First mission part 2

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No ones pov

They kicked uptown the doors with there guns at the ready. In the middle of the room was a man sitting on a chair just looking at the wall, an old man who looked fragile and normal. "what, this doesn't make sense he's human" sky says puzzled and looks at ward, "no he looks human" ward replies, May walked up to them man, "put down any weapons and get up" she says to him, he doesn't move off his chair, "now" May says getting louder and puts her gun on his forehead, "sorry do you not like this look" that man says with a smirk and his flesh starts to change, his hair turning from grey to dark brown and his eyes changing from blue to brown, his skin was no longer wrinkly and he looked like a 13 year old. "What... how is that possible" sky mutters, the man looks pleased and with a flick of his wrist he sends May flying across the room and she smashes into the wall.

everyone brings there guns up and ward loads his ready to shoot, "make one more move and agent ward will shoot" coulson says, "I have every super human power imaginable, I can't die, my skin can tolerate even the strongest bullets" he says his voice confident and loud. In the corner may starts to sit up holding her head, the man starts to laugh at her, a big mistake May jumps to her feet and runs up to him kicking him hard across the face. He tries to block it but fails and stumble a to the floor, he gets back up and punches may hard in the stomach, she grunts but pulls him forward by his wrist twisting him around and holding his arm at snapping point while kneeling on his back. "Who the hell are you and where are you from" she asks furiously, "I'm a test subject from an organisation called centipede" he says, coulson looks concerned "but centipede doesn't have the technology to do this" ward says , "ah so you are familiar with centipede then, well there technology is very advanced" the man laughs. "May get off him" coulson says, "but sir...", "No May off, now" she gets off him sighing, and walks away but not before the man grabs her ankle and pulls her to the ground with a thud. He pull out a knife and holds it to her neck. "Ahh, not so strong now are you, cavalry" he whispers loudly to her, the look on her face is a cocktail of emotions but mostly she is furious. "Yeh, iv heard the story's" be whispers holding the knife tighter to her neck so that a bit of blood drops down her neck, "and now I will be the one to kill her" he laughs. "Don't you dare hurt her" sky says, during all off this commotion coulson signalled backup, ward and coulson start to get closer, "drop the knife" ward sAys "or I will shoot", "haha no I'm not an idiot you'll just shoot me" he says and squeezes the knife so more blood trickles down mays neck, "you son of a *****" May says as she flips her legs around and pins him to the ground, "sky now" May yells an sky pull the special freeze gun from behind her back and shoots at him. As soon as the bullets hit his skin it starts to melt away and he starts to scream lying in the floor. backup runs in and a group of men handcuff him. "Sir" fitz says through the radio, "after you shoot him and his protective skin is burned away you should probably shoot him with the night night gun to knock him out, and also could you get us a DNA sample", "thanks fitz we have just done that, and yes we will get a DNA sample" coulson says back to them through the radio, "we are in are way back, get the medical bay ready May needs stitching".

Coulson walks back to May,sky and ward who are talking to some members Of the back up team. "thanks for everything" coulson says to them, "no worries, we are taking him back to the fridge and he will be in the most protected prison cell" agent Williams assures us as they walk back to there vehicles, "hey wait, is it possible to get a sample" coulson asks running after them, "sure" he says and tells his men to take a DNA sample, he gives it to coulson before staing his last goodbyes and driving away. "What's the fridge" sky asks me, "it's were shields most secure prisons are, no one can escape" coulson say, "it's were all the crazy people are" ward says teasing sky, "then why are you not there" she fires back at him and they both start laughing coulson just laughs at them both.

Simmons pov

"We're back" sky yells as they walk back onto the plane, me and fitz walk up to them. "How did it go sir" fitz asks, "good, we got you a treat" coulson says to me, "your DNA" he says pulling a tube from his pocket, "oh yay" I say jumping like a little girl, "the cells we had were amazing when the creatures heart rate was alleviated the skin would cells would change shape meaning that the creature can change form, oh I can't wait to analyse this" I say so fast that even fitz looks like he is struggling to understand "oh um sorry sir" I say. "It's fine but the first thing you are going to do is arch up May" I look over at May she looks completely unaffected by the large slash across her neck, she flashes an annoyed look at coulson and says "no I said I'm fine" but coulson just ignores her. Sky and ward walk into the lab with fitz, "hey Fitzsimmons this gun thing is really good it completely incinerated his skin" sky says, "thanks, we tested on his DNA sample before and it worked" fitz says. "Ok, common May let's go to the medical bay" I say walking up to May "fitz why don't you prepare the tests for our new DNA" fitz looks happy at that and gets to work. Sky goes to have a shower and Coulson and ward go to write the mission report.

When we get to the hospital bag May sits down in the chair. "Can we make this quick, I have stuff to do" she says, wow she is rude but she is hurt and tiered so I just get out the stitches, "this might sting a bit" I say putting salt water on her cut to clean it but she doesn't even flinch, huh. "Ok do you want some injections to numb your neck first or...." I say "just do it" she says cutting me off. "Ok then" I say and start the stitch up her cut, it looks like I will only have to stch half of the cut the other half won't need stitches it's not as deep. We sit in silence (well she sits I stand)

Until I finish the last stitch and tie it off, I put a bandage over her stitches, "ok may you are done just no training for a week or two, ok" I say, she looks mad at that but just walks out she probably won't listen Anyway.

I walk back to the lab, fitz is leaning over the bench, "hey" I say to him he looks at me and gives a goofy smile "hey" he says "look I think if you use different heated substances on the DNA particles it could show us how and why they transform" he says excitedly, aww he is so cute "ok, let's go then" I say and walk up to were he is standing. "Ok so they gave us a chunk of his skin and because you are the biochemist and I don't like dealing with dead things I was thinking you could separate the skin into different sanples so we can run lots of tests" he asks, "yeh sure, that's what I do" I say smiling and taking out several testing trays. After I deprecate the DNA into 10 samples and test trays we start our research.

Sky's pov

After everyone is back to the plane we all split of to do our own thing. I'm so tired it's hard to keep my eyes open, I slowly make my way to my cubby and change out of my catsuit/mission gear into track pants and a top. I switch of my light and flop down onto my bed, this mission was so cool, iv been on missions before but I have never been in any of the action I usually stay with fitz and Simmons. My thoughts get interrupted by ward knocking on my door.

Hey I know it just ends and it's weird but watt pad keeps deleting what I write ( five bloody times) and it's annoying so I am going to put it on another chapter.

I hope you guys are enjoying it don't forget to comment to tell me what you think and I would appreciate constructive advise on my writing techniques.

I also wanted to say that even tho the plots are the different coulson still whent to Tahiti and died.....because i want to keep that in it.

If you haven't watched agents of shield and you are reading this book it will be really confusing for you.

Thanks for all the support and please please vote!,!!!!!!

Bye sweeties !!!!

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