Im sorry

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"Hey robot" skye says as she sits down at the table next to ward. "You remember ?" he asks hopefully but she shakes his head, "sorry no, Simmons has been telling me all about my past.... well my time with you guys",
"Oh" he says "how do you feel" he asks handing her a cup of coffee and gets up to get himself a new cup. "I'm good, I'm just trying to remember and fit in I guess" skye says. "You don't need I try and fit in your a part of this team" ward says and skye nods sadly. "I haven't forgiven Coulson yet tho"
"Forgiven him for what, skye he broke the rules letting you stay, you should be in a shield jail, he was just trying to get you back in the team. He took you leaving and forgetting so hard, you were/are like a daughter to him" he says and a tear slides down Skye's cheek, "but I don't remember him or you and iv been so mean to him" skye says and ward nods "yeh but he'll forgive you". "I'm just gonna go have a shower" skye says and stands up "bye",
"Bye" ward says waving.

As skye walks down the corridor back fringe b the showers she hears whispers coming from inside agent mays room. She hears coulson's voice as well and looks around quickly cheeking to see if anyone is around before pressing her ear to the door. "She hates me" she hears coulson say sadly, "no she doesn't" May says and sighs. There is a long silence before anyone speaks "thank you" may says, her voice coming out in a quiet squeak like she was tearing up, "May don't cry, she's back and safe" coulson says "yes thanks to you, she was like a daughter to me and she's back because of you".
Skye gasped and couldn't stop a tear rolling down her cheek, agent May was crying because of her, the strong deadly cavalry saw her as a daughter.
"Hello, who's there" coulson says and skye turns quickly but she trips over her own shoe and falls into mays room knocking open her door "I'm sorry" she says as she gets up off the floor. Coulson and May were sitting on the bed coulson's arm was wrapped around mays shoulder
"Skye I didn't know you where there" coulson says, "I'm sorry" she repeats "I was just walking past and I tripped...." skye lies, "you still suck at lying" May says and chuckles "some things never change right".
"Why are you up so late anyway" coulson asks and skye shrugs "trouble sleeping", "you should join me for tai chi"
"Tai chi will help clear your mind, 6:30 every morning is when I do it it's easy to learn, join me" may offers and skye nods says her goodnight and leaves the room.
"wow that's huge trust me she doesn't invite just anyone to do tai chi with her" coulson says and he catches up with her down the hall, "I guess she trusts me or something" skye says, "You seem to trust us an awful lot for someone who doesn't remember us" coulson says in a questioning tone, "yeh I don't know I just feel I used to know you and I feel I can trust you and that your my family but I just can't rember it, It's hard feeling something your brain can't remember"

Hey guys I'm so so so so sorry I haven't updated in like three weeks. I lost my iPod and just found it so yeh I'm so sorry and I hope this was an okay chapter I will update lots this week because of my lack of updating.
Thanks heaps and don't forget to like and comment !!!

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