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Hey guys
I just wanted to say thanks so much to-Directercoulson11

Your comments on chapters make me laugh so much and I'm grateful for Any feed back 😄👍😄😂
Also just to tell you guys again this story is completely different from the actual tv series plot. I just use the characters, scenery and the general idea !!!
Enjoy xox

Thirds person
"Sir, It's disappeared of the internet" triplet says to coulson as they walk to the kitchen. It's mid afternoon and coulson and triplet are heading to get coffee. "What do you mean it's 'disappeared' of the internet" coulson says doing quotation marks for disappeared, "it's been deleted by someone, luckily I saved the information to a hard drive so we still have everything, the bad news tho is this means someone else is looking for him" triplet says as they enter the kitchen. Coulson grabs a cup and pours the freashly made coffee from the pot, "tell the rest of the team that if you see anyone else ice them and bring that back for questioning" he says handing triplet a mug of coffee and triplet nods leaving coulson alone in the kitchen.
Coulson sits down at the table. "Here this seats free" he says, "how did you know I was here" May replies as she slips into the seat opposite him, "I sensed your presence" he says and sighs running his temples
"You look stressed and tiered, I can lead this mission you should rest" May says but coulson shakes his head, "everything has just changed so much and I am trying to get used to skye not being here" coulson says and May laughs "well to do that you should stop calling triplet skye because he gets why but I don't know how much longer he will put up with it" May says "everyone misses skye believe me I miss her so so much....." May says her voice cracking, coulson reaches over and squeezes her hand offering her a smile. a few minutes later ward walks in, "were here" he says and leaves, coulson let's go of mays hand and they walk out In silence.

Skye's pov

According to security cameras he was seen entering this old warehouse and never leaving. I pull up beside the old warehouse and get out of my van slipping my gun into my boot just incase. "Henry broods" I yell as I close the door "I'm not here to hurt you I'm here to help" there is no reply. I see some stair cases over by the corner and walk over to them. The warehouse is dark, old and messy, unused old cars and rubbish clutter the floor. I step of the stair case onto the balcony that over looks the rest of the warehouse. I hear the creak of floor boards from bellow me and look down to see a man standing there. He was tall but I couldn't make out his other features. "Are you Henry broods" I ask and he nods I start to make my way over the the stair to come down and see him. It may be naive but he is, as far as I can see, un armed and innocent. I hear a gun shot and turn to see Henry fall to the ground, I look to see where the gun shot came from and see a women standing by the door. She is medium sized, Asian with black hair. Someone coughs behind me and as I turn I feel a shock go through my body and I fall to the ground.

Third person

May looks up in time just to see trip shoot skye with icer "gosh I hate icing pretty women" he says and she runs up the stair pushing him out the way and brushes the hair away from Skye's eyes so she can see her face. She sighs and picks her up to take her to the bus. "May what's wrong" Tripp asks, "oh my gosh is this skye, May I'm sorry....",
"Tripp it's fine" May says walking away with skye in her arms.

Coulson and the team have been monitoring skye since she came in. She is in the interaction room lying on a pop up bed May insisted trip pit in there for her. The are all standing in the Meting room watching her from the big screen that in broadcasting the security cameras image from the interagation room.
Everyone is starting to get sleepy when Simmons says excitedly "she's waking up" and everyone turns there at tension to the screen. Skye is sitting up in bed and looking around scared. "Hello" they here her say "hello, where am I" she says getting up and looking around, her eyes soon land on the security camera on the wall and she walks up to it and looks right through the camera. The team let out a long breath when she turns and walks back to her bed. "I'll go and talk to her" coulson says and leaves.

Skye's pov

I walk back to the bed. I'm so scared. Where am I? who took me ? why did they shoot Henry ? I sit down and shiver, the room isn't to cold but I wrap my blanket around me. The room I'm in has silver walls and a table in the middle with two chairs. My bed is in the far corner. Why would they give me a bed if they wanted to hurt me. The door creaks open and I man walks in. He is middle aged and has a kind face. "Hello skye, I'm coulson" he says,
"How do you know my name" I ask, the door opens and another man walks in. It takes a moment but I suddenly recognise him.
"You are the stalker guy, why am here why dd you capture me" I asks and the man, coulson looks and my stalker. "This is agent ward and we are a part of an organisation called shield, we protect the human race from alien threats" coulson says. Alien threats.... "but why did you capture me",
"We didn't capture you, you were on our team and lost your memory in an accident". "What, your talking crazy talk, I was in a car crash and lost my memory, I wasn't a part of shield" I say, my voice shaking. I wasn't a part of this organisation, but then again why did I feel like I could trust them, these people, I feel like I can trust them if feel like I know them, but I don't, I can't. I feel a tear fall down my cheek.
"Skye, Yes it is do you ever wonder where that large gap of your life went. We have records and photos to help you remember" ward says.
"Ward don't push it" coulson says, "no show me the photos" I say and they hand me a folder, there are pictures in it of me in a hospital bed but it's in a shield facility. There's photos of me smiling with ward and some other women.
I'm so confused, I guess it's possible but I don't remember. "Ok I believe you, it feels like i know you but I don't remember" I say frustrated and scared. "When can I leave,i want to get back to my normal life" I says and ward looks like his heart has broken, "you want to leave" he says his voice cracking. "Yes....." why would I want to stay ????,
"Are you sure" coulson asks and I nod, "well I'm sorry to do it like this but you can either join shield or go to jail" he says, JAIL what!!! he has some nerve, "you can black mail me like that" I say standing up, "actually we can, you hacked shield, more than once and you've hacked the government secret files" he says. "But...uh... why couldn't you just leave me alone, I was perfectly happy" I say as a tear slides down my face. I don't want to join this 'team' I want to go home but they will never let me leave. "Fine" I say, I'll just run away when there all asleep.

They let me out of the stupid cell and I'm now standing in front of the team. "This is Simmons, and this is fitz they are the scientists-"
"Actually biochem and engineering" Simmons says and I nod. "This is May she flys the plane and her and ward our are espionage specialists" coulson says as he points to an Asian, tall and very beautiful women who holds out a hand for me to shake. "And this is triplet, he is the newest part of our team",
"Oh yeh your the one who shot me" i laugh and shake his hand, "well technically I didn't shoot you, I iced you with our night night gun, harmless" he says. Wow he is really cute and his smile is adorable. "Well I forgive you" I say and turn to coulson, "and you are the man who blackmailed me into being somewhere I don't want to be" I say coldly "great I know everyone, I'm gonna go and unpack" I walk away leaving everyone staring after me.

Third person

"Damn she feisty" triplet says as skye walks away. Coulson looks down at the ground sadly and walks away May following closely behind. when they are both in his office he slumps down on his chair, "she hates me" he says and May nods sitting on his desk in front of him, "you had to do what you had to do Phil, thank you for getting her back" she says genuinely and takes his hand, squeezes it and walks out.
"Skye dinner time" Simmons says as she knocks in Skye's door, "ok come in if you want" skye says and opens the door. Simmons walks I'm and sits on the bed, skye sits next to her. "Were we close" skye asks out of the blue and Simmons nods, "We were like sisters, yeh we were very close, you dont have a family and when you joined out team you once said that we had become your family" Simmons says a tear skidding down her cheek. "I'm so sorry" skye says hugging her. They hug for a minute or so until Simmons pulls back and says "So I was looking through my phone and found photos of stuff we've done or places we'd been and they might help jog your memory" she says even tho they both know that's not gonna happen, but skye takes it anyway thanking her as they both make their way to dinner.

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