Secrets revealed

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No-ones pov

"Hey ward" sky says as she walks into the lounge and sits next to him,"hey how was your sleep" he asks with a smirk. "Good" sky say. "What game are you playing" ,"halo"he replies. "Damn I'm dead" he mutters and a game over sign flashes on the screen. "What do you want to do now" he asks putting his arm round my shoulder. I move and kiss him on the lips. "Ok guys we need to....." May starts to say but stops when she sees us. "Mel uh we were just" ward tries to explain looking guilty ,"actually it's agent May to you" she says coldly. Just then coulson, fitz and Simmons come in deep in conversation which stops when they see what's happening.
"What's going on" sky asks quietly ,"don't trust men sky they will brake your heart" May says looking up at coulson, a look of pain flashes through mays eyes as she looks at coulson. "Wait what do you mean, you and .... And ward but" sky says as she works out what's going on. "Ward how could you" says sky as she slaps him right across the face, hard.Everyone watches May walk out. "Did she know we where dating or did you lie to both of us" sky yells , a tear in her eye. "She didn't know, but we weren't serious, skye common" ward tries to reason with her. "No leave me alone" skye says as she runs off , ward gets up to follow her but coulson speaks up, " ward leave her". Fitz and Simmons awkwardly stood by the door ,"um I think we will just go" Simmons says dragging fitz behind her. "Flip,argh" ward says as he punches a whole in the Woden cabinet. "Ward what where you thinking" coulson says. "I don't know" he says as he walks out.

Coulson's pov

Poor May Iv got to find her, she didn't show that she is sad but she keeps it in the inside. "May,its coulson can I come in" I say as I knock on the door. "It's open Phil" she says, I open the door and walk into her cubbie. "Sorry for causing a scene" she said ,"that's not what I came to talk about " I say. She stays silent ,
" ok , I know your mad at me but if you could just explain what I did maybe we could sort it out" I try to say to her. "Coulson ,you know what you did you just don't know that I know" she says still looking at the wall. "Ok ,can you tell me and look at me because the wall is not that interesting " I say , "fine you want me to remind you I will, but then you will leave me alone " she says. "Fine and just know I'm sorry" I say with a sigh ,"your sorry really, your just sorry. Ward just cheated on me and sky but I don't care about that I wasn't serious about him, but do you know why im most mad, you dragged me back in. To this team to you and to bloody flying. After what happened with my last team I never ever want to see a plane again and you made me come back" says May raising her voice ,"why, what happened to your last team that made you hate flying, talk to me Malinda "I try to say ,when I look at May she has tear in eye. May crying this has never ever happened before. "no I used to trust you and you where just reporting on my skills. Yeh I know about that I found the reports ,you didn't care about me, 'she is destracted and can get off task' " May mocks my voice "you know I also know the real reason that I got moved, you got me replaced you took me away from my team and replaced me with Alice. Out of everyone why Alice you know how much I hate her . But that's fine because I loved the team you moved me to more than I could ever love you"she spits at me. silence, I couldn't speak. "You got it all wrong , yes I was reporting on you but I didn't move you away because of your skills or because I don't like you, but because I was falling for you and I was scared"I say , she says nothing just stared at me. "and the only reason I'm back in this team is because Alice moved I will always be second". Two tears fall from her eyes ,"I never meant to hurt you, I'm so sorry" I say quietly. Iv really hurt her , I did this to her, I made her this closed of person she won't talk to me anymore. "You did it, it's done so now will you leave me alone" she begs. "This is so not like you" I say
"What feeling something I know everyone thinks I'm cold hearted but I have a reason to be" I say quietly. I can't think of anything else to say so i get up and leave. As I shut the door I hear her sobs get louder and the sound of her sitting on the floor leaning against the door. I do the same, sliding down the door and think of how I can make this right.

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