls on my own. It was now 8:30PM. According to the clocks it was, atleast. I bit my lip, looking around. Everyone seemed to had found their own room to comfortably relax in, as I hardly saw anyone in the hallways this time around. Who was in the hallways, though, was Roboty. We didn't have such nice encounters the last two times.. But I felt bad! I wanted to help him!

I decided to talk to him, walking up to him. "Hi Roboty! It's nice to see you again." I smiled, hugging him. Roboty rolled his eyes, pushing me off of him quickly. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. What do you want." He didn't apperciate my help! Or my comfort! From what it looks like, atleast. "Oh! Nothing, I just wanted to talk to someone!" I smiled. Before fidgeting with my fingers. "...So... Uhm.. Who's the person you got for the motive?" I nervously said, laughing a bit when I said so. Roboty gave me a deadpan look, not impressed with my attempts. He rolled his eyes, soon shuffling through his pockets to take out a small photograph. I looked at it, eyes widening as I instantly recongized who it was.

It was Woody. The small fragile boy who was in my school, before he moved away. His hair was all messy with a small green band-aid right on his left cheek. He looked to be hiding in a corner of a room, shaking as he looked at the camera with fear. I always rememebered his fear of everything. I felt bad.. I did want to help him conquer his fears! But, I usually didn't bother him. I didn't hate him that much either! Unlike my friend, Pin.. She always hated talking or even seeing him! I don't mind.. It's their opinions after all. He was wearing a dark orange turtleneck sweater with green patches all over, and light blue pants. "..Oh-" Roboty took the photo back. "Now show me who's your... friend." He growled. Ah, so an exchange! I nodded, before grabbing the photo and showing him Pin. "This is my friend! Pin!" I smiled.

Roboty raised his eyebrow, as he put the photo back in his pocket and examined it. I smiled as I held it up before putting it away aswell. "Well, it was nice chatting with you! I hope we can talk more soon!" I giggled, before running off. That was great.. Well, I think I talked to enough people for today.. It was 9PM anyways, so I better get to bed. I swiftly walked for my room, turning in for the night.

1 more day until Pin's gone. Or someone else in this very school is.

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