Poker face

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Hey guys
If you haven't seen the agents of shield panel at New York paley fest then please please go and watch it!!! it's so funny !!
Also feel free to comment your feelings about the episodes I love talking to you guys about them !!!

Skye pov

I had woken up about three days ago and I was feeling so much better. Apparently I had been out for about a week but I think it was my body healing and restoring energy. Simmons STILL won't let me out of the hospital and has extended the house/hospital arrest until she is 'one hundred percent sure that you are actually fine' Is what she said. Everyone has visited me, even May eventually. Anyway coulson requested that we all have lunch together so everyone crammed into my hospital room and had lunch.
Everybody was sitting around my bed, it was about 1pm and we had just finished lunch. "So what do you want to do" I ask and ward puts his hand up like a child "I know I know, bull shit" he says,
"What" I ask, "bull shit it's a card game" he sAys and I laugh "oh you mean the game, yeh good idea does anyone have any problems if we play bullshit" I say and look at May half expecting her to get up and leave but she stays in her seat and says "what don't look at me, we used to Play this at the academy and I was the champion" May says looking smugly at coulson.
"Oi I was going easy on you when you bet me" coulson says,
"Wow May, what other hidden talents did you have" Simmons asks jokingly, "oh she was academy dance elective, I remember all the boys wanted to be your partner at the comp" coulson says and everyone looks at May "what !!!!! I was great, ofcourse I dropped it two weeks later, very boring" she says and coulson laughs. Wow they must have had a lot of fun times at the academy and I didn't know they were that close. Aww I ship it almost as much has I ship fitzsimmons. "Guys I have the cards do you want to play" Simmons says and everyone nods. After she deals the cards we all organise them and then start to play.
Half an hour later.....
"Yes" May says pumping her fist in the air in victory, she just won the game, again, third time in a row and we've only played three times, she's won every game. "Oh that's unfair" fitz moans, "you are only saying that because you always get out first fitz"Simmons say chuckling "yeh well you get out second" he rebuts and they laugh "oh we suck at lying".
"Yeh well May just has perfected the art of the poker face so she will win every time" ward says and I laugh "oh is little baby ward upset because he lost the card game, poor little ward" I mock in a baby voice and he pretends to be hurt "be carful of my ego" ward says holding his chest. "Well who's up for another game" coulson says and May says "me" straight away. "coulson how can you not get annoyed at losing" I ask even tho I'm not annoyed either "well I'm used to it" he laughs and looks at May. Even when she looks away he keeps looking at her face like it's something so precious. I feel someone starring at me and turn to see ward looking at me, when he notices that iv caught him looking he quickly looks away blushing.
"Ok I'll start" fitz coulson says "one ace" he calls and puts a card down, no one bullshits, "two twos" skye says and puts her card down, "one three" fitz calls "bullshit" ward says and fitz laughs "nope" he says showing his cards. "What but you had your lying face on" ward says shocked,
"Yep but I'm going to have that face ok every time so you will never know if I'm bullshitting or not" fitz says proud of his plan, "aww that's a good and adorable palm fitz" I says and he sticks his tongue at me.

"One five" May calls no one bullshits, currently me, ward, coulson and Simmons pretty much have the while pack, may has two cards and fitz has five so it's pretty much down to them. May will most likely win but fitz has a chance, really I think everyone is surprised he made it this far. "One six" fitz calls, "bullshit I have all the sixes, sorry man" ward says, "oh ward that so mean" I say hitting his arm and he just shrugs, fitz grumpily picks up all the cards and gives ward the evils. In the end May wins again "and May wins again obviously" ward sighs, "yeh well I could have won if you hadn't called my bluff" fitz mumbles and ward rolls his eyes.

"Ok guys I'm going to the training room I'll see you later" May says getting up smiling at coulson and leaving.
"Ok what has happened, she is smiling and it's weird what did you do" ward says and Simmons hits his arm "it's not weird whatever you did worked great" she says is her bloody British accent. Sometimes when she speaks it's not that strong but there are specific things she says that just sound so British, it's adorable.
"I talked to her and it's none of your business what she said so don't even ask" he says to me, how did you know I was going to ask that" I say puzzled, I was actually going to asks that, "I know you skye" she says laughing. "Coulson can I talk to you" i say, "yeh ofcourse" he says and we leave the room ward gives me a look and I give him the 'I'll tell you later' look back.
"What's up skye" he says, "well remember when I had to go on the mission date thing with tom" I say and he nods "well he said to me that there was a mole in our team that had warned them" I say and he looks puzzled. "Skye I think he was just trying to mess with you" he says and I nod "but I will look into it,ok" he says, "yup" I says smiling, "ok iv got to go" he says and walks to his office.

No ones pov

Simmons and fitz were sitting in awkward silence in the science lab. Fitz was fiddling with one of his inventions absentmindedly while Simmons sat behind her computer screen secretly watching fitz. "So, fitz Is there anything you want us to work on while we have free time" Simmons says trying to make conversation. Fitz just shrugs.
That's been his reply every time she had tried to talk to him for a week. "Fitz why are you ignoring me, what's wrong" Simmons says and fitz stands up placing his hands on his hips "I'm not ignoring you, why would you think that" he says and Simmons laughs "because you won't talk to me" she says and he looks down starting to play with his hands "well I'm not mad at you, I just you want to.....i-" fitz stutters looking for the right words.
"Spit it out fitz" Simmons says kindly,
"I was wondering if you want to go out somewhere, like, together" fitz says, "yeh that sounds great"
"No I mean as in on a date with me, will you go on a date with me" he says and she nods "yeh I know, on a date and I said yes, fitz" she says blushing "oh good" he says "good" he says again happily, his cheeks a deep shade of red.

I know it is short and I'm sorry it's a little filler and a more chilled chapter so it's not all action, action, action all the time !!!
Also guess what!!! today was Armageddon in Auckland and for anyone who went and who watched doctor who will know who I'm talking about, but I meet Jenna Colman !!!! I got a photo and we hugged and she said she loved my outfit (vampires in Venice) and then at her panel I got to ask her a question and it was so cool she was talking to me and ,....... IM DYING !!! I was shaking all day and it doenst feel real.
Also I got a really awesome shield necklace, tardis beanie and a Sherlock top !!! best day ever !!!
Ok fangirl session over!!!
Bye guys xx

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