Starks inventions

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Coulson's pov
"Ok guys tony stark called and wants us to retrieve some of his stolen inventions" I say and everyone looks excited. We haven't had a mission I'm a while and this mission involves an avenger, Fitz is practically bursting with excitement.
"What things have been stolen" skye asks,
"Some of his blue-prints for a bomb he was designing were stolen from his labs database" I say "luckily the hacker left a signal which we will be able to trace" I add and look to fitz and Simmons. "We will got right on that sir" Simmons says,
"Great, that's it you should all go prepare and gear up, May as soon as fitz and Simmons track our hacker we lift off"
"Yes sir" they all say and head out of my office but May stops at the door. "Sir you don't think this could be tied to the disappearance of fitz and Simmons blue print and inventions from their data base do you" she asks, I hadn't even thought about that, "I'm not sure, it's possible" I say and she nods and leaves.

Third persons pov

"Bingo" fitz says and runs over to the big computer, furiously typing in codes "aha got a hit" fitz says.
"Where is he" may asks,
"We traced his phone to a cafe in London, England, I'll send you the coordinates now" Simmons says and May walks quickly away to the cockpit.
"Ok everyone were off to England "
Mays voice blares over the intercom and the plane starts to lift off.

"Ok, everyone remember the plan" May says,
"Yup, me and Simmons will stay here with skye, while trip and ward go and secure the perimeter around the cafe you and coulson will approach our hacker" fitz says and May nods,
"Alright let's go" coulson says and they all hop into the cars,
"Good luck" Simmons yells after them "alright let's set up coms".
They go to the lab and turn on the coms "can you hear me" skye says "hello", "Hey", "yup", "got ya", "we are all connected" comes there response all at once making skye,fitz and Simmons flinch a bit. "Alright, geez not all at once" she mutters and hears coulson chuckle.

They arrive at cafe and pull up ok the opposite side of the street. they all tuck there guns and weapons into there jackets, "ok ward,trip you go around the back and me and May will enter through the front and pretend to customers until skye can hack the hackers phone and give us a profile" coulson says,
"Actually sir" skye says through the coms "Iv done that and I'm sending you his profile now".
They all look down at their phones and we they have a text from skye. "The man we are looking for is 32, brown hair browns eyes and modicum hight guys" ward says and everyone nods "ok slight change of plan then, me and May will identify the target and then we will take it from there" Coulson says and everyone nods. Once everyone is in position and skye has hacked into the cafés security network Coulson and May go inside. They sit down at a table in the corner and Coulson pretends to look at the menus while scanning the room, "behind you at the bar" coulson whispers and May turns to see the target sitting alone. "We have eyes on the target" coulson says through the coms, "ok what now" trip says and coulson looks at May. She instantly shakes her head knowing what he is thinking "no nope no way" she says, "agent May that's an order" he says but in a friendly tone, she stands and gives him a dirty look before walking over to the bar.
"Hi" she says to the target sitting on the chair next to him, she pretends to be slightly drunk "I'm Maria what's your name" she says slurring her speech a bit. The target turns himself so he is facing her and smiles a flirtatious smile, "I'm dan" he says "do you want a drink" he ask and May nods "yes please" she says and giggles.

"Fitz Simmons you should come and see this" skye calls to the two scientists who were talking in the corner. "What's agent May doing" Simmons says, "oh my gosh is she flirting" fitz says and skye nods "she is gonna kill coulson for making her do this" Simmons says. "yeh but she's had to do it before" skye points out, "true" Simmons says.

It had been about ten minutes and May had him wrapped around her little finger, "I should go" she says leaning forward "but I had loads of fun" she says emphasising "loads" as she gets down of the chair. "No I'll drive you home" he offers and she nods "thanks" she says stumbling and he takes her by the arm and leads her out of the cafe cousin following Clair behind.
"This is my car" she says, "ward and trip come around to the cars" coulson says and within a minute they were standing next to coulson "on three" coulson says into the coms so May can hear "1,2,3".
May kicks him into the car seat and pulls out her gun dropping her drunken act, "hand behind your back, now" she says as the others approach them and trip forcefully puts hand cuffs on dan. "Well shit, that ruins my night" he says and falls unconscious, "don't worry" May says when the others look at her worried "I slipped a sleeping powder into his drink" she says and Coulson Laughs.

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