[2] Rotten Hand..

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Not again. Not again. Not again.

I was hugging Pencil tightly as my vision began to focus more clearly, and I looked up to her nervously. "W-What are we supposed to do-!? I don't want anyone else to die..." I mean, sure, some of the people here aren't the kindest... But I'm sure they had reasons! All of them do... Pencil huffed a bit, glancing to the side. I knew that another death was bound to occur.. Than the executions! They were just so terrible... I don't know what Monoroku gets out of this..

i mean im not insane anymore so uhh yeah

I was determined to try to keep them safe... I wanted everyone to just live a happy life! How hard could that be...? I gave a small smile to Pencil before parting, looking over to the doors. I walked out, trying to get away from everyone else as I began to do what I wanted to do last night.... Only if that.. dream? nightmare? I'm not sure.. It kept me asleep.. I wanted to know what would be the end of it. Did they even miss me? I really did hope so..

I headed for the garden, taking a deep breath as I walked. The first floor seemed so massive compared to the second.. But that might just be because we were confined in the first floor for awhile... Thankfully, I did remember the path as I walked. As I did... I kept on getting thoughts.. Of the investigation.

Seeing Spongy's hand just dug in the dirt sounded like a terrible idea.. Why would Stapy even do that? I mean... Spongy did die from bloodloss.. But.. His head was hardly harmed. It was just a bit of blood. His arm.. On the other hand? (no pun intended i swear) There was... a lot of blood. Did Stapy just... kill an innocent person just thinking they were dead? Oh my... Thinking about it.. That might just be the case.

I feel bad... But.. They're both gone.. For good.....

Suddenly, I felt myself perk up as the faint smell of dried up blood went into my nostrils. I looked around, confused of the smell when I realized I was just right outside of the garden. The place seemed cleaned up for the most part.. The blood spill was completely wiped away, and the tools were reorganized and it looked like nobody was ever in there.. Except one core thing.
The hand still remained.

I stared at it. Why wasn't it cleaned up...? Was it meant to just be a painful memory of what was of Spongy? The smell was a lot stronger as I smelled the rotting arm just stuck in the dirt. I winced, trying to hold it in as I walked closer to the hand... It seemed really beatened up, and cut clean... I paused to think... What could I possibly do with this..? Well.. It wouldn't be as painful of a reminder if I just.. threw it away in the trashcan.. Right? Surely...

I took in a deep breath, trying to ignore the stench as I quickly went down to grab and pull out the hand right from the dirt from the fingers. Touching the hand was disgusting, as I felt a shiver go down my spine.. It was difficult for me to pull it out the dirt, as it was stuck right in there.. It was as if the body was still connected to the hand and it was merely buried underground. Eventually, I did pull it out. I looked at the bottom, not seeing any signs of bone as I went to quickly throw it away in the trash. My hand was smeared in the scent and color of dried up blood. I wanted to gag.... I hated it... But atleast I knew I disposed of it. It'd be better off it was thrown away anyways. I ran for the bathroom, quickly going to the sinks to wash my hands as I heard someone open the door.


Who was there?

After drying my hands, I turned over to notice Liy watching me with interest. "Hm.." She squinted at me. "..Interesting." She quickly left, pretending as if I had never noticed her. It kinda creeped me out... I didn't want to know why she was there.. Was she planning something? Was she planning to hurt me..?

I really hoped not. I shook both of my hands a bit to get the access water off before going outside of the bathroom and checking both ways to see if she was nearby or not. To my surprise, the entire hallway was empty. I bit my lip. Of course.. I decided to go on my way and walk off, going for the kitchen to grab a snack. Atleast I knew that Taco would probably stop stealing all of the food.. I wondered why.. Maybe it's because she's the Ultimate Food Critic or something.

Oh well.

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