Kisses and movies

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Hey guys
So I reached 15K and 100 comments !!!!!!
Oh my gosh thank you all so much ! Your all amazing and I appreciate all your support 🎉🎉😄❤️ thanks so much !!! I hope you enjoy this update.

Mays pov
I couldn't sleep again, I don't know why but my mind just won't turn off. I swing my legs out of bed, grab my jacket and head to the kitchen.
Coffee, I need coffee I think to myself. Luckily there was still half a pot left from today, or I should say yesterday as it's 3:00am. I reheat it and pour myself a cup, I grab my mug and book and head to the couch.
The bus is silent, everyone is asleep, to be honest it's a bit creepy with everyone silent. I snuggle up and start to read my book, I love reading it's like you are another person or you live there life with them, I read a lot when I any sleep. After about half an hour a noise snaps me out of my book and I look around, no ones here. I go back to my book but here another noise and decide to follow it, it's coming from the lab.
When I get there no one is there, I look around and nothing seems out of place, I just have been hearing things.


Third person
skye quietly walks to wards room, she couldn't stop thinking about last night, he said he loved her. That's the fist time someone has ever said that to her, ever. She never had parents to say that to her. As she approaches ward room she hears him talking quietly and rapidly on what she could only presume was his phone. She stops and listens, only being able to make out A few words like, "completed" and "no one saw" and what concerned her the most was "they don't suspect anything", what's he talking about and who is he talking to she think to herself when she hears him say goodbye and hand up She decides to leave and get coffee. When she goes into the kitchen she sees May sleeping on the couch and looks at Simmons and trip who put there fingers to there lips and Simmons whispers "don't wake her up",
"Why is she on the couch" skye asks,
"When she can't sleep she reads on the couch I guess" trip says and hands skye coffee "is this what you want" he asks and she nods "thanks trip".

Coulson walks into the lounge and sees May wrapped in a blanket with a book resting on her lap. She must have had sleeping troubles again, he thinks to him self. He grabs her cold coffee mug of the table and pull the blanket further up her body to keep her warm. She looks so peaceful asleep.
"Morning" skye whispers to Coulson as he walks into the kitchen, "morning" he says, "hows it going" he asks,
"Not bad" skye says "I'm bored tho" she adds and Coulson laughs and shakes his head, "skye your always bored" trip says and Coulson nods his head in agreement. "What's the plan for today" Simmons asks, "uh I have some filing to do and Simmons and fitz said they had stuff in their lab to work on and then later on me and May are going out" he says and starts to spread jam on his toast. Everyone stares at him in shock, "um you and May are going out like on a date"skye says squealing,
"No we are just going out as friends" coulson says and skye sarcastically nods and says "oh of course", coulson just rolls his eyes.

Skye's pov

After breakfast everyone goes of to do their thing. I can't believe that coulson and May are going on a date/not date, awwww they are too cute.
"Skye what are you scheming" trip says pulling me from my thoughts, "nothing I was just thinking about how cute May and coulson are together",
"Yeh but there just friends, and is a good idea to go out and take a break" trip says "we should" he adds,
"We should what" I say already knowing what the answer is, "we should go out, only as friends if you want, we could see a movie or something" he says, I don't say anything.
"Or we could go on a date date" he says looking down, is he embarrassed. I really want to say yes but what about ward, this is to confusing, "No" I say "sorry I have a lot of stuff to do" I say and he nods "it's not that I don't want to" I add and he looks up at me with hopefully eyes "it's just I have stuff to do" I repeat. He doesn't buy it "skye I really like you, just one date and then if you still don't want to then that can be it" he asks taking my hand, "just one date" he says again. I pull my hand away "I kissed ward Trip, I'm sorry but I feel like I'm giving you the wrong idea" I say and he looks shocked and hurt, "I like you I really do I just...." I say and trail off, I can't find the right words to say,
"You just like ward more" he says in a guessing tone, he looks and sounds like he is hoping he's wrong but he's not. "I'm sorry" I say and he stands up "no it's fine, long shot anyway" he says before walking away.

