First mission

841 22 7

No ones pov

"How was the mall" coulson asks ward as he walks into the kitchen and helps the team unpack the groceries, "argh it was horrible the girls wanted to shop for clothes and makeup...." ward says, "no I wanted to get a new computer external hard drive but they didn't have them" sky says joining the conversation, "well you guys took ages, but you got lots of food which is good but you do know that we will only be on this mission for a couple of days if everything goes well" coulson says to the others who had heaps of bags of food all over the kitchen floor. "yeh but we need food, what did you do while we were gone" sky asks, "uh May had sort of a test fly of the plane" coulson says, "ah, did it go well" ward asks, "yeh of course she has flown heaps before it was just to make sure she doesn't freak out because the crashes are still new for her remember" coulson says, "oh yeh" sky says and goes back to putting food away. fitz and Simmons are in the other side if the kitchen putting things in the fridge. "May is just getting the plane ready for take off and I want to do one last meeting before we take off tomorrow" coulson says before finishing his bag of groceries and walking out.


"Ok so as you know we are locating an alien source but we think this alien can harness any super Human strength " coulson says once everyone was seated in his office, "so super strength and stuff" may asks, "yup" coulson says, "cool" sky says. "Not cool, we will just track this super human and then a special team is coming to sort him out and put him in the fridge prison" coulson says, "ok so me and Simmons need to get our science equipment ready" fitz asks, "yeh you guys go do that now" coulson says and the pair walk out.

"Ok May you need to get the coordinates of the signal from the main computer" coulson says, May nods and leaves. "What do I do" sky asks, "ward and you will need to help me and May locate him/her because fitzsimmons will be staying on the 'bus' at all times" coulson says, "awesome so I can help with the exciting fighting and creeping around part" sky says like a child, "yes" coulson says. "Ward get sky a suit" coulson says to ward. "Yes sir" he says before he and sky leave his office.

After the team has all left coulson gets a call.

"Hello" he says into the phone, "coulson, it's fury how are you" fury says, "I'm fine sir, is everything ok" coulson asks. (Fury pretty much runs shield he is everyone's boss).

"Yeh, I want you to make sure May is ok and keep me updated in her medical condition" he says, "oh no sir Im not going to report on her" coulson argues, "I never said you were you can tell her if that makes you feel Better I just want someone to keep me up to date on her medical progress" fury insists, "fine i will call you weekly" coulson says, "ok thanks phil good luck with your mission" he says before hanging up.

Next day/mission day !!!

Coulson pov

May took off an hour ago and we are getting ready to land, the signal from the super human has led us to an old warehouse in Florida. "Ok, is everyone ready, Simmons keep this walker talkie radio on you at all times and update us on what you can find out from the DNA sample, anything that will help us defeat him" I say to them, they are staying in the bus because they are not fighters and we need them safe so we can find out what this is.

"Ok, let's go" May says and grabs her gun and walks out of the bus ward follows her out "okay, sky it's your first combat mission are you scared" I say packing my spare gun into my pack.

"We will be fine we have May the 'cavalry', why do people even call her that" sky asks, oh not that name again, people at the shield academy gave May that name after she single handedly saved several shield teams, but people changed I up and started heaps of rumours , may hates that name "Don't call her that again" I says in a serious tone.

"Why not everyone does, and no normal person can shoot down like 100 people in one go" sky

Says, ah so that's the rumour she heard "That's not what happened" I say coldly

"Were you there, in Bahrain " sky asks

"Yes" I say

"Fine whatever like 20 guys..." sky says "She didn't have a gun none of is did" I say, she looks bad for saying anything so I continue

"It wasn't a rescue or an assault or whatever they say at the academy,we were the welcome committee and it went south ," I say sadly

"How many people...." sky

Asks, "Plenty, some suvilian girls and some shield agents where stuck in a building" I say "And" sky says, wow she's so nosy, "And May took it on herself to get them out, she crossed of all of the enemy force and didn't say how, she just did" I say

"Did she lose anyone" sky asks, "yes Herself, she used to be quiet but she was warm,funny always pulling pranks and thought rules were ment to be broke, when she walked out of that building something in her died and I can't bring her back" I say sadly, it was true "What happened after" sky asks, gosh she really loves knowing other peoples business but I guess she has herd all sorts of rumors. "She went to work at shields administration offices but I found her and I put her on my team but fury was still curious as to how she was holding up so he asked me to report on her, I fell for her, but then she found out about me reporting on her she got mad and fury moved her she just assumed it was me and I let her believe it, she trust fury and If she found out he moved her she wouldn't trust anyone fully anymore, and then her other team died and then on top of that she can't remember it and has to re live all of the pain again, she is the way she is because she has been through so much she can't handle it" I say "So you let her hate you" sky says shocked "Yes" I say in a tone that let her know the convocation was over Silence

"Guys were waiting" May says from behind us, I jump and turn to look at her, "coming sorry" I say giving sky the 'this is not to be repeated' look before following May out.

"Ok sky ward go to the left side of the warehouse, take this" I say handing sky the mini tablet "this has the tracker on it that red dot is the alien energy and this green one is us" I say pointing to the screen, "we have one to is we know where each other are at all times" I say as me and may go to the left of the warehouse. "Hey, it's coulson" I say into my radio, "who are you talking to" May asks "back up" I say, "ok coulson just say when you need us we are waiting close by and the warehouse is surrounded" agent Williams says through the radio. Me and May bent down low and started towards to warehouse.

Wards pov

Me and sky were right by one of the entrance doors into the warehouse, I signalled for sky to get against the wall and to wait there. I went ahead and opened the door keeping my gun up the whole time ready to shoot, when I was through the door I scanned the area, nothing was here it was dark and empty. "ok sky follow me" I whisper and head towards the second door May and coulson were also doing the same on the other side I could see there little dots on our tablet screen

The Alien source should be in here. "ok guys we have scanned the DNA, whatever it is it's skin is able to endure anything no matter how strong it's only weakness is cold, we created a gun when we were bored that will freeze all of the external skin and slowly incinerate it so that you can shoot it with normal guns because the skin is it's only protection" fitz says through the radio, "also the gun is in sky's pack" Simmons adds, "thanks fitzsimmons" coulson says, sky takes off her pack and pulls out a gun. It's chunky and looks very complicated and heavy, 'ready' I mouth to sky, "on three" coulson says through the radio, one two three. I kick down the door and so does coulson, we all enter the room guns at the ready.

Hey guys

Thank you to everyone who is reading It means a lot. There will be more fitzsimmons action soon I promise.

Also I have lots of chapters already written but I think I might find a way to write ward as hydra because he is in series two. please comment what you think ( remember this won't happen for at least ten chapters )

Thanks for the support.

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Xx bye xx

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