[1] First Case.

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After backing out, I fell back and bumped into Gelatin. "Oh hey Leafster! What you been up to?" He shot fingerguns to me as tried to keep balance. "I've been trying to get to the bottom of this whole murder thing, you?" I quickly said, adjusting my bag as he playfully messed with his bow. "Ohhh, nothing~" He playfully teased, before helping me keep balance. "I've just been playing 'round! Goofin' off, that's all." He slapped my back. "Anyways, I gotta get going. Talk to ya later Leafster!" He skipped off, leaving me there. I didn't know what to say. I paused for a few more minutes until my PDA began to boot up. I took it out of my bag.

Monoroku was back on the screen. "Alright students! Time's up!" They snickered, waving. "Now, all you gotta do, is head into the trial room. Where our first class trial will be held! I will explain the rules once all 15 students arrive. So, be on time! Ta-ta~" The screen turned off after the short announcement. Well... I guess it's time to go. We have a lot to discuss... And this is only the first murder! Who knows who else might kill in the future... I was shaking, the fact that people in this very school killing their fellow classmates seemed impossible. But.. Spongy's death proved that this wasn't true. It was possible. And now, we, as the rest of the class, have to decide which one of us killed him... I couldn't believe it. I wished it was a dream but it wasn't...

I walked for the trial room, which I noticed instantly. The room that was taped from the beginning, and had been.. Was opened. I noticed some of the others going there, so I assumed this was it. It was time to begin the trial. It was time to decide who killed Spongy. Well... I stared at the trial room. It was 17 podiums in a circle, each had a name of one of the students of this school. In-between Balloony and Ruby's was Spongy's. A image of him smiling, with an bloody pink X crossed over it.. I think it was real blood. But I didn't want to know. My name was sat between Pencil and Bracelety's, and Pencil was already there. I went to take my spot, waiting as everyone else went to their podium. Soon, everyone was at their proper spot. Standing there. Waiting for instructions. Gelatin glanced at the empty podium next to him, expecting something to happen in that very spot.. But instead, he was spooked to have Monoroku suddenly appear in his own judge's bench. He held a gavel in his hand and had a sinister girn. "Greetings students! To your very first.. Class trial!" Everyone faced him by now. Including me.

"Let me explain the rules. One of you murdered poor Spongy, by blood loss! They are the blackened, and you need to find out who it is. If you do~ The blackened will be punished! But.. If you fail.. Let's just say.. Everyone but the blackened will be punished, and the blackened will go on to graduate and to go back out free in the world! Now.. Have fun, and may the first trial begin!" He hit the gavel down, and that rang through us. It was time.


"..Well. I suppose we need to get this started. I'll start." Liy held onto the railings of the podium, looking at everyone else with a squint. "Spongy was murdered by one of us, correct?" She looked at Monoroku, for confirmation. 

"Right. After examining Spongy's body, I've hardly noticed any scars. He had no struggle at all, so he had to be attacked from some sort of surprise.." 

"Like a stealth attack?" Firey Jr asked.

"Indeed. Now, there were two noticable wounds on his body. One was on his head.. And the other, was on one of his hands." Liy continued, explaining as everyone else listened in carefully. Gelatin was writing notes in his hand, and I knew what she meant by 'one of his hands.' So, I decided to speak up to add into the discussion.

"One of his hands were cut off, and the hand was in the garden! Stuck right fresh in the dirt." 

"I-It was..?" Loser gasped, covering his mouth using his hand. "That sounded horrible to go through.." 

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