Not just nightmares

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mays pov

"Your a cold hearted bitch, you are a killer a stone cold killer"

I wake up screaming.

Another one, another nightmare of my time in Bahrain and of what I can only describe as a plane crash but they can't be memories.

I'm starting to think they might be memories because they are becoming more detailed every time and iv had them constantly.

And Just like the last time, I'm covered in sweat.

I get up and go into the bathrooms, I need a shower. I turn on the shower and step into the cold water and just let myself relax.

Sky's pov

I sit on the chair opposite ward and coulson, "skye take this and open it" coulson says heaving a suitcase into the table in front of me.

"Why what is it" I say unzipping it,

"It's what you will be bringing with you to the undercover mission. The suitcase is jammed full off clothes and makeup "it's from shields extensive clothing collection" ward says smirking.

I'm the corner of the case there is a perfectly folded dress covered in a see through protector. I hold it up and my jaw drops, it's a stunning purple strapless dress with embroidery across the top. The back goes from short at the front to long at the back so that the back drapes along the floor behind me on the very end there are small jewels sewn into the dress.

"What do you think" coulson says smiling, "it's amazing" I whisper and smile at them "thanks".

"No problem, oh and by the way it's yours to keep" ward says and I laugh, iv never owned anything as expensive or beautiful as this, "what about May" I ask, "oh we are going to drop hers of now" Coulson says, "actually I'm gonna go and talk to fitzsimmons and see if they have the comms ready yet" ward says waving at us and walking out.

"What's wrong with him" I ask "he seemed eager to get out",

"You would be to if you had to go and get May to agree to wear a dress" coulson laughs and walks out.

I examine my other suitcase contents, makeup bag, jeans, a skirt, a very revealing bikini I will not be wearing, some crop tops, shorts and stiletto high heels that match my dress and a pair of normal black high heels.

"This is great" I squeal to myself.

Mays pov

"No" I say simply he has to be kidding homself of he thinks I'll wear this, this is hardly even a dress it's.... ewwww, I shiver at the thought of wearing it.

"May, you have to" he says sternly but fails to hide his amusement of my suffering.

The dress is black and sleek, the front is a v-neck that shows an awful to much cleavage and the dress reaches my feet bit the material is almost see through the only thing that is stopping everyone from seeing everything is a small black slip attached to the dress for me to wear under. And to make things worse the bottom is covered in bright pink glitter and jewels.

"Why can't I just wear a simple dress" I whine and pout my lip,

"No, don't give me that look you have to wear it to fit in, if we even are suspected to be shield it will ruin the entire operation" coulson says,

"I hate you"

"No you don't" he says with a smirk, "hey why don't you try it on" he try's,

"Ha nice try but no you will just have to wait for the night of my fatal embarrassment" I sigh.

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