Not alone

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Hey guys

I was debating with myself if I should or shouldn't add hydra into my story , iv decided that it's sad enough we have to see ward as hydra on the tv show I don't think I could write about it in my book !!!

If you guys have any story ideas please comment xxx

Thanks for all the support ,!!!!!😄😄 byeee

"Skye" I hear May yell and open my eyes she is fighting with tom, and is kicking his ass "can you move" she yells as she hits him with the bud of her gun rendering him unconsious.

She runs over to me and is immediately on com's to the others "Simmons fitz I need you ASAP, ward get here to" she yells as I fade in and out of blurry, unconsious states.

"Skye what did he do to you" May says worriedly trying to stop the bleeding coming from my head, I try to speak but no words come out "sh, it's ok you don't need to speak" May says stroking my head as I beggin to shake, I don't know what's happening but I can't stop shaking my body was in so much pain but it's numb now and all I can feel is my body shaking. I squeeze my eyes shut trying to block everything out, "no skye look at me, common, skye please" May says as she strokes my head, I open my eyes to look at her but my attention is drawn to behind her where the once unconscious tom is walking over to us, I try to scream and point but I can't move "what what's wro-" it's to late May is cut of by tom who grabs her hair and yanks her back."ahhhh" She grabs him arm and twists it until he screams, he brings him leg up and kicks her in the stomach and she falls to the floor, but he doesn't stop he kicks her and kicks her and when he stops he pulls out a pipe and whacks her over the head, her body falls limp on the floor.

"Skye" ward yells as he runs into the room followed closely by coulson and fitzsimmons, ward soon spots Tom and holds the gun out aimed at his head "tom freeze or I will shoot" ward yells, tom puts his hands up behind his head, "what did you do to her" ward yells, "oh you know just caused a chemical reaction inside her body, it won't hurt her....but it will kill her" he laughs, ward shoots him in the chest with the icer gun cutting of his laughter.

"Fitzsimmons, go help skye, ward handcuff tom and take him to back up who have a truck waiting outside" coulson yells and fitzsimmons is soon by my side.

Coulson's pov

"Sir we need to get her back to the bus ASAP" fitz says to me, "ok go I'll follow you guys, go" I yell and fitz picks up skye and carries her out the door. I look down at May who is still unconscious, "poor May, your always getting nocked out aren't you" I mutter as I pick her up and follow fitzsimmons out the door.

After we arrive back at the bus fitz and Simmons rush skye to the hospital wing while I take May to her cubbie, she's still unconsious so I lay her on her bed and kiss her forehead before leaving.

"He used a drug called dentotoxin" Simmons says to me, "like the stuff in the night night gun"

"Yep, except we use only a couple of milligrams, he used a lethal dose and compacted it, sort of like concentrate juice except he didn't water it down, also it looks like he forced a while pack of paracetamol down her throat, and-"

"In English what happened"

"He gave her paracetamol which reacts badly with dentotoxin because of the-"

"I don't care why or who I just want to know if you can fix it" I say almost crying and Simmons nods "yeh sorry, easily fixed" she mutters and walks back into the hospital bay.

I hate to see skye like this, a tube down her throat constant cesuras, just laying there. And ward hasn't left her side the whole time much to fitzsimmons annoyance, he just sits there.

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