April fools

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"Skye, does it fit" May says through the door, "yeh, it's a bit tight" skye yells back and opens the door.

"It fits really well" May says and sky smiles, "thanks, I don't think I would wear it often tho, like you do" Skye says looking at herself in the mirror.

Her hair is up in a tight braid and she is wearing a tight cat suit just like mays.

"Are you excited" May says to skye as they walk down the corridor to the training room,

"Yeh I can't wait to kick wards but" Skye says and may just laughs.

They open the door to the training room May gives Skye a 'good luck' look and they both walk in.

"Ladies, your late" ward says with a smile, "sorry we were talking about how we can't wait to kick your but" May laughs,

"Very unlikely" ward says.

There is a long table set up along the side of the room with guns, knifes and long spear looking poles. There are three punching bags set up in the middle and three targets pinned to the wall.

"Ok children...." , "hey ward can I just point out neither of us are children and I actually am training her as well"

May says, she hates being called child.

"Ok sorry, what do you want to do first aim practice, weaponry or physical work out" ward asks, May Looks at skye. "Punching bags" skye says excitedly and runs up to the bags, "ok then" ward says and May chucks them both gloves "always wear gloves, otherwise your hands will bleed" May says.

"Ok so sky I'll hold the bag, I want you to do as May does, ok" ward says giving her a serious look, "yes sir" she sad giving him a mock salut, "alright then, May show her the kicking techniques".

Five hours later

Sky's pov

"Ok.... are...we...done" I pant, in the past five hours ward and May have made me relies that I really couldn't be bothered to be a field agent. I thought I knew how to kick properly it turns out I'm doing completely wrong, it took an hour for them both to be a little impressed. my legs were about to give way and I thought it was over but no.... target practice. Another's two hours shooting guns and dummies and throwing spears, which iv got to admit was actually really fun.

"I think....ill actually do what fitzsimmons do....instead of...this" I says gesturing to the training room before sitting down.

"Catch" May says and she chucks me an ice coffee. "Thanks" I says and drink it in a second. "wow" may says, "how did I do" I asks them,

"Good for your first training" May says "but you will need a lot more training before you even come lose to my amazing skills" ward says flexing him muscles. May rolls her. Eyes and stands up, "let's go, I need a shower" I get up to and follow them out.

It was actually quite An interesting experience training with them, I knew they were good but not as good as they really are.

They are so fit and are like ninjas.

God I need a shower.

Simmons pov

"Did you enjoy training sky" I asks ward and May. We are all sitting in the living room, me, fitz, coulson, ward and May, sky is still in the shower. "It was quite fun" May says, "it was funny" ward says and I slap his shoulder, "don't be mean I'm sure she was great" I says, "I was actually" skye says as she walks into the room, and chucks her glass of water at ward laughing.

"Haha shame" coulson and May say "you deserved that".

"Ok I'm sorry you are amazing" ward says surrendering, he gets up "I'm just going to go and change my shirt" he says to skye, she just laught as he leaves the room.

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