Too busy

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"What the hell were you thinking" Simmons yells at fitz,
"Common Simmons, be easy on him" May says, "no, your a stupid idiot" Simmons yells. They were having a quite cup of tea when fitz woke up and came in, at first Simmons hugged him and kissed him which, much to his dismay, made his cheeks turn a deep red. Then she just started yelling.
"You were gonna jump out of a plane, are you kidding me, it was stupid and irrational" Simmons yells, "that's what it does to people" fitz says quietly,
"No you can't blame the stupid infection, disease thing for your stupid behaviour" Simmons yells and fitz just stares at her,
"Simmons I don't think he means the disease" ward says, Simmons looks confused "what then",
"What" Simmons says irritated,
"That's what love does, it makes you make stupid irrational choices" fitz says and Simmons starts to cry again. "I hate you leo" she says laughing,
"Yeh whatever" fitz chuckles and he enfolds Simmons into a bear hug,
"Family hug" skye yells and jumps into the hug.
After several minutes Simmons speaks "Ok guys I can't breath" Simmons says and everyone slowly starts to untangle themselves. "Ok fitz, my office" coulson says as he walks away fitz nods and follows quietly.
"Oh he's in trouble" May laughs and sits down opening her book again, Simmons disappears to the lab and trip grabs Skye's hand,
"Do you want to do something" he says and she nods "yeh I want to sleep" she laughs,
"Well gee skye what fun" he says in a sarcastic and mocking tone giving her a sly grin, she hits him on the arm "not like that, get your mind out of the gutter" she laughs. "Uh guys if you want to flirt please do it somewhere else" May says shaking her head. "Fine, come along skye" trip says and pulls a laughing skye out of the room.

In coulson's office

"Do I make myself clear" Coulson says sternly,
"Yes sir" fitz says fidgeting with his hand "I'm sorry sir",
"You should be, we need you and Simmons but if you ever try and pull a stunt like that again you'll be back in your simple home lab before you can say rocket science" Coulson says and fitz laughs coulson's joins in "I promise sir" fitz says and Coulson nods his head "alright off you go" he says and fitz slips out of coulson's office. Before the door can close skye is waking in. "Hey ac" she says,
"Not a moments peace in This place is there" he chuckles, "no" she says "I thought we could chat" she says,
"Chat, why" coulson asks "cuse we never have time to anymore like we used to" she says and he nods, "do you want coffee" she asks,
"Yeh let's go" he stands up and they head to the kitchen.
"What's it like to be director" skye asks when they are seated with hot coffee. "Hard, but amazing" he says grinning "I share my responsibilities with agent hill though so that makes it easy" he says,
"How do you split the responsibilities" skye says taking a sip of her coffee "well I sort missions and mission priority, weapons and vehicle use, other paper work and Hill handles recruitment, S.O. paring, looks after the base, and the training programs " he says,
"That's so cool" skye says "but you better not leave the team" she says seriously, "I won't" he says and looks over at May who is still reading. Skye follows his gaze and smirks, "why don't you just tell her that you love her" skye says bluntly and coulson chokes on his coffee and looks up shocked "what" he asks,
"Your kidding right it's so obvious" she laughs and coulson rolls his eyes, skye wiggles her eye brows and makes kissy faces. "All right that's enough" he says and she laughs. "I have to go sort out some stuff, thanks for the coffee" he says and stands up "see you later ac" she says as he leaves.
"Hey" ward says as he sits down In the chair where coulson just sat. "Hey what's up" she says, "nothing just bored" he says and she laughs "I was thinking we should all go out tonight" skye says,
"What do you mean" ward asks, "I think it would be fun if we could all go out like, bowling to something, it's just been so stressed lately it would be fun, I think" she explains "yeh that's a great idea I will crush you all at bowling" ward says flexing and kissing his mussels,
"Ha in your dreams I'm the queen at bowling" skye says. "What's about bowling" Simmons says as she, trip and fitz come into the room. "We were just talking about how we should all go out bowling tonight" skye says and Simmons nods. "Oh My gosh I love bowling" she squeals,
"Ok so Simmons is in then, fitz" skye asks, "yep I'll come" he says,
"Same" trip says,
Yeh me too" May says from the lounge "and coulson loves bowling he will come too" she adds. "Yay" skye says "what time",
"Well it's five now so how about half past five" May says and skye stands up "yep sounds good meet you lot here in half an hour and prepare to loose" she says before running off to get changed.
Half an hour later everyone is gathered in the kitchen. "Ok let's go" fitz says,
"Wait what about Coulson" skye says, "oh right I forgot" May says "I'll go get him",
"I'm coming" skye says and they head to his office. Skye knocks on the door, "come in" he says, "Hey ac, we are going out bowling do you want to come" she says happily, "No sorry" he says not even looking up from his work,
"What why" she asks sadly, "I'm sorry I'm really busy",
"Can't we pry you away from your desk for a bit you've been in here for hours" she says, "Sorry" coulson replies and she nods "ok whatever" she says and walks out.
Sensing her presence coulson looks up at May who is standing by the door arms crossed and angry, "I'm sorry I'm just so swamped with work" he Say, "you can't neglect us" may says before shutting the door.

Hey guys
I'm sorry If this wasn't very good, iv got some stuff going on and it's making it really hard to concentrate.
Also I have some chapters planned but for a big plot line to work I need to think of another mission and I have major writers block so if you guys can think of any mission ideas I would be so grateful !! Any ideas help !!!
Anyways don't forget to like and comment, I'm so close to 10k and I'm so excited !!
Have a great day or night depending were you are in the world !!
Caitlin xxoo

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