20 questions

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This is set A week after they have left the hospital

Sky's pov

I was lying in my room resting my head, I can't believe that May doesn't remember us, she will remember over time tho, I hope."Hey sky can I come in" Ward says nocking on the door, "yup" I say popping my 'p', "hey, what are you doing" he says shutting the door behind him and sitting on the bed next to me. "Well I was cleaning my stuff, and then I was just lying down, isn't your cubby really messy" I ask, "yep, but no more than usual" he says laughing "true your cubby was always like a rubbish dump" I say. It was true his room was decorated in piles of clothes, rubbish and things that haven't been identified by man kind. "I organise it in my own way" he say pretending to look hurt. "Hey coulson is calling a meeting in an hour, do you want to grab some lunch" ward asks, "yeh I'm starving" I say getting up, "we might have to go shopping soon, we have close to no food but I could cook you something if you want" ward says, he's so sweet, "sure but if I get poisoning it's your fault" I laugh as we walk out of my room.

Once we are in the kitchen I sit on the bench as ward starts to got through the cupboards. "Aha" he says as he pulls out a packet from the pantry, "what is it" I ask, "the best, quickest, cheep food ever" he says chucking me the packet, i caught it and looked down, two Minute noodles, "really" I say chucking it back at him "is there nothing else" I whine, "what do you not like them or something" he says as he starts to boil a pot if water on the stove next to me. "Nope there ok" I said unsure I didn't really like them last time I had them they were burnt and gross, "well I cook them like a pro so I bet you will love them after you've tasted my two minute noodles" he says and chuckles and I pull a face.

"So what do you want to do while these are cooking" ward asks as he pours two sachets of noodles and flavouring into the pot, "um, how about 20 questions" I ask, "sure" he says and sits in the bench next to me "I'll start".

"What's your favourite movie" he asks me, "ha that's easy I love sci fi so it would have to be avatar or the new one that just came out called guardians of the galaxy it's so funny" I reply, "wow, I thought it would be some cheesy chic flick about love" he says "I'm impressed", "nope you don't know me that well I can't stand cheesy movies ,what about you what's your fav movie" I ask, "well I like sci fi as well but my fav is back to the future it's a really good classic, but I don't really watch movies so I wouldn't know" he says, "ha yeh well I have a better taste in movies than you, I must educate you" I say. "Ok next question, when you next visit your parents are you gonna bring me and you can pretend I'm your boyfriend if you like because Im totally hot" he says laughing, my parents I don't even know who they are, my face falls and he realises , "sky that was a joke your supposed to laugh" he says elbowing me, "haha very funny mr hottie, to answer your question, I don't know who my parents are, they dumped me at an orphanage when I was little and then when I grew up I ran away, brought a van and ever since I have been researching super natural humans" I say, "so you lived in a van" he asks with shock clear in his face, "well I used to, I had my van and laptop, I spent most if my time online that's why I'm such a skilled hacker" I laugh, "your an ok hacker" he says, "your kidding I'm amazing" I say, "well sort of" he says sarcastically and I laugh.

"What's your favourite food" I ask him changing the subject,

"I will eat anything as long as there are no mushrooms" he says and the timer goes off. he splits up the noodles and put it into two bowls, when he has put all the noodles into to bowls he hands me one. "Try it" he urges and I do, it's not bad at all it's chicken flavour and I love chicken, "it's actually not bad" I say shovelling more into my mouth.

We sit and eat in silence until Simmons comes in, "guys I hate to brake up this little date but coulson wants us" she says happily, date what "no this isn't a date...." I say "whatever you say" she says as she leaves, "she is so happy all the time" ward mutters as he dumps his bowl In the sink I do the same and follow him out.

When we reach coulson's office everyone is already there, "nice of you to join us" coulson says, "sorry we are late" ward says sitting down, "don't worry, ok so I have out first mission assignment" he says.

"There is a signal that fury believes is an alien signal, it's coming from the north, he wants us to follow it and check out what it is, fitzsimmons you will enjoy it lots of science stuff" he says looking at fitzsimmons who look very happy. "And guys because of the recent crash, fury has us on small missions and they will be very spaced apart" He says looking at May I could tell that statement was ment for her."sir should we go to the shops we are almost out of food" ward says, "oh yes and i need new clothes" I say, "yeh same" Simmons says. "Ok of you want to go shopping go we leave tomorrow" he says to us and we all get up to leave, I turn back and look at May, "hey May do you want to come" I say, "no thanks but no I'm fine here" she says ," ok, bye coulson" I yell over my shoulder as I walk out.

Coulson's pov

After the others have fine May stands up to leave, "May I was thinking you should test fly the plane while the others are gone, just a little flight" I urge when I see the look on her face, "uh..yeh I guess sure I'll go to the cockpit now" she says leaving my office, "I follow her out, "are you excited for our first mission" I say to her and she looks at me like I'm an idiot, "right sorry" I say, "no that's fine, iv been training a lot lately so I will be ready for combat of you need me to fight" she say looking at me, "no you doctor said you shouldn't...." I try to say "I don't care what the doctor says I feel great coulson, honestly" she say smiling as she enters the cockpit but her fake smiles don't fool me.

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