Joe Yabuki: Raising Elphiba

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Joe Yabuki and Judy have been in a relationship for a while. Judy loved Joe very much, she hated seeing him hurt. So, she would use her Pain-splitting Spell to help. Joe hated it when she does it, he hated seeing the injuries he got from his fights and hotheadedness appear on her skin. The two were at the mall when they hear crying. They look around and find an oddly adorable green skinned baby with black hair. She's sitting in a baby carrier with a diaper bag next to her. They exchange looks and approach her, she stares up at them with her brown eyes, she's got a note pinned to her onesie. They read it and get really mad about it. It basically said that her name was Elphiba and she was abandoned because her skin was green. Judy notices that she had a dirty diaper, so she took the green infant in the bathroom to change her while Joe waited patiently for her, rereading the note. Judy's surprised to find that Elphiba is very well behaved for an infant. She doesn't kick her legs, she doesn't try to roll off the changing table, she even holds the front of clean diaper in place so Judy could tape it. When Judy holds her, Elphiba cuddles her chest. Judy tells her boyfriend about the infant's odd, but well behavior, he's as surprised as she had been. They look after her without having to think about it, Joe's surprisingly good with her. One night, Joe was having trouble sleeping, so he got up, giving Judy a tinder kiss on the cheek, and went to go to the living room. He notices Elphiba looking at him, so he gently scoops her up and takes her with him. In the morning, Judy wakes up and notices that her boyfriend isn't beside her, she knows he had another rough night. She finds him where she thinks he would be, on the couch. She sees him with Elphiba curled up on his chest, his arms protectively around her as he sleeps. She takes in the adorable scene before gently taking Elphiba out of his arms and waking him up with a kiss.

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