Impossibles x Sirens: Smogula

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The Impossibles and Sirens were riding in the Impossi-moble. Skye was in the front while Multi drove, Flo was in the middle with Fluid, and Flexi was in the back with Coil. The boys were listening to the girls practice a new song called Love Is Like A Storm for an upcoming concert. The teens didn't know that Smogula was following them in a realistic fake cloud.

Smogula: What an appropriate choice of song. I, Smogula the invincible, know that behind those singing group facades, The Impossibles and Sirens are secret fighters of justice.

He aims at them with his weather ray, Multi notices.

Multi: Don't look now, but we're being followed by a cloud with a gun.

Coil: You're joking!

Smogula: Oh, but he's not! Care for some ice?

He shoots his ray at them, trapping the six teens and the Impossi-moble in a block of ice.

Multi: *Skye's clinging to him* Sizzlin' Stereos! We've been put on ice!

Smogula: And, cycloned!

Another blast from his ray and a tornado launches them in a nearby mine. He finishes by causing a cave in to trap them in the mine. He goes to terrorize the people in Empire City. In the mine,

Coil: Only one fiend could have done this.

Fluid: I'll bet ya it's Smogula.

Multi: Off to Empire City, no doubt.

Flexi: We've got to stop him!

Flo: First thing's first, we've got to get out of this!

They transform into their hero forms and free themselves. First, Coil Man drills a hole through the ice and rocks with Flexi Girl close behind him, then Fluid Man and Water Witch liquify and exit through the hole Coil Man made, Multi Man gets himself and Sonic Boom out with the Impossi-moble. The other four hop in and they make their way to stop Smogula.

Coil Man: *he's on the hood of the Impossi-jet while Multi Man drives* Better surrender, Smogula. You're up against the Impossibles and The Sirens!

Smogula: You're right, you are Impossible! I thought I put you on ice.

Mayor: Rally Ho! We're saved!

Smogula: Oh, no you're not! I'll get rid of them with my hailstone shish-ka-barrage. *He fires some hailstones at Coil Man*

Coil Man: Keep 'er on course, Multi. I'll get it. *He catches the hailstones on his coils* Many happy returns! *He sends them back, nailing Smogula* I warned you, Smogula, spring is here! *He leaps at him*

Smogula: And, a hurricane to greet it!

He hits Coil Man with hurricane from his gun and knocks him off course, Fluid Man and Water Witch catch him and set him down safely. As Flexi Girl goes over to see if he's ok, Fluid Man and Water Witch go for him.

Smogula: Now, aren't they the brave ones? A blast of hot sun rays will take care of them. Ok, heroes, come and get it!

He shoots at them and they share a smirk.

Fluid Man and Water Witch: We sure will.

The blast seems to hit them and there's a lime green and blue cloud in their place.

Smogula: Hey, where did they go? All I see are those itty bitty clouds.

Fluid Man: *laughs* With a fistful of silver lining.

A lime green fist and a blue gauntleted one  punch him in the nose and the two take off. Smogula goes after them, shooting with his ray gun. Water Witch is quick to put up a giant water wall in front of her and her boyfriend.

Fluid Man: Rally Ho-ho!

Multi Man and Sonic Boom come to their aid. Sonic Boom hits Smogula with a Sonic Scream that knocks him out of the sky and into the ocean.

Smogula: You six may be Impossible, but I'm invincible!

Multi Man: Look who thinks he's invincible! *He laughs as Sonic Boom quietly giggles*

Smogula: My weather control ray says I am!

Multi forms a protective wall of clones in front of Sonic Boom so Smogula wouldn't hit her, she ducks just to be safe.

Multi Man: You'll need more than one.

Smogula sends a flurry of tornadoes at him, hitting his clones, but, as Sonic Boom knew, missing the real Multi.

Smogula: I got them all!

Multi Man: *popping up from the water and grabbing Smogula's gun* All but the Original!

He hits Smogula with his own weather ray a few times and gives him a head cold. Afterwards, the Impossibles and Sirens get back to practice.

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