Director coulson !?

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"May" coulson says panicked as he runs into mays room where she is doing tai chi. She doenst open her eyes, "may there is somthing wrong with fury" he says frustrated and May opens her eyes straight away "what, how do you know, what's going on" May says and follows coulson to the electricity room in the hanger of the plane. when they get there coulson starts talking, "fury and I have been talking on an incripted hard line since this team was put together and he called about one hour ago, everything was normal he was asking questions about our latest mission when I heard yelling and gun fire, he suddenly hung up and then I was sent these coordinates" coulson says handing May his phone "by an unknown number" he adds, "you think it's fury and he needs help" May asks and coulson nods "well why didn't you get me sooner, ill fly us there now" May says and coulson nods.

"Wait so is he ok" skye asks and coulson shrugs "I don't know that's what we are going to find out". "Oh man, I can't believe the director himself is gonna be on this plane" triplet says and skye nods giggling like a little girl. Simmons and fitz look just as excited and nervous as skye. "Ok everyone we are about to land please put your seatbelt on" mays voice booms over the speaker, everyone but coulson goes to sit down on there chairs and buckle up, "yes that means you to coulson" May says chuckling and coulson sighs "how does she know". Once they land they all head down the cargo bay ramp, they are all equip with guns, except for fitzsimmons, just incase. "Coulson" May says and points to a price of paper that's laying on the ground. He picks it up, "it's from fury it just has his signature so we know it's him who sent us those coordinates I guess, common we need to head south about 100m" couson says as everyone heads off following cousin and May. "So" trip says as he walks next to skye, "how are you" skye asks and trip nods "yeh good, cold, but good",
"Aww is little trip cold does he need a jacket" she says in a baby voice and trip laughs "you know what you should of done trip, you should have listened to me is said bring a coat it's freezeing but it was all 'no I'm so tough, I have muscles to keep me warm" skye says mocking trip, "hey I didn't say that" he says and skye raises an eyebrow "well not exactly that any way" trip says ok defeat.
Skye takes trips hand and holds it. "I'm nervous" she says and he nods "what if fury is dead" skye says and trip just shakes his head, "na he won't be don't worry" he says.
Ward pov
I look at there hands, trip is crossing the line. Skye and me belong together, I love her. I looks at them again and they are laughing at some stupid joke. I'm walking alone at the back of the group, we are coming up to a clearing in the forest and it's raining, I hate the rain. We keep waking for about 20 minutes. "We are here" coulson says as we around a small pole with a small scanner on it. Coulson swipes his card and there is a loud beeping noise as a rock on the mountain moves revealing a door. Why are secret doors always in mountains or cliffs. "An Under ground base nice" May says and they head through the door, it shuts behind them and lights turn on illuminating a set of stairs leading downward. When they reach the end of the stairs they see directer fury and agent hill sitting around a large table. they stand up when they see coulson and fury shakes his hand "good to see you coulson" fury says, coulson and hill shake hands and smile at each other. "Ah I see you brought your team" fury says and coulson nods "yes sir, not trying to sound rude but why are we here" he asks and fury laughs "straight down to business then" fury says gesturing to the seats and everyone sits down. "You know how little people I trust" fury starts and coulson nods "you said you can count them on your hand",
"Yes, well you are one if those people, I know you didn't understand why we brought you back from the dead, but that procedure was built to save a fallen avenger, you were a fallen avenger" fury says and coulson looks down "I have made many enemies in my time and I have made many more now that I hold the secret to bring people back from the dead",
"But it's not just you sir half of the science department at shield has access to that 'medicine' not just you" coulson says and fury nods, "I extracted the information from shields data banks no one can Access it but me, everyone is safe this way" fury says
"Coulson, what happened to you was a miracle, so far no side effects and you healed so fast but that won't be the out come for many people if they try to use the drug, it still isn't complete it's dangerous if people get there hands on it and realise what it does they could use it as a torchere weapon" agent hill says and coulson nods, "sir I still don't understand why you called us out" May says and fury nods "I'm resigning from post of director of shield" he says and everyone is silent "what" coulson says shocked "to many people want to kill me I have to go into hiding, and I want you and hill to take my place"

Hi guys
How's your holidays !!!!
I decided to use this plot from the show because I really like it i hope you do to.... 😄 !!

Please don't forget to vote and comment x !!
Thanks byeee

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