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Wards pov

I got changed and quickly made my way to the training room where skye was patiently waiting. She was wearing her training suit with her hair tied up in a bun, she looked amazing.
"Hey, are you just gonna stand there and look at me" she says snapping me out of my trance.
"Yes I
Panned on it" I said and she laughed like I was joking. "So what fist, knife throwing" I suggest,
"Yeh sure I have been practicing and training with trip so I should be better then last time" skye says, triplet of course. I keep all the snide comments that have come to mind about triplet in my head,
"Well you can't get much worse than the time you chucked the knife backwards and it shattered the light" I say and pick up a knife and hand one to her, her cheeks go deep red.
"It was my fist time knife throwing, not everyone is born with your skills of fighting" skye moans.
"I wasn't born with it I had to train myself to fight to protect myself" I say and she looks at me with sad and curious eyes, "what do you mean" she asks,
"Iv already told you" I says and then realise that was before the accident, "you did" she asks,
"Yeh we used to talk about everything together" I says and she looks down. Damn, I'm making her feel guilty, such a dick. "But I'll tell you again after training, maybe we can get coffee and I can make you BLATS" I suggest and she smiles.
"What a BLAT" she asks laughing "that's a stupid name",
"You have not lived, it's a bacon lettuce avocado tomato grilled sandwich, also I can add cheese if you wish" I says and she nods "sure, sounds great" she says "but after training, so common" she says pulling my arm. She starts to make her way to the knife targets, She stands on the red dot and starts to aim her knife. Her posture is almost perfect, far better than before she must be training more than she says. She pulls back her hand and chucks her knife, I watch as it lands on bulls eye. "Yassssss" she squeals and jumps up and down the turns to face me, she jolt out her hip and crosses her arms, with a smug expression on her face she says "see I told you I was good".

For the next hour and a half we have a knife throwing competition and practice a Little bit of sparring. To my dismay she won the knife throwing comp, she has gotten so good.
we head to the kitchen and she starts to make coffee while I get out the ingredients for our BLATS.
"What can I do to help" skye asks, "uh you could chop and wash some lettuce while I cook the bacon" I suggest and she nods and picks up the lettuce from the bench. I watch her as she washes it and then starts to chop it, she stops and looks at me, I quickly look away "am I doing something wrong" she asks,
"No" I says, "then why where you looking at me" she asks and I shrug "sorry" I say and she chuckles. She places the chopped lettuce in a bowl and goes to put it on the bench at the same time that I turn around and we bang into each other.
"Sorry" she says and walks past me, "no problem I say and I can feel myself blush, stop it, stop blushing I say to myself. There is a long and awkward silence, "so.... what next" skye says, "um you can just sit down if you want I'm just about to Finnish the bacon" I says and she nods taking a seat at the little table.
I put together out BLATS and hand her her plate, she takes it and our hands touch, I get a feeling in my stomach like butterflies and my hand feels fuzzy, she quickly pulls her hand away and starts to eat.
"Ow wow these are really good" skye says taking another bite "why haven't you made these for me before" she asks looking at me, I look down sadly "I have actually" I say and she goes silent, "right, before the incident" she says and I nods "sorry" she says. I look up at her shocked "why are you sorry skye" I ask, "because it must be hard for you, Simmons told me that we had some past chemistry and you have made it clear that we did and it must suck that I don't remember" she says and I reach across the table and put my hand on hers, she doesn't even flinch or take her hand away she just looks at me and then at out hands. "Skye I will always love you no matter what, even if you don't remember loving me" I say and she looks shocked, shit I shouldn't have said that. "I loved you" she asks wide eyes, "well that's what you said",
"And you love me" she asks "still",
"Yes" I say quietly.
We don't say anything for awhile we just go back to eating, I can practically hear her mind racing at full speed. After a couple more minutes she gets up, "I am really tired thanks for the BLATS but I'm gonna head to bed" she says and turns away, I run after her. "Skye stop, we need to talk about this" I says and that's when i realise she is crying, "skye what's wrong" I ask and hug her, she hugs me back and softly cry's into my chest, "I feel like I really like you I just can't remember it" she says "and it's very confusing" she adds. "You like me" I say grinning and she nods and pulls out of the hug, "I just don't remember why" she says and I laugh, "I am sure you will remember why" I says "I mean who wouldn't love me" I pretend to be cocky and point to my body "I'm gorgeous" I says and she laughs "yeh don't get ahead of yourself" she says and I cup her face with my hand, "skye, I'm so-" I start to say but I'm cit of by her lips crashing into mine.

Hey guys
Skye and ward... YAYAY 👏🎉 😳😏 !!!! I don't particularly ship them but I think they are cute.......ish !!!

I can't wait for aos to start back up, so soon 🎉🎉🎉 also who is watching agent carter ??? It's really great !!
I hope you guys are enjoying it so far, please don't forget to like and comment !!

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