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Hi guys
I'm sorry I haven't updated for a while iv been really busy !! I hope you enjoy this chapter xx

After ward left, skye decided to go talk to coulson about wards behaviour maybe he would know why he was being suspicious.
Skye walked into coulson office and saw him slumped over paper work in his desk, he looked up when she came in. "Hey" skye says,
"Hey, everything ok" coulson asks, "yeh I just wanted to talk to you about ward" she says nervously.
"Did he hurt you" coulson says suddenly worried, he's up from his desk and walks over to her, she laughs "no no nothing like that" skye says and he relaxes "ok come sit" he says and she takes a seat on his couch "drink" he asks,
"Uh no I'm ok" she says "how's directoring going" she asks smiling,
"Directoring?" He says laughing "it's going good, busy but good" he says "so what do you want to talk about" he Asks.
"Well I was just wondering if ward is on a secrete mission" she asks,
"Nope why what's he doing" he asks, "well he is taking phone calls at night and I found a USB hidden between some books that isn't a shield USB, also he is acting really weird" she says and he nods, "do you have that USB" he asks and he says yes and gives it to him, "does he know you have this" he asks,
"No, do you want me too hack it" she asks,
"Yes and then report back to me ASAP, if he is working for a different organisation we need to stop him as soon as possible" he says and skye nods "skye be careful if he catches you he might get mad, really mad and we don't know what he would do to protect himself" coulson says putting an arm around the now crying skye, "what if he is bad, do you think he would really hurt me like that, he wouldn't lie to me he promised he wouldn't" she cry's into coulson's chest. "It's gonna be ok" he says kissing the top of her head and rubbing her back.
"Skye go to bed and rest up you can hack the USB tomorrow ok" he says and she nods hugging him again "thanks ac" she says and walks out. Coulson goes looking for may, she might have an idea of what is going on. Of course he finds her in the training room "hey" he says walking up to her, she puts down her gun "hey" she says smiling "what up" she says, "how do you know something's up how do you know I didn't want to just see you" coulson asks laughing,
"Because you have that face on" she says and goes over to the chairs in the corner. "Skye came to talk to me and she thinks wards up to something or working with a secreted organisation, she said he is taking late night whispered phone calls and she found a USB that was hidden and it wasn't a shield one I asked her to hack it" coulson says. "Is she in danger of ward catching her" May says,
"I don't think so" coulson says rubbing his temple, "I swear if he is working for someone else and hurts skye I'll hurt him" may says angrily.
"Listen we don't know for sure what's going on and him being a tractor is a big leap we should just wait and be calm until we see what's in the USB ok" he says and May tries to argue "okay" he says again and she sighs "okay fine" she says and coulson smiles at her "go shower you stink" he says laughing "oh yeh old man" she rebuts "at least I was training, you sweat climbing the stairs" she teases, "hey I'm not old" he says getting up following her out of the training room.

Next day

Skye woke up early, she couldn't stay in bed with the nagging feeling that something was going on with ward. She got out the USB and plugged it into her computer, a whole load of writing and codes came up on the screen, she smiled time for some fun.
And hour and a half later she finally decrypted the last lock and a file showed up on her laptop desktop. She clicked on it and the contents were labeled
-Simmons DNA manipulation test 3
-Starks nuclear atom bomb
-Shield special and gifted
-Fitz and Simmons #2
-Fitz and Simmons #17
And the last file was labeled

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