Dates and infected objects

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"I can't believe that coulson Is director coulson" skye says to Simmons and trip and she bites into her sandwich. They are all sitting around in the kitchen waiting for there mission details, "I know we are working on the same team as the director it's incredible" Simmons says and laughs "yeh but he is Gonna have hardly anytime on his hands with ll the stress of being director" trip says, "true, but hill is helping him, there sort of halving the responsibility" skye says "I don't even know you could do that" fitz says walking in and stands next to Simmons. "Um Jemma can I talk to you" fits says and they walk out. "Aww they are so cute" skye says and trip rolls his eyes.
"What's up fitz" Simmons asks, "I'm will you go on another date with me tonight, before out next mission" fits says and Simmons smiles brightly "yes of of course I would love to",
"Great be ready by 6" he says and she nods, "do you want to go to the lab" Simmons asks and they head of to the lab.

"Hey director" may says smirking as she walks into coulson office. Coulson looks up at her and laughs like a fan boy, "oh man, I can't come to grips with the fact that me and hill are directors of shield" coulson says and May sits down "yeh well you better not be all..... bossy and uptight" May laughs "because that won't go well with the team",
"Yeh I know, nothing will change I promise" he says and she nods "So do we have a mission" she asks and he nods "ok where do we have to go" May asks "South Africa" he says.
"Simmons you looks great" skye says "so I'm not to dressy" she asks and skye shakes her head "your going out for dinner, you need to look nice" skye laughs. Simmons is wearing a light purple dress that hugs her chest and floats loosely down her abdomen, it's was strapless and beautiful. "Jemma, are you in there" fitz says nocking on the door, "um yeh come in" she says and fitz comes in, "ok I'll be off then, have fun kids" skye says as she slips out the room. "Wow uh Simmons you look beautiful" fitz says and Simmons blushes "ok let's go" she says and he holds out his hand for her to take, she takes it and the head to the car that's waiting in the cargo bay.
"Ok here we are" fitz says as he pulls up to a restaurant that looks extremely posh, "wow fitz is this where we are eating it's beautiful". It was I typical Spanish ( were the plane is landed at the moment) restaurant. Candles hung up along the fence and strung up above the outside tables that glows in the dark night sky. Rose and many other variety of flower bushes, line the courtyard. They take a table outside in the courtyard because it was beautiful and altho it was night time the air was warm. A waiter comes and brings them champaign. "Cheers" fitz says holding up his glass "haha, cheers" Simmons laughs clinking her glass against fitz's. They both order, fitz orders Pisto - Spanish ratatouille and simmons orders a paella. "This is really beautiful fitz how did you hear about this place" Simmons says taking a small sip of whine. "I, uh I talked to coulson" he says quietly, "aww you talked to coulson for date advice, that's adorable" Simmons says and fitz blushes, "I wanted you to like it" he says, "I really like you fitz" Simmons says, she looks down blushing not realising she had said that out loud.
"Uh..... I don't know what to say" fitz says and Simmons looks upset "if the obvious response doesn't come to you then just forget it" Simmons says quietly, "no Simmons I didn't mean it like that, I had this whole speech planned out I even practiced it on the mirror and ward said it was romantic" fitz admits and Simmons tries to hide the beams coming for her face "but you've ruined that now" fitz laughs nervously, "you can still say it and I can pretend I didn't have any idea" simmons offers but he shakes his head "I really like you to Simmons" he says and she laughs. There food arrives and they eat in comfortable silence there heads down to hide the grins.
"Haha fitz I can't believe you would do that" Simmons laughs as fitz tells Her a story, "he was a bully" fitz defended "so you magnetised his hand to his friends bum" Simmons says "fitz your so foolish, and that's such a cute prank" she says, "I was seven it was a big deal when I was that age I thought it was the worst thing ever" he says and Simmons shakes her head "what did he do" she asks and fitz looks down "he told everyone that I still wet the bed, even tho I didn't and he burnt my folder that had all my school homework and assignments for the next two weeks, The teachers didn't believe my excuse so I got failed on all of them" he says sadly, "oh fitz I'm sorry, that's terrible" she says and takes his hand. "No the worst thing he did was trick me that the teacher wanted to speak to me so I went into the class room and he locked me in the closet and then told the teacher that I was stealing the answers, he also burnt my lab when we were older he came to my house and burnt my lab that I built" he says angrily and Simmons squeezes his hand, "I didn't know you got bullied" she said and he nodded "looking back it was silly to get upset but at the time it was the worst thing in the world" he says.

Back on the bus

"Ok, we are ready to leave, gass tanks full and coordinates are set we just have to wait for fitzsimmons to get back" Coulson says to May, trip, skye and ward who are all sitting in the lounge. Are mission is simple it's just to extract an infected object from the shield base and bring transport it to the shield base in America, I am also hoping Simmons and fitz can take a look at it because we are still trying to identify the alien disease that has latched itself onto this object" coulson says, "ok cool" Trip says "what's the object", "it's just a chunk of metal that was found, but the person that found it died and had strange symptoms like when they touched metal it gave electrical shots and the ability to move any objects without there control, when they died they caused an electrical explosion pulse that caused any electronics or big metal objects to stop working, and basically die then the person or people would die but from what iv heard it wasn't pretty",
"So you don't know the side effect or ability of this object" ward says and coulson nods "ok well hopefully Simmons will be able to sort it out" he adds.
"Thank you so much, I had so much fun tonight" Simmons says and fitz laughs "same" he says and he closes his car door taking Simmons hand as they walk up the stair case and to their cubbies. "What time is it" Simmons asks yawning, "it's about 11" he says "so everyone is asleep",
"Ok, well goodnight" she says and fitz nods "yeh goodnight. Simmons turns to go into her cubby but fitz stops her "will you be my girlfriend" he asks "if you want" he adds, "of course" she smiles and he let's out a breath "ok good" he says and kisses her on the cheek "night" he says and before she can even reply he is scurrying away to his cubby.

Hey guys

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