Defending Radio

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(this was a request, I'm not entirely sure it'll be good, but, I'm willing to give it a try.)

The Oz Kids were waiting with Toaster, Lampy, and Blankie for Radio and Ratso to come back with the WFC 11-12-55 tube they needed for Wittgenstein. They arrive with Radio holding the tube in his antenna. Suddenly, Ratso starts fighting with him over it. Toaster tries to get them to stop, but the tube gets shattered on the floor and Ratso pins the blame on Radio, the others turn on him, too. Dot and her friends had enough.

Dot: Leave him alone!

Frank: Yeah, it's not his fault!

Boris: It was an accident.

The other Oz Kids join in, defending Radio without pinning blame on anyone else. Radio sadly goes off behind some boxes during all this. Wittgenstein make an effort to stop the animals from being shipped out, he blows his tube from the effort. Everyone is sad about not being able to help the animals.

Ratso: *accusatory* What now, Radio?

Dot shoots him an annoyed look, but there's no response. The sound of something glass rolling on the floor breaks the silence. It's a WFC 11-12-55 tube, the very tube they need. They run behind the boxes and see that it's Radio's, he gave his life to save his friends.

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