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(I know the title isn't creative but I couldn't think of a name very sorry!!!!

2 days till there mysterious holiday

Ward pov

For the past 3 days me and sky have regained some of our friend ship, she has such a big heart and forgives easily. May and Coulson are on professional terms only no friendly chat and fitzsimmons are there normal selves. "Hey ward" Simmons says as she walks into the kitchen, "hey Simmons, the coffee in the pot is fresh I just made it" I say , "thanks " she replies getting out a coffee mug. "So are you excited for our holiday" I ask her, "yeh really excited but fitz is nervous, he doesn't like surprises much" Simmons replies with a grin. "He'll come tho don't worry " I say , "how do you know" she asks with raised eye brows, "well, because you are going, and he loves protecting you" I say. Simmons just blushes and says "later ward" as she walks out.

Simmons pov

"Later ward" I say and wave as i walk out. *bump* I bump into someone "oh sorry, oh hello Simmons " fitz says, he bends down to pick up the books he dropped and. I bend down to help. "Hi fitz what you up to" I ask , "not much I was just going to do some reading" he says standing up and gesturing to the books in his hands. "How about you what are you up to" he asks, "nothing, I'm bored" I say, " well maybe I can read later and we can go and do something together" he suggests. A grin spreads across my face, "yes I would love that fitz thanks, that's really sweet" I say and he blush "no problem" he says. And we head toward the lounge.
"Oh man, I suck at this game" I complain ,fitz has just bet me for the third time in Mario cart, "fitz I suck at this game" I whine, " I know, it's great, I'm winning heaps" he says. I lightly punch him on the arm, "your mean" I laugh. *cough* "May I " I turn and see coulson standing beside me. "Sure" I say handing him the controller. "Ok fitz get ready to lose" he says as the game begins.
*yawn* "guys you have been playing for ages" I complain. "Simmons I know I can beat him" fitz says, "in your dreams" Coulson laughs.
"Hey guys" sky says happily as she walks in, "hey, fitz is still convinced he can beat me" coulson says, "I can, you cheat" fitz complained. "They have been going for hours and fitz has lost every time" I say. "Come on Simmons, I'll save you, come make dinner with me" sky suggests, "yes, I'd love to, bye boys" I say a chorus of grunts are my reply as I walk out.
"What's for dinner" I ask skye when we are in the kitchen, "pasta" skye suggests, "sounds good" I smile back. "So how are things with ward" I ask skye, "um we are better, not friends but getting there" sky says. "How about you and May" I ask, "well she isn't mad about the ward thing, she says that's not my fault,but I don't think she likes me" she replies sadly. "I think she doesn't know you properly yet" I say. Skye just nods and focuses on boiling the water for pasta. "How are you and fitz" sky asks, " we are good, still friends" i say, and I emphasis the friends part. "That's just a waste of a cute relationship" sky moans, "hahaha sky you really are cute" I laugh and the next thing I know I have flour on my face. "SKYE" I yell "what was that for", "you called me cute" sky laughs. "I'm going to get you" I scream and I smash an egg on her head, "Simmons that is so unfair" sky moans, "yup life sucks" I say.

Coulson's pov

Soon after the girls left ward came in and turned this competition into a war. "Damn you ward" I say "I was crushing fitz when you came in" I complain. "Well I crushed you both so, shame " ward laughs. "Common guys let's go check how dinners going" fitz says.
When we walk into the kitchen it is covered in food, egg, flour, and milk. "Oh hi guys" Simmons and sky says innocently, "why are you guys covered in food and why is the kitchen covered in food"I ask. "Um...... Sky started it" Simmons says. Ward walks up behind me and fitz ,"FOOD FIGHT"he yells and splats eggs on our heads. "Game on ward, I'm good at a food fight" fitz says.
"Ok guys, let's clean up now" I say
"Aww but I hate cleaning" sky complains, "ha you probably should have thought of that" ward laughs.
~later at dinner~
"You guys are lucky you even have any food left" May laughs after I tell her about our food fight. Her laugh is so pretty, i haven't heard it in ages. "Coulson stop looking at me" May whispers, "sorry" I say. Everyone is in deep conversation so I decide to start a conversation with May. "Hey I was thinking we could leave tomorrow and start our mysterious holiday" I suggest, "yeh good idea, I'm bored" May says, "I'm done I think I'm going to bed" Simmons says standing up, "ok but tomorrow we are starting our mysterious holiday" I say, "yay" everyone says "Night guys" Simmons says.
After everyone went to bed I went into the kitchen to get some water and found May doing the dishes, "hey I can do those tomorrow" I say, "no it's ok I can't sleep anyway" she says, " ok if your sure" I say "I'm fine go to bed phill" May says and smiles.

Sorry if this was short it's a filler chapter.
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Bye xx

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