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Im on my own again, finally. Things were looking bad,
No anti-syrum,
No place to land and safely lock up me and the item as we were over water,
No more Simmons and my side effects are getting stronger.
I'm out of ideas.
I shiver, the room is getting cold, I look out the window and the sun is setting. It looks beautiful, I grab a blanket skye gave me and wrapping it around myself I go over to my work station. Paper with theories and failed syrum equations cover my desk. I pile them all up and grab an empty note pad, I start to write.
-Meanwhile in the meeting room-
"Ok so we have a couple of options" Coulson says to the team, "one, we call ahead and get a shield truck to drive and meet us as soon as we land and we will land as soon as we see land but, because we don't know how long until the item let's of an electrical explosion that will kick us out of the sky that is kind of risky,
two, we don't give up and keep trying to find an antidote, we could call some of shield top scientist and get them to help,
Three, is we follow protocol" cousin says slowly, everyone is silent. "No" May says "what" coulson asks, "I know what protocol is and there is no way we are doing that to a memeber of our team" May says and coulson nods "I know and I never said they were good choices but we have to think about everyone" he says. "Guys what is protocol" Simmons says nervously, "it doesn't matter" ward says,
"Yes it does, tell me"
May speaks up first "we place the item in a solid steal container and place a tracker on it, throw it into the ocean and then a containment unit shield team will retrieve it" may says "I think that's a good idea" May adds,
"Yeh I know what we do to the object but..." she stops "what do we do about fitz" she asks quietly, no one speaks "we would inject him with a sleeping drug, it would be fast and painless" coulson says and Simmons looks straight a head like she was hearing things she blinks twice. "That's a nice way of saying put to sleep" she says, she looks sure of what she's saying but her tone is praying she is wrong, the teams silence confirms it. "You mean killing fitz had crossed your minds, your sick there is no way in..."
"I know, what's your idea then" ward says,
"We put the item in a metal traceable container, drop it out of the plane and send a shield team to find it, we follow protocols for the item but not for fitz, we don't give up" she says and everyone nods "that's what I had planed" coulson says, "skye are you okay" Simmons says looking at skye who is greenish, "uh yeh..." Alarms cut her off "Sir look" May says and types something into the security cameras show up on the screen "the hanger door, it's opening" skye says. That's when they see fitz, "what's he doing" skye says panicked,
"He's gonna jump" May yells already racing down the stairs.
Simmons pov
The air whipped my hair in my face as I ran down after the others. It had taken me awhile to process mays word, I couldn't believe it but here we were, fitz was standing on the edge of the open hanger door, red puffy eyes.
"Fitz get back from the edge" May yells but he doesn't reply, just looks at me. "Fitz" I say walking closer "fitz please stand away from the edge we will work this out" I say but he shakes his head, I move closer and slip my hand into my pocket. I pull out a syringe. "Fitz I order you to stand away from the edge now" coulson says and fitz shakes his head "sir do you really want to die today, because If I stay here I'll blow the plane up" he says, "what did you do to the item" may says worried, "dot worry I followed protocol" he says and everyone sighs "I threw it out of the plane in a traceable box". I slowly move closer, I'm so close I could grab him, "Jem please get away from me" he says "I love you" and with that he starts to fall, I reach out and grab his hand, ward is quickly by my side lifting up a kicking fitz. "What the hell is wrong with you" fitz says I grab him and stab the needle into his shoulder, his unconscious body slumps into my arms and the hanger doors close, my mind is racing. Ward picks up fitz as I slump against the wall and he goes to lay him down in his cubby. "Simmons are you okay" skye says coming and sitting next to me putting her hand ok mine, I nod, a tear slides down my cheek.
"Why would he do that" I ask and she shakes her head and hugs me "I don't know".
"Uh Simmons you might want to see this" coulson says and Simmons looks up, following his gaze. Her eyes land on the test mouse cubicles, except one mouse isn't dead it's up and running a round. Simmons jumps up and runs to the lab, she picks up the mouse, "oh my gosh, it wasn't dead, it only fainted that means the last anti-syrum worked, it worked" skye squeals with Simmons. Simmons drops the mouse back in it's cage and picks up the last anti-syrum, she runs out of the lab and straight to fitz cubby. When she gets there fitz it just starting to wake up, she rolls up his sleeve and injects the anti-syrum into his arms.

Hey guys
Who reading this watches broadchurch. If you do, your amazing, of you don't you should because it's SO SO SO GOOD !!!
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