"Are you ready to go" coulson says to May who just emerged from her cubby, "yup" she says and they head off to the kitchen to say by to everyone.
"See you guys later" coulson says,
"Don't so anything stupid" May says directly to trip and he pretends to look offended "what, me cause trouble, what a strange thought" he says and everyone laughs.
"Don't worry I'll look after them" Simmons says "and I'll make sure fitz doesn't blow anything up" she laughs putting an arm around fitz waist and side hugging him, he does the same to her. "Oh PDA" ward jokes and skye seats him "they are adorable" skye says.
"So what's your guys plan for the evening" may asks, "nothing" they all say, "Can we just come with you, it could be like a big team thing" fitz says and everyone looks at him and Simmons nudges him, "what why are you looking at me like that" he says defensively.
"No that's a good idea" May says "right" she says looking at coulson who looks down, trying to hide his disappointment, "yeh good idea" he says pretending to he excited. "Are you sure ac" skye says and he nods "go get ready we leave in five" he adds.
Coulson sits with May waiting for the others, "so why haven't we had any assignment lately" May asks him, all they seemed to talk about was work and coulson missed the old conversations they used to have. "Uh they have only been short and easy missions so I gave them to the lower level teams, plus I wanted to get the hang of being director before going back in missions" he says and May nods. "Tony stark has asked to make an appointment with me to talk about somthing he said he didn't want to discuses on the phone only face to face" coulson says and May raises her eyebrows "sounds interesting" she says "but then again tiny usually is, right" she says and Coulson laughs "yeh he's not exactly normal, he's quite crazy" Coulson says, "but you gotta love him" may says and Coulson nods in agreement.
Soon everyone is packed into there two SUVs. Simmons fitz and trip in one car, May, Coulson,ward and skye in another. "So what movie are we gonna see" skye asks, "its called the imitation game , it's supposed to be really cool" May say. "Oh I love this song" Coulson says turning up the radio, May and skye look at each other "another one" May asks until she here's the song and laughs "oh no this is a good one" she says and turns it up more. Skye rolls her eyes "your music is so old" she says "and so boring" she adds, "jut because it's not one of you audio-tuned, new songs doesn't mean it's not good" he says defensively and May laughs "he's right" she says.
"What is this anyway"
"This, skye is the Beatle, hey Jude" coulson says "this has memories" he says looking at May who meets his gaze smiles and looks down, blushing. "Oh I see" skye says "those kinds of memories" she says and May shakes her head "just a good memories" she says and skye nods sarcastically "right of course".
When they get there the others are already there, "we got the tickets because you took to long" Simmons says teasingly, "well that's because grandpa was driving" May says poking Coulson, he laughs and playfully shoves her. "Common guys let's go get some food" Coulson says.
"We have 20 minutes until we need to be at the cinema" trip says as the walk into countdown.
A few minutes later they all emerge with bags full of chocolate, popcorn and drinks. "We are gonna get so fat from all this" skye says laughing, "yeh but I love food too much so is worth it" trip says and they all nod in agreement. They all got to the cinema and into their seats just as the movie started.

Coulson's pov

It was about half way through the movie when I looked across at the others and I wasn't surprised to see Simmons, skye and fitz all crying and trip and ward trying to be manly and hold back tears. I myself was finding it hard not to cry at the moment, the film had just reached it's saddest point and benidict cumberbatches amazing acting was making all that harder. I am really glad we all came out altho I was hoping it would just be me and may it is still fun to get out as a team. I look over at May and do a double take, she is crying. She notices me looking and looks up at me, smiles and then wipes away her tears. I look back to the movie and feel mays hand slip into mine on the arm rest, my whole body freezes and my hand goes tingly. I look down at our hands and turn mine over so we can interlock our fingers, I squeeze her hand and she squeezes back then places her head on my shoulder.
We sit like this until the lights come back on and everyone starts to leave but as we walk out she doesn't let go of my hand.

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