Ball gowns and first dates

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I know I said that I wouldn't post but I just reached 1K readers !!!!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH, THIS MEANS SO MUCH TO ME I never thought I would even reach 100 readers when I started so this is amazing XXXX


So last night agents of shield 2x1 started...... (Spoilers if you haven't seen it)

OMG WHAT IS HAPPENING, poor fitz and where is Simmons.

Even tho it was horribly sad I love May and coulson's new dynamic (there like an old married couple)

And I love that May and sky are closer.

WARD....... I HAVE NO WORDS!!!!!


Coulson's pov

When we land in las vagus we catch a cab to a hotel, and book in. This hotel is about ten minutes away from all of the places we will be going to so it's very convenient.

"Ok May and skye you will share and ward and I will share" I say as we are handed our room keys. We all walk into the elevators,

"Anyone keen for a late night swim there is a pool" skye asks, "yeh sure" ward says, ha he just wants to see her in a bikini. "No not me, sorry" I say and May just ignores them, "ok I'll meet you down there then" sky says as we all step out if the elevator and go to our rooms.

May hasn't spoke since our talk on the plane, I'm worried. She was making progress in her people skills and now she's.... back to square one.

Me and ward enter our room, it's pretty big, "wow this is nice" ward says.

We have a bathroom, kitchen, tv and two king beds, "I'll take this bed closer to the door" ward says chucking his suitcase on his bed and getting out his swim trunks, "I'm just gonna get changed" he says disappearing onto the bathroom.

I decide to unpack my stuff since we will be here a while, it usually doesn't take long but considering that I have two tux and other 'undercover' items it takes a while. "Coulson are you sure you don't want to come" ward says coming out of the bathroom with his trunks on and a towel over his shoulder, "no I'm good, have fun" I say smirking and he just shakes his head and walks out.

After unpacking I decide to get some food from the cafe downstairs. I change into comfortable clothes and I walk out of my room, I pass mays room on the way to the elevator and nock

no reply, "May" I say,

"What" she says opening the door, "oh sorry I was just going to get some dinner, do you want to join me I was gonna bring it back up and eat it while watching a movie" I say and she smiles a small smile, "sorry I was just about to go to bed, I'm super tired" she says and I nod,

"Ok see you tomorrow" I say and she waves as she shuts the door.

I shut my door and place my stir fry on the bed. I grab the remote and flick on the tv, the 'doctor who' theme song fills the room and I laugh, I love doctor who I actually know Matt smith, he's a great guy.

I start to eat my food and pull the covers up over me. It's about 15 minutes into my doctor who episode when I start to hear noises coming from across the hall and I think nothing off it until an ear piercing scream fills my ears.

I'm up and out of the room I'm seconds, the scream came from mays room.

"May, may" I say banging on the door, there's no reply so I kick the door open busting the lock. Mays lying in bed shaking, sweating and muttering, "May, May wake up" I say shaking her she suddenly shoots up and punches me in the nose.

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