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This is about them being rescued. I hope you enjoy xx

Coulson pov

We are still up in this plane, for goodness sake when is help gonna get here I called hours ago. Fitz is looking after Simmons who is still in shock and probably has a broke leg, sky is sitting with Simmons and fitz with an ice pack held to her cut head. Ward is sitting on the pilot chair but not actually flying the plane since no one else but May can so the plane is on auto pilot which means it's hard to ovoid lightning so the plane is constantly being hit. May is lying in my lap, unconscious and I'm trying to stop her head from bleeding but it won't stop. Taking a closer look at her cut it's far more deep than we thought and the amount of glass stuck in it is really bad.
"Fitz how is Simmons" I yell across the room, he comes running over to where I'm sitting. "She is still shocked but it's her leg I'm worried about it's swollen to an extensive degree and hey wrist looks broken as well" he says with a worried look ok his face, "how about you are you ok" I ask, "yup Im fine, sir you look really tired you should sleep" he says and I am suddenly aware of how tired I am funny how that happens. "Yes I'll just have a nap" I say closing my eyes and resting my head in the chair next to me.
I get woken up by the sound of another plane. I look around and only ward is awake, "wake everyone" I say to him. Once everyone Is up I pick up May who is still unconscious and ward Carries Simmons. "We need to go down to the cockpit" I yell at them so they can here me, "why" sky yells back, "because it's protocol that any rescue planes open there cockpit door and we go across" I yell. "You mean we walk across two raps in a storm, no way" she yells back. "Fine stay here then" she shuts up at that.
As we go down the spiral stairs our cockpit hanger door starts to open and the wind,rain and loud thunder whip aground us. "Be careful, don't get to close" I yell at the others, "agent coulson, get your team to to edge we will try and get as close as we can and send men over to help you get across to you" a loud voice booms through a speaker from the rescue plane. Our plane is swaying so much that it takes a long time for the rescue plane to get close enough but when they do a team of agents come across on harnesses. "Ward go with Simmons first then sky" I yell at them and the agents go and hook them onto harnesses and take them across to there plane, "fitz go" I yell, "I'm scared" he says, "don't be it's ok" I say as a agent hooks him into a harness and carries him across to the other plane. "Agent coulson, your go" the young agent says to me and puts a harness around my wast, the harness has wires that attach across to the rescue plane. I look done at May, "can you harness her in to" I yell, the man shakes his head "we don't have enough" he starts to walk me to the 'bridge' type thing that both of our cockpit doors have made, I start to half jump and half walk across to there plane.
"Coulson careful" the agent yells, but it's to late I'm slipping, I fall through the gap and I fall and fall and fall. The air whooshes around me and I feel sick that's when I remember May is in my hands so I hold on to her so tight. Suddenly I stop falling, I look up and see the wire, ha of course the wire stopped me from falling to my death, "coulson are you ok" someone yells, "yes, hurry I can't hold may like this for much longer" I yell back to them, They start to pull me back up by the wire. May starts to slip out of my hands, she's to heavy I can't hold her, "hurry up, she's slipping" I yell up to the agents and they start to pull the ripe faster. When I'm almost there may starts to slip more so I hoist her up on my shoulders "grab her quickly" I say and someone yanks her by her hands over the side of the plane, but not before her head hits the metal side hard. "Hey be careful she is already hurt" I yell at the agent, "I'm sorry it was an accident" he says as the other agents finally pull me up and on to the plane. "That's fine, is everyone ok" I say looking around to my team who are all in blankets and have bandages on there cuts, "what's going to happen to our plane" I ask as I kneel down next to May and look at where she just hit her head but her head is covered in blood, "shot" I mutter. "We have a pilot across there now he is going to follow us out, you guys are not that far into the storm anymore because your plane has drifted of-course, oh and I'm agent Neal and this is my team" he says, "hi Neal thanks for the help" I say to him as I sit down, "with all due respect why couldn't we just fly the plane out " ward asks, "Because May is are only pilot and she has been unconscious for several hours and Because we couldn't see, they are following the rescue plan
Out" I reply. "Okay let's go" the pilot says and we start to ride out of this horrible storm.
The ride was bumpy loud and I got horrible motion sickness but at least we are out, we just landed in shields main hospital landing pad and May was rushed inside first, sky, fitz, ward and me all were told to go with Simmons. After
x-Rays they told us her leg and arm were both broken. Then they sorted out sky, "how did this happen" a doctor asks as he picks out a wood splinter from her head, "I feel into a cabinet" she says and the doctor laughs, "your lucky you will be fine, possible that you will get big head aches but that's all, we will give you medicine for that" he says as he takes off the old bandage and puts a proper one over her cut. "What about agent Malinda May" skye asks looking worried, "um...... I don't know sorry you can go and see her doctor if you want" he says. "Ward and fitz stay with the girls please" I say, "ok sir" they both say as I walk out.

Simmons pov

"I hope mays ok, she was unconscious for ages" fitz says to me, I nod in agreement. Coulson has been gone for an hour, our plane is being repaired because it's really damaged and. It should take a week or so to fix
(I know that's not realistic but just go with it :) )
My leg is sore and I'm really tired but fitz has been talking to me and got me a Starbucks, he's a great friend. "I feel so bad about May " fitz says, "what why it wasn't your fault" I say to him, "no because of her last team that she told us about and how they died, I thought she was just mean and cold but she has a reason to be, you know?" He Says. "Yeh same, I wish I knew sooner and I bet sky feels even worse, they weren't very nice to each other" I say, "yeh" he says.
Fitz lyes down next to me and puts his arm around me, I soon fall to sleep.

Hey guys
I hope you like it so far. Please don't forget to press the vote buttons and comment what you think it would mean heaps to me !!!!
Thank you heaps
Bye xx

P.s. - I am sick so I have written three chapters in one day....!!!

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