Pancakes and Nightmares

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Hey guys double update because I feel kind 😄
Enjoy !!

Wards pov

"Wake up, wake up" I yell outside the cubby rooms. It's 8 am and everyone is asleep.

When I woke up the water for the water fight yesterday had started to spread into my cubby, so here I am banging pots together trying to wake the team up so that we can clean up.

"Stop, for god sake ward" May says as she sleepily walks out of her room and yanks the pans from my hands.

"I was trying to sleep"

"Sorry" I say and continue to yell.

Skye walks out next looking almost as pissed as May.

"Ward.....what the hell Is wrong with you" she says, I just shrug at her, "it's tidy up time" I sing.

After fitz and Simmons come out of there cubby rooms there is only coulson left.

"Alright, everyone yell wake up in three, one , two, three"

"WAKE UP" everyone yells. We all wait, but finally a very angry coulson comes out of his room.

"Ward, will you explain yourself" he says.

"Yes, ummmm....the water from yesterday has leaked into my cubby and I just figured we should tidy it up" I say,

"Right then, were up now, let's clean up the mess and then get breakfast" he says looking at the others who already look asleep sitting on the sofa.

Everyone stands up except for May so he picks her up.

"Drop me now" she says so sternly that even I jump.

We all make our way to the cleaning supply closet, "ok we need mops and lots of them" coulson says.

When we reach the closet sky open it and a dark hooded figure jumps out at us.

Everyone screams and May jumps forward and kicks it, the person doubles over and stops moving.

Simmons walks up to it and pulls of the cloak, "for god sake it's a broom" she says laughing nervously.

I look at the thing and she's right it's a broom with a dark hat on, what the hell.

Everyone let's out a sigh, "more pranks, really" coulson says "who did this".

"Not me" may says defensively.

"Well I think it must have been ward, because everyone else was asleep" skye says pointing a finger at me.

I just shrug mysteriously and walk into the closet.

After we found enough mops we began to tidy up. The water had covered the hallway, the cockpit and the cubby area as well as the hall ways.

By the time we had cleaned up the water and vacuumed water out of the carpet it was 12:00.

"I am so hungry" fitz complains, "me too" skye says dramatically holding a hand to her stomach.

"Let's go and eat then, I can make pancakes" Simmons says and everyone cheers up, "everyone loves pancakes then" Simmons mutters to herself as she walks into the kitchen with fitz.

Me Coulson, skye and May all go into the dinning room.

Coulson's pov

Fitzsimmons are making us pancakes and the smell is making my mouth water. Sky and ward are playing chess and me and May are sitting at the table.

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