Kidnaping ??

596 19 4

Mays pov

Skye got released yesterday night and everyone is so relived. Everyone knew she was gonna be ok but it wasn't till she was released that everyone realised it was over, she was fine. Everyone was sitting in chairs in coulson's office. He had called a meeting to discuss mission talk.
"We won't have a mission till tomorow, directors orders that skye has a rest day" coulson says and skye nods "that's fine with me" she laughs and I say "Movies and popcorn". Everyone nods eagerly and we all hurry out of the office and make our way to the lounge.
"High school musical" skye yells.
"An episode of Bones" fitz and Simmons suggest at the same time causing them to blush. "High school musical really" ward laughs hugging skye to his side and she willingly leans into him arm "I'm a kid at heart" she says laughing. "May what do you want to watch" coulson asks and I shrug "I dint mind" i says "altho bones does sound good, I miss agent booth".
"Oh yes actually that sounds good" skye pipes up "he is so gorgeous" skye adds and I nod in agreement, I feel childish today and it's not normal for me but I'm not gonna fight it, it's nice just relaxing.
"Well we like it for the science, I mean it's really incredible" fitz says speaking for Simmons aswell, Simmons looks sheepish "well i mean.... booth is really hot" she whispers quietly and everyone burst out laughing and fitz pulls her into a hug. Everyone looks at them and he let's go of her. "OH MY GOSH ITS FITZSIMMONS" Skye squeals "this Is the best 'happy your better' present ever" skye laughs and fitzsimmons both blush and move apart.
When the movie is about half way through I can sense skye shifting "hey are you ok" I asks her and she looks pale, "uh yeh I think I have a head ache, I'm gonna get a glass of water" she says getting up.
I look after her worried and I can see everyone else doing the same, we soon hear the noise of the tap and them a loud smash followed by a thud. "Skye" I yell and I'm up and out of my seat in a second running to the kitchen, everyone close behind me. Skye is lying on the floor shaking. Fitz and Simmons run to her side "she's having a cesura" Simmons says panicked "ward pick her up and bring her to the hospital bay, now" se yells and ward picks her up and runs her into the medical bay, everyone following him in. Her las Skye lying in the bed, she is still shaking, "she has been shaking for two minutes, what's wrong with her we need to run tests" Simmons panics. Fitz grabs a string from the bench and jabs her with it, she slowly stops moving. It's completely silent and you can feel the tensions "What's wrong with her" ward asks, "like I said we need to run test, you should all go and rest" she says and everyone leaves apart from me. 'Oh skye, what's wrong, please get better' I think before leaving and heading for the gym.

"May" I hear coulson yell, I turn down my Eminem who is blasting through my headphones. "Hey, fitzsimmons have called a meeting" he says and I take off my gloves and walk beside him "is skye ok" I asks and he shrugs. I can sense he is worried his shoulders are rigged and he isn't trusting himself to talk. I take his hand and squeeze it before walking into the medical bay. The team is gathered by Simmons who is standing in the corner by fitz. "What's wrong with her" couslosn asks, fitz and Simmons look at each other worried "spot it out" ward yells and they flinch "sorry he mumbles. "The drug hasn't left her system yet" Simmons says quickly, "which drug" ward asks, "the drugs injected into her by tom we thought we had removed all of it but the chemical reaction had already started in a single cell-" Fitz says,
"Which is why we didn't see t in the tests and its.... well...its spread" Simmons finishes "and it caused her to have a caesar".
"So what now" I asks and they both look at me, "well she may have brain damage because of the extent of her cesura or she may fall into a coma" Simmons says and ward smashes him hands against they table banding his head down. Wow, he is taking this hard, I mean I know he lives her it's obvious but I didn't know he lived her this much.

Third person pov
Three days later

Ward is resting his head on Skye's bed and is sitting in a chair by her bed, he has been in this spot for three days and had hardly eaten. "Mmhmh" he hears and brings his head up to see his alone in the room, he looks around the room trying to place the murmur with a person. "Hmmmh" he looks down at skye and her eyes are fluttering. "Simmons" he yells "she is awake".
Everyone is gathered in the kitchen when they hear ward yell and everyone runs into the medical bay. "Skye do you hear me" Simmons says a happy tear skidding down her face. After three days she was sure skye would fall into a coma and was devastated. Skye was her sister, "common skye, please babe wake up" she says stroking her Check. Skye's eyes open and she takes several deep breathes. "Where am I" she asks trying to sit up but pain splinters through her body and she falls back down. "Do you need up to increase you pain killerS" fitz asks and Simmons immediately adjusts the IV flow.
"You are safe now skye" ward says, "uh are you my doctor" skye asks and ward freezes "what"
"Are you my doctors, what happened" she asks again confusion covering her face, "skye it's me, grant" ward trys again but she just looks at him "am I supposed to know you" she asks.
"No" coulson says stepping in, "we are your doctors, we will leave you to rest" he says pulling everyone out of the room.
"What the hell" grant yells at him, "she didn't remember, she doesn't remember us you were scaring her" May says grabbing ward by the arm, he was getting dangerously close to coulson and looked like he was gonna hit someone.
"What are we gonna do" Simmons whispers tears falling from her cheeks "she's my sister, we have to do something" she whisper yells when no one responds. " she needs to leaves the team and lives a normal life" coulson says and everyone turns to him in shock "what" May says, "think about it, she doesn't remember us, she's injured and need help and she isn't going to remember, Simmons said it herself 'any brain damage will be permanent'" he says copying what Simmons said a couple of days ago. "That's stupid she wil remember being here and where will we send her" ward says frustrated, "to a hospital and me and Simmons have been working on a drug that can erase 24 hours of memory" fitz says quietly, "why did you make a drug that can do that" ward says angrily walking over to Simmons, "we hade free time and I never wanted to use it" Simmons cries and whimpers away from ward into fitz and he takes her hand.
After a long silence ward finally speaks "go get the drug" he says, "what drug, what are you gonna do to me" they hear from behind them and see a petrified skye standing behind them shaking and a pale white. "Oh skye you need to lie down you will pass out" Simmons says running over to skye as her knees buckle and she catches her and supports her.
"How do you know me, are they kidnapping me" skye says to Simmons suddenly afraid "Did you kidnap me" she repeats and fitz walks back into the room with a syringe. He had snuck out while skye was talking and gt the drug. "Please don't inject me with that" Skye whimpers to Simmons and she takes it from fitz. "We are trying to help" Simmons says and ske grabs her hand turning it back until Simmons cries out in pain and drops the syringe.
"Don't touch me" skye says bravely, May quietly slips acros the room behind skye picking up the syringe and in one swift motion injects it into Skye's neck, she falls to the ground.

"It's ok ward she is safe here" fitz says as they get in the car and start to drive away from the hospital where they left an unconsious skye. "How's your arm" coulson says looking at Simmons's now bandaged broke. Wrist, "it's alright, sir" she says and an unpleasant silence falls over the agents as they leave skye behind.

Hey guys exams are over YAY FINALLY !!! iv reached 3k views 🎉🎉 thank you so much to everyone who comments and likes every chapter you know who you are and it means the world to me !!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please comment what you think is gonna happen (or whatever you want to comment 😄😜)
Byyeeeeeeee xox

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