Bad nights

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Simmons pov

Skye still hasn't woken up and I don't know what to do. me and fitz extracted the dentotoxin before it could mix with the paracetamol and before the chemical reaction had fully started in her body so I don't know what to do. She feel back to sleep an hour or so after her talk with ward and she hasn't woken up since, it's been a week.

Iv hardly seen May since she told us about her nightmares, but I do hear her every night, getting up going to re kitchen or the training room anything to stop her from sleeping I guess.

Me and fitz have spent almost every waking hour together, even more than usual. We've been laughing and talking and iv had great fun, but lately he has been acting weird a bit nervous.

"Hey, Simmons" ward says as he walks in to the kitchen and pours himself a coffee, "no she's not awake and no I don't know when she'll wake up" I says and he looks shocked "you've asked me those questions every time you seen me for a week" I laugh and he nods sitting down next to me. "So what's up" I ask trying to start a conversation, he just looks at me "yeh I know stupid question" I laugh and he chuckles and stands up, "time for training,see you later ok" he says, "yeh bye" I say and he smiles before walking away.

Mays pov

"They've got hostages" someone whispers to me and I turn to see Phil, "iv got to go in" I say and grab Phil's gun "no May your not going anywhere" he says grabbing my arm but I shake it off and head toward the building where the hostages are being held.

As I slowly approach the building i see three or four armed men standing by the door, I slowly a roach them and then grab a rock from the nearby garden and chuck it at the opposite wAll. They all turn and begin to shout and run over to where I chucked the rock I take this as my opportunity to run to the entrance. I slip In unnoticed, I close the door and I quickly glance back to where I came from where the other four shield teams including mine are hiding. "Hey, who are you" a man yells running up to me and taking out his gun, I grab his hand and twist in pulling back his thumb till I hear a farad factory snap, his gun drops to the floor, "help" he yells and I hear voices and foot steps "oh shit" I say and sighs hitting Him as hard as I can with the tip of the gun kocking him on the floor. I run up the stairs and follow the voices until I get to a large door I peek through the key whole and see them. The you he women and several shield agents, friends of mine, tied up against a wall.

The men that have captured them are what you would call 'worshipers' of an extremely dangerous unregistered gifted man, we have no idea what he is but some say he was one of centipedes first experiments that got to dangerous so they tried to put him down, but he escaped, and he's been killing and torturing shield agents ever since. Just as I'm wonder where all the security men are I hear someone cough behind me and I turn around gun pointed at the mans head, "your jot supposed to be here" he says and three other men step out from around the corner, "nope" I say and shoot him, the other men run forward and one punched me hard in the face I grab his arm and twist it around but he brings his knee up and Kicks my stomach. I grab him arm and twist it then punch him hard in the face and jump up kicking him chest so he falls back, another man comes up behind me and u feel two strong hands hold my arms while a man comes up to me and punches me hard and harder until my vision is blurry, I try to free myself from the other mans grip but can't and ok about to give up when I hear an ear piecing scream coming from the room where the hostages are being kept. The man laughs and Just as he's about to throw another punch I grab his writs and snap it. I bring my legs up and fun up his legs like a ramp and swing my legs over the man who's holding my shoulders he screams in pain as his arms snap and he recoils hiding in the corner. "Bitch" the other man yells at me and shoots my foot he runs toward me but stops as I shoot his right in the stomach. That's two bullets which mean I only have six more. I turn and kick down the locked door, the hostages all look at me and the agents recognise me right away but so do the three guard men and they all advance onto me.

